Are there any non racist IQ studies? Or are the Kangs right?

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Africa was a mistake

The only measurements on IQ today are hilariously outdated and retarded. Truth is, India demolishes the US in IQ now


Do you have stats on that? I got into a debate and the person said all IQ studies are racist.

Should we just scrap white science and go back to the real science, black science?

Countries of a similar culture scored better on a test created by people from that same type of culture?

Very scientific. Also, very scientific to try and turn intelligence into some objective thing you can test for.

White people created IQ tests, but Asians score highest, how does that work?

Given that racism is now contingent upon outcomes, they are right in their own minds.

Yea, so it's difficult to explain and debate.

Because Asians are forced to excel academically in Western cultures.

As i study psychology, known to be one of the greatest achievments you can have in your life, i can reassure that niggers are worthless and should be banned out of our countries

>Truth is, India demolishes the US in IQ now
Sure pajeet

All IQ studies since the 50s have been non-racist to the point of being obscurist when it comes to reporting just how dumb niggers actually are. You could safely assume the nigger IQ is probably one full standard deviation lower than what's being reported.

going 2 need a source on that pal

That's not true at all. The stereotype of the smart pooinloo only exists because there are >1 billion of you street-shitters, and even though your IQ is like 85 on average, even if 0.001% of pajeets are smart, that'd still be millions and millions and millions, and the cherrypicked cream of the crop ends up flooding over into the US and britain.

This graph doesn't take into account the fact that intelligent people from 3rd world countries move to the west to study and practice their professions.

sorry but that isn't true

>ll IQ studies are racist.
Remember - when somebody says science is racist it means it's just not on their side.

Not enough to explain a 30 point difference in IQ.

>china >105
I'm so tired of seeing this. Honestly, these are just ways for Sup Forums and the other insecure, virgin Nazis to pretend they are smarter than a bunch of "inferior blacks."
Got over yourselves neckbeards. Go lament how you can't find an "Aryan qt"

Blacks for physical work
Asians for mental work
And the whites who make ballance and rule them all

Bix nood mafucka, do that black shiet and erase da ebil whitey maths and sciuncis.