Today, they call for the systematic abortion of white babies to destroy the family unit...

Today, they call for the systematic abortion of white babies to destroy the family unit. Tomorrow they call for our genocide in the streets.

This artical is unacceptable.

I think it's time for a complete and final solution to the feminist question

>recommended articles: Why we need to stop gendering babies
This has to be a troll site, right? I refuse to believe this is real

404 oy vey

that is the worst site I have ever seen on the internet.

>Why we need to stop gendering babies
>thinking that is just satire

Salon had an article just like that years ago.

>Is it better to play the odds, or play it safe? Think carefully. Infant gender assignment might just be Russian roulette with your baby's life.

The author says she's Christian. WTF is this degeneracy, USA? Explain yourselves.


This is a satyre website, right?

Can't find anymore info on the writer of this trash.

This cannot be serious. It's probably bait

If that build up was about circumcision it would have actually made sense.

>claims to be Christian
>claims to be for Jesus
>calling for abortion
>calling for abortion of a specific race

I will personally shove every last Communist into a gas chamber and a mass grave.

saw two medusamagazine articles posted on Sup Forums today so far, total clickbait garbage.
every article they have is trolling for ad revenue. red meat for SJWs to salivate over and play the victim, and fodder for anyone decent to condemn.
fuck you OP for promoting this garbage, you probably work at medusa magazine you fucking faggot. EVEN IF you posted an archive link.

that bitch is uglyer than any nigger,wetback,kike or rag head on the planet. lets hope they do a abortion on her with a giant wood chipper

Difference between skirt and kilt

Whole article must have been written in a desperate atemt to get attention and readers (and they probably succeeded).

Aritcle should be SAGED

If this is satire, it's 10/10. I suspect it isn't, however. Cf. Poe's Law.

Good, let them come it'll be fun.

remember that white genocide is just a conspiracy theory goy.