U.S. test to shoot down missile FAILS

Why would somebody publish this? Is there anything to be gained from giving this information to the public?

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>I want my government to lie to me so I can feel safe

You'll die first

Any number of reasons. I would hope that the reason is to motivate the military-industrial complex to spend its time on more sensical defensive weapons systems than trying to hit a missile with a missile.

I hope the reason is not to stir up the NK narrative until it turns into some sort of real conflict.

To force someone to act, you need a reliable bluff.

But Korea can barely even launch a missile in the first place.

Yeah, it's the reason why we couldn't protect the liberal areas from being nuked.

i would like to know how my tax dollars are being spent

>Mr. President, we need to do something about North Korea, their nukes can reach California and Hawaii
Can we stop them if they launch?
>Yes we can
Don't. After Californa and Hawaii are wiped off the map, people will call to me to punish Korea. We not only get rid of 2 very cancerous states, but I solve the Korean problem. Nationalism will be at am all time high and that's when we finally wipe the sand niggers out

you stupid burgers better do everything in your hands to save the south korean waifus

oh no that sucks

Instead of shooting one projectile to intercept the ballistic missile why not shoot a Shotgun like spread of projectiles

>Instead of shooting one projectile to intercept the ballistic missile why not shoot a Shotgun like spread of projectiles

The spread of projectiles wouldn't really make the missile any easier to hit.

Work is being done on a laser defense system, but it's only really applicable during the boost phase, as reentry vehicles have special coatings on them to deal with the compression heating effects of re-entry... that, and they spin.

However, theoretically, it's really just a matter of putting enough energy on target in as short a time as possible.

I have a few ideas on how to improve a laser defense system... I wonder if I could make any money off of it by selling them to DARPA or whatever?

Propaganda perpetrating as an actual defense mechanism.

So why aren't we using lasers for this shit? Seems a lot better than hitting a missile with another missile.

It's not lying if they just ignore the failure. Broadcasting your flaws is one way to make sure they are exploited.

What if the second test was successful, but we want the norks to make the first move, so we only publish the result of the first test.

Maybe it's good that way, since that war won't benefit anybody but very few rich and cause huge problems. North Korea probably won't attack USA out of blue sky.

Your digits speak.


how often does this happen?

Could it be.....have we reached 5-d chess??

>advertising your failed anti missile tests to the world

Holy shit America.

You are legit asking to be nuked, fucking stupid yanks.

Didn't they just test this and it was a roaring success they shit down 100 missiles!

One day,destroyer misses a container ship coming its way,the next day space corps,the next day cant shoot down a missile.
Its disinfo about real capability.

Glad to see others saved that pic and are using it.

>Can't shoot down missile
>Can't see a giant freighter ship

tell me again how the US carriers are lmaoimpenetrable and not pieces of shit useless for fighting real armies

Likely every country with an intelligence service knew it failed. It looks less pathetic to just run the stories and approach it as if this were part & parcel to development programs

came to post this... wait for them to fire... so you can make your final move.

reverse psychology. This way other countries will be more confident about attacking America, only to be met with unprecedented opposition, thereby allowing America to suffer no casualties but gain a reason to invade whatever country the "attackers" come from.

It worked back in 9/11.

>mfw living in Tampa.

>tfw in that clear area along the border between New York and Pennsylvania.
At least I won't die immediately.

To panhandle for more money

Public humilliation is a good motivational tool.

>more sensical defensive weapons systems than trying to hit a missile with a missile.

With what then u fucking nerd? A laser? A force field ?


Its just Fear Mongering, these tests probably fail all the time

Ballistic Missile Shield is pure placebo to the population remain calm, when the Nukes already in the Air, nothing in this planet can stop 10 thousand Nukes falling from the Sky from both sides.


What's in Montana and North Dakota?

is wales white like england?

Dense packed nuclear missile silos. They're in Wyoming too. They're all put together because they can only be targeted by ground burst, and the hope is that the debris generated will prevent further missile strikes until it has had time to settle.

Given that first strike nuclear war tactics are generally counterforce rather than countervalue, they're high-priority targets.

A lot of our nuclear missile silos; check out the American Green Sponge defense strategy

to ask for more gibs me dats from congress

what congressman is gonna to shrink the pentagon budget after this?

Impossible! We paid a lot of money for our junk so this is impressible...

Ah, ye Olde' battle of the spherical war cows...

a.k.a. missiles vs lasers.


it's a good read, tries to summarize lengthy newsgroup discussions by bored scientists about which would be better for space combat, missiles or lasers.

relevant to this discussion.

>Why would somebody publish this? Is there anything to be gained from giving this information to the public?

The public hires and fires the government officials so yes. Also we should already know the nuke interception technology is shit. We need lasers for it to be effective and Im pretty sure that means we need an evolution in battery tech.


>why would someone publish this.

literal baiting someone to shoot a missile

If we cant intercept them no one can user.