Happy 22th June!

On this day, 424 years ago, at the Sisak, the united armies of Slovenes and Croats said no to the Ottomans... and by saying no, I mean we pushed the Mudslimes into the river and they all drowned.

Cheers Croat Bros! Let's not give up on our friendship!

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That's awesome.


Cuck's redemption?

>tfw today us a national holiday where we celebrate Croatian commies starting Antifa in 1941

Complete faggotry

Yugo commies are top commies, don't be ashamed


If it's any consultation, at least Yugo Commies weren't as bad as bad as East ones.


> at least Yugo Commies weren't as bad as bad as East ones
You know nothing about Yugo commies then Janez

My local church was built as a memento of our victory.

Someone post Szigetvar

By the way I love Slovenia

but how do we fix the gypsy problem? im all for drowning them in the river but we can't do that in current year

Yeah one battle at a time.
Have to survive the rapefugees 1st.


Night of Power can be any of the last 10 days of Ramadan. It aint over yet. Habbenings inbound.

BUMP, roaches BTFO


Imagine how great those soldiers felt after the battle. They defeated the nastiest Empire of the time, won a great victory for Christianity with their own two hands, saved their land, etc.

10/10 feels

Ok aj ovako moram sa tobom:
ajde slikaj neke pare ako imas kod sebe
ajde daj neku tvoju sliku ili kad si izasao i zezao se i vodio zivot
pozovi sada nekog da dodje i slikaj, prijace ti drustvo ali nista od ovoga sto pisem ti nemas to znamo svi.
Da jebem, i sex je nesto poprilicno dobro, odraz muskosti jebene i prija, jel si jebao ikada sem kroasana nesto? Znas li da jebes, imas li petlje da jebes, da startujes ribu? Pokazi neku sliku, barem poziv ili prepisku sa zenskom osobom, znam da nemas.
Jedem sta mi se jede jer imam da platim i sta je tu lose, tj meni je dobro ali tebi nije jer realno nemas, aj naruci neku klopu za 10evra ja cu da stavim strim ovde kako go radim sklekove i skacem ko majmun, nemas ni to, znamo svi, znas TI jebote!
I kako nisi luzer i kako da te ne gledam kao sisicu neku? Kazi mi kako, ajde iskreno kazi.
Samo u danasnjem danu sam se dopisivao sa ribama o kojima mozes ali bukvalno samo da sanjas do kraja zivota, ne zato sto sam le faca le mangup le vidi me vec zato sto sam musko i zato sto me cene zbog dosta toga.
Skrinsotovao sam i to. Ali je smesno da ti pustam linkove i slike riba koje su "poznate" lepe, pametne, mlade, snimke sa tv-a i ostalo kako se dopisuju sa mnom kada ces ti retard i onaj hrvat da tipa njima pisete nesto glupo, tj pravicete budale od sebe a i meni po neku komplikaciju.
Ti ces samo da vrtis guzobuljo pacenik i ostalo, jebene slinave sisice sa interneta.

jebote sta sam ovo upravo procitao
jesi ti na nekim drogama ili pilulama?

to je pasta novopederu

It's June 22? Holy fuck I haven't left my room in 6 days.

Are they, dare I say /our/ spergs?

A lot of muslim happenings are coincident with ancient lost battles, like 9/11

The fuck?

Cheers to Slovene brothers and got bless of the heroes from the Battle of Sisak.