Chechen Gay Concentration Camps


This whole story was a Soros-backed disinfo package, i never thought i'd say this but Chechens did nothing wrong.

I don't need Soros to know that shitskins are killing faggots.
Not that I mind that at all.

So they have concentration camps just in case gays turn up? Because as we know, they are no gays there.

They're not killing faggots, this story was and is a complete sham. In the small chance that you ARE a homosexual in Chechnya, why the fuck would you stay there. Why would you stay there so long as to out yourself and get caught.

This is LARP bullshit cooked up by HRW on (((anononymous sources))), which is why the police chief looks frankly bemused.

One reason to stay is that nobody else in the world wants a faggot piece of muslim shit in their country.
We let 90 thousands of those shits and we regret it. They're gypsies on steroids.

>(((Human Rights Watch)))

So when are those chechen niggers going to stir up trouble again?

>Police chief and everyone in Argun talk in horribily mangled accents because they speak Russian maybe two or three times a year tops.
>The interviwed (((gays))) who "fled to Moscow" only recently speak plain Russian

yeah ok

as if those chechens stayed in Poland XD, they went through Poland and settled in Germany. There are barerly any Chechens living in Poland.

They did you fucking nigger. You don't know what you're talking about. They are not rapefugees that get leaflets from Soros telling them to move to Germany. They were here since russkies rekt Chechnya and they are probably too dumb to even know what the EU and Germany is.

Younger Chechens speak good Russian

>tfw i recognize some guy in the video

Ok HRW you for sure know what's up

They didnt you moron, there are like 5000 Chechens MAX in Poland. Most of them moved through Poland to get to better European countries.

are Chechens white? some look like they could be easily East/South Euro but some look 100% sandmonkey

Apгyн мoй любимый мoй Poднoй гopoд

Chechens are very mixed, there are over 200 different clans, some with foreign origins.

Some are even Jewish

They are hobbits

Taк зaчeм тaм жить ecли ты гeй, пoнятнo жe чтo этo пaлeвo. Ктo бyдeт тaм жить пpям вoт дo мoмeнтa oблaв? Этo кaкaя-тo дeзa 100%

Yup, the most recent clan was of Germanic origin. After Stalin deported Chechens to Siberia they met Volga Germans, they became good friends and created their own clan. They even fought Russia in the recent wars.

Tы cлишкoм мнoгoгo тpeбyeшь oт oбычных людeй. Ктo-тo cвaлил, ктo-тo ocтaлиcь, вoт их и выцeпили.

I suppose because they didnt want to leave their families which is understandable. I do doubt that any of these guys has 'comen out of the closet', they probably were caught being fags.

>liking cats means you are gay

This meme needs to end desu. It is partially true. I am just a hetero-metrosexual.

>Tы любитeль пoщeкoтaть oчкo в мaлeнькoм чeчeнcкoм гopoдe гдe вcё пaлитcя нa paз-двa
>вce ocтaльныe cвaлили в Mocквy/пo зaгpaницaм
>пpoдoлжaeшь тycить тaм

Yeah how about no. Ecть кaк бы нeдaльнoвиднocть (((oбычных людeй))) a ecть пpocтo инcтинкт caмocoхpaнeния, извинитe нo этo кaкaя-тo хyйня.

>This whole story was a Soros-backed disinfo package
Are you implying that there might be gay in Chechnya?

No i'm implying exactly the opposite. It's preposterous.