Chancellor Merkel is opening gamescom for the first time

>Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel will open gamescom, the world’s largest event for computer and video games, for the first time on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 in Cologne. This was announced today jointly by Koelnmesse, organiser of gamescom, and the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (BIU) as gamescom sponsor.

>“We consider it a great honour and a sign of recognition that Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel will this year participate in the opening tour of gamescom”, says Felix Falk, Managing Director of the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (BIU).

>“The visit of Dr. Merkel underlines the importance of the games industry for the cultural, digital and business location of Germany. Whether virtual reality, gamification or 3D simulations: the technologies of the games industry already play a central role in the digitalisation and networking of the economy and society. Germany needs a strong games industry in order to also secure itself a top position in the digitalised economy.”

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See you when a bunch of PC gamers get RIPed by a semi-truck


it should be easy for those wake just vote with your money

ew why

Muslims and police are gonna play real CSGO. Super jelly



She likes playing Runescape. She said so in an interview once.

Not even kidding.

>we want the gamer vote
the absolute state of alemania


Well gaymers are mosty liberal numales with no Real life. How odd liberals target them


mostly, yes, but not all

Merkel is aiming to keep her constituency happy.

>vote for me young goyim, I am 'hip' and 'with it'

>Germany, the country where games censored so that women aren't to uncovered and no right-wing organizations
>"We really think videagames are important"

Kek. Germany is cucked even compared to Sweden in so many ways. Its like they are trying to overcuck eachother.

I see the headlines now....

>BILD: Russian Nazi Gamers kill Merkel!!!

Sup Forums to become legend for all eternity..... nggngngnn

good for us it will be double safe.
But some Infos for you guys.
>Since last year its not allowed to carry Cosplay Weapons because it could frighten the visitors or the people in cologne.
>Before you enter the Event your pockets and your body gets controlled.
>They said its better to dont take Pockets with you so they can control you easier.
As i said when the cancelor is coming its good for us visitors because they will make sure no one will interrupt the event.


Haha funny

Ok This means NO GAMESCOM for me and my wife this year. Fuck Merkel

The sole good thing about Merkel winning is it proves that rebbit can't meme for shit

Don't you want to appear on a photo stating:

>"thousands arrive at gamescom to show their support for merkel!"

Can't wait to hear all of the reports of people getting run over by rogue trucks in the parking lot.

Fuck Emma Thomson looks like shit nowdays

people that boo her will be escorted to tolerance camp like the rest of the bigots online

Unfortunately there are not enough redpilled people to make a dent.

Isn't Germany a country that censors those Wolfenstein games

>Merkel is actually the conservative option in Germany.
>but her policies make even the American Democrats blush


you funny, we kill ((you)) last

So this is how it all begins? The fourth reich and roll? With a buttugly face bitch, and a frog eating mannequin?

Don't forget political opinions

Hopefully she gets booed of the stage like the Swedish PM did here

>vote with your money
>if they don't vote the same as me they're wrong
If you don't like the free market you can leave, commie.

People who boo her are removed from her speech/whatever she's doing

Like here

Ordnung muss sein, Franzl.

Young Germans do not want a communist authoritarian state in which they cannot succeed in life except if they are a party member shill.

All germans who are in favour of the current situation are either proxies or trolls.

That's it I'm a #merkhammed now

Und man darf auch wie man sieht seine Meinung frei äußern, weiß gar nicht was alle haben
Man darf sie halt nur nicht äußern wo man will und nur weil man für das äußern seiner Meinung strafrechtlich verfolgt wird, heißt es noch lange nicht das man zensiert wird, auch das Löschen von Facebook-Posts ist mit der freien Meinungsäußerung konform, weil

Außerdem Facebook & co. können sich ja auch gegen das neue Gesetz wehren, müssen halt nur mit den Konsquenzen leben

Es ist schön in einem so freien und tolernanten Land zu leben

>playing westerncuck trash

Show me a single Japanese game with "diversity".

so she really is autistic

I've spent decades gaming, online and off - and the runescape fags always seemed to be the most autistic by far

provided by (((Soros))) & sponsored by Merkel


>Yo, das ist dope amirite
>Ich bin kewl ja
>Remember to vote for me, mein young voters
I hope the german kids are as woke as the rest of the world's young generation, what ever they are called.

I think it's a little late for that, with the war coming and all, but who knows....

I'd rather be a weeb than a cuck m8.

At least I don't have to endure playing games with gay black female protagonists because western devs enforce diversity quotas in games.

Bist du ein Bot oder warum schreibst du so scheiße?

>>Germany, the country where games censored so that women aren't to uncovered
What? Are you confusing Germany with the US?

>tfw you PK the chancellor of Germany

Also, on top of that.

She just wants all the young people to play videogames instead of protesting against her current regime. She (and the shadowgovernment behind her) knows that people who play videogames all day can't reproduce, so Ali and Mohammed have a free go at Franziska and Heidi.

Bread and Circus.

meanwhile her party banning games deemed unclean.
>>what is the bpjm

But what about your wife's son?

I thought about attending this year, I definitely won't now.
ich will

Well, that does it. I'm quitting the vidya.

It's clearly become a jewish tool rather than the escapism that losers were offered years ago.


fishing lvl?

>world’s largest event for computer and video games
wtf germany, you cannot compete, you do not even have dorito pope, and your vidya gaem laws are a joke, as well as your vidya gaems that are mostly forklift/tractor/other shit operator

Conventions are for degenerates, doesn't matter which one. Whatever crawls around there, is not fit to reproduce anyway so it is all good. Not to mention that all the good games are illegal in Cuckmany anyway... you got to go to a private event to enjoy those, no cuckshits there

Germans should take this chance and do what is necessary.

>Hundreds, if not thousands of muslim invaders will go
>Reports of dozens of women and children being sexually harassed
>If media covers it up, Streisand Effect occurs
>If they dont, it can only redpill the masses

The world is waking up, can you feel it?

the dune coon is practicing on euro truck simulator as we speak

It's the jews' laws baby, they fear nothing more than a alpha male populace

So we raised one in secret... and got raised in secret....

and now they begin to freak out heheh

let's wait until entire streets burn and everything descends into muslim chaos, then our time will come

Buying gf

Right come to Germany for gamescom and possibly get blown up too... Sounds great.

they won't get us out of our bunkers this time

I only wanted to play my vidya and read books
I never asked for this, but I will defend my hobbies and my way of life until I die

She knows how to get votes, that's for sure.

Elections are around corner and German manchildren are gullible as fuck.


I just hope NoE stays away from her.




Imagine the ovations she will get by the German cucks.

>meanwhile mass rapes this year 25% up... coincidentally

Or play a game that's for adults.



> mfw the shitposting australian is back at it again.

You do realise that most people buying these video games are either teenagers (of whom the mojority don't have jobs) or goverment leeches?

This is your chance Germanycucks. Kill her. Please.

>wah teenagers aren't allowed to buy vidya according to me so they don't count!


germany doesnt classify games as art so some laws apply differently than the rest of the world

>Playing Japanese """""games""""" like a fucking weeaboo.





What the he'll is gamescom, and how is it larger than E3 or the Tokyo gameshow?


nerds are going to get blown up

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad

Wow she's an autist like us

last year cosplayers weren't allowed to bring toy guns

Gamescom is shit anyway.

I remember when it was still called Games Convention. The first two years were great. You could just walk up to the nearest booth and play games that weren't released yet, would also get tons of swag for free everywhere.

Then with every year more and more people visited, the halls became crowded and all the unwashed sweaty nerds would sitnk up the place. Suddenly you had to wait in line to watch a fucking trailer and in order to get advertising items from publishers you had to compete in laughable events and stage competitions.
Also pathetic cosplayers everywhere we just came there to attention whore.

Never went there again after 2004.

>The visit of Dr. Merkel underlines the importance of the games industry for the cultural, digital and business location of Germany

you really show it by being one of the most fucking difficult markets to sell to with all the retarded censorship laws



Germans in video games are total fucking cucks. One of them called me a dirty fascist and vote kicked me when I shot a swastika in a wall with bullets.
Then again, the average German is also a beta male cuck faggot.

this can't mean good. Witch stay out of my game industry!

Toy guns are too dangerous in current Germany.

She'll be giving a live demo of EA's new refugee enrichment simulator

she should use less makeup

Can you smoke weed in this game?

You mean like this garbage?
Fucking hell every westerncuck game is about WAR.

Can't western devs ever make a game that isn't about shooting people?

>tfw you just wanted to enjoy this year's Gamescom in peace
>tfw it might get alloha-snackbaru because she came to visit