What IS the point in national/racial pride? I never chose to be born here in this country and I never chose to be white...

What IS the point in national/racial pride? I never chose to be born here in this country and I never chose to be white. So why should I be proud in something that I never accomplished?

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Why shouldn't you?

Because it's your identity user.

What does choice have to do with anything? You don't choose where you're born, you are a direct biological continuation of your ancestors. You ARE them. You are literally made of the same matter, the same blood, the same genetic material. "You" don't exist, you are part of something greater, and that something is your race, your nation, your people. Your race has accomplished great things, and it is your responsibility to add to that grand tally.

That is racial pride. Not taking credit for things you didn't do, but RECOGNIZING that great things have been done by your people and holding yourself to a higher standard because of it. If you fail to do this, or if you despoil your race, you are a traitor, you have failed at the one task for which you were born, your one genetic responsibility.

If you don't see the "point" in fulfilling your duty, then you have already failed in it, and you should kill yourself.

Be proud you're not some sort of nigger

Because you've got nothing else going for you.

What's the point of doing anything if it can't be passed on to the next generation? And now, it's your turn to take what was given to you, add to it, and pass it on.

A lie developed by the Left, who, having no self-esteem and no appreciation for their race, nation and society (despite being so-called collectivists lol) genuinely believe that the only reason anyone would feel affiliation for their nation is out of insecurity.

This is funny--because we have scientific evidence that in fact, it is the other way around. Those with high self esteem, high productivity and great ambition are more likely to be right-wing and tribalistic. Those who act in accordance with the organic truth of the Nation are those who feel that their value is greater than the callow demands of their selfish flesh.

It is Leftists who have nothing going for them. That is why they try to bring everyone else down to their level. The Right wants to ascend, the Left desires equity at ground level.

>what's the point of liking your family?
>I didn't choose to be born into it

Shut up chicano. Why don't you go and cut my lawn while we are at it? Punk

>being so autistic you don't understand the basics of teamwork and peer to peer interactions within a group that make up the foundation of national/racial pride

>scientific evidence
whip it out

Guess I'm a traitor, then.


Here is one I have on my phone. A simple example--but more than you have. Right Wing Men (the only kind of men) tend to be physically strong and athletic, whereas Left Wing Cuckolds are weak, and effeminate. Other studies have shown a lack of self-esteem correlates strongly to left-wing thought, as well as low income and a desire for social welfare programs.

I asked for scientific evidence not a clickbait opinion piece


It references a study performed in Denmark, imbecile. You have been answered fairly, and you have no legitimate reply. Your only answer is to spam shitty images. My argument is airtight, and rational. Yours is emotional and layered in sophistry.

Admit defeat or provide a significant counter-argument. So far you've put up less resistance than Obamaleaf, and frankly it's embarrassing for you.


I thought we were against Identity politics.

How can you be right wing when you spew all that communism bullshit. I am what I am due to the choices I make as an individual. Fuck the rest, and fuck what my ancestors did. All of them can suck my dick. I am great because of all the great shit I do, and I rather do crap if some asshole in the future is going to take credit for my accomplishments only because he happened to share my race or nationality. Fuck you, stormfag assholes.

You don't have to like you family, people leave their family all the time, for good reasons.

you would be eating roots in a hut in Africa if they didn't put you where you are. Hopefully your brothers or cousins turned out better than you so it wasn't all for nothing.

Its not about you being proud in something YOU accomplished. Its being proud in something that your ancestors accomplished as a result of what they were. You are the continuation of that bloodline and you owe it to your nation and genetic compatriots to be proud and protect it.

>"The strongest challenge to the prevailing causality assumption is the finding that genes influence political attitudes. These findings suggest that even though attitudinal measures cannot effectively assess political attitudes in infancy, the precursors of these attitudes are present nevertheless. In their landmark study, Nicholas Martin, Lindon Eaves, and their colleagues (1986) demonstrated substantial heritability of political attitudes, a finding that has been replicated in a variety of different political climates, countries, time periods, and by various different methods (Alford, Funk, and Hibbing 2005; Bouchard et al. 1990; Eaves, Eysenck, and Martin 1989; Eaves and Hatemi 2008; Eaves et al. 1999; Hatemi et al. 2007, 2009a; Hatemi, Hobolt, and Norgaard 2010; Hatemi, Medland, and Eaves 2009; Klemmensen et al. 2010). The fact that both personality traits and political attitudes have substantial genetic components opens the possibility that the relationship between the two constructs may not be as simple as commonly assumed."

Fucking LMAO, did you read this before you posted it?

Your radical individualism is also Right-Wing, but it is not the exclusive Right Wing opinion. The commonality is the striving for greatness and the desire for personal excellence, the difference is the conception of Duty, which you clearly lack.

Again--the Right seeks ascendance, the Left seeks regression to the lowest common denominator.

Why does your act of choosing have any significance to you? You are who you are and you either learn to love and accept it in order to triumph or else reject the reality of your own identity and go and live in a world of meaningless liberal abstractions where your allegiance to various memes is the only thing that matters. Memes come and go, your biology is with you to the grave; start embracing it.

Why the fuck would you think that? We're mostly pro-white identitarians here. Only civics and liberals think an identity is a bad thing, because they're scared of inflaming non-white identities into attacking them.

Because some countries and cultures are better than others.It's your duty to help make sure the USA remains as one of the better ones.

You only make the choices you do because of your biology, it informs all of your thinking, cognitive processes, behaviours, everything. Your instincts are the received and inherited collective imprint and experience of your race for thousands of generations. You are not you, you are just an amalgamation of your race, expressing itself and continuing its story through you.

For even asking that question you are expelled from the white race. Go marry a black person.

>Unfortunately, findings from the genetics and politics literature have been poorly integrated into the personality and politics literature. For example, rather than instigating a general debate on the connection between the innate components of political attitudes and personality traits, the extant causal assumption has only been slightly modified to suggest that genetic factors lead to the development of personality traits, which in turn “cause” people to develop political attitudes either by motivating them to select environments that promote the development of these attitudes or directly by the genetic variance in personality accounting for all of the genetic variance in political attitudes (e.g., Mondak et al. 2010). However, these assumptions were never explicitly tested.

Humans generally like to feel part of something greater.

racemixing is ba-

You should only be proud of things you didn't accomplish. Pride in your own accomplishments or attributes is vanity. You should accomplish things so that others want to be associated with you and your group. That type of pride is a good thing. The media constantly pushes for people to be vain.

You should be humble as an individual and proud as a group always striving for the group as a whole

This individualist mindset is the root of many of the problems we have today. Stop being self centered and become a part of something larger than yourself.

Right, so in other words, there is a correlation between genetics and political predispositions, but no decisive evidence.

This does not change the fact that there is a correlation--just as there is a correlation between physical strength and high testosterone and right-wing opinions.

In this case, simply claiming "hurr durr well ur right wing b/c you have nothing going on" is hard-countered by the correlation alone--the causation is another matter which can and should be investigated, but the correlation is sufficient. Right Wing Men (the only kind of men) are more motivated, more fit, and generally superior people. The REASON for this is unclear, but I have given my hypothesis. You have simply verified it.

game theory & group dynamics

Nothing wrong with not being a blind follower.

What are achievements you should take pride in? Why should one not take pride in one's identity and the heritage bequeathed by one's ancestors?

I was going to keep shitposting but check this out

>There are several correlations that merit further attention. First, in line with our expectations, higher P scores correlate with more conservative military attitudes and more socially conservative beliefs for both females and males. For males, the relationship between P and military attitudes (r = 0.388) is larger than the relationship between P and social attitudes (r = 0.292). Alternatively, for females, social attitudes correlate more highly with P (r = 0.383) than military attitudes (r = 0.302).

Further, we find a negative relationship between Neuroticism and economic conservatism (rfemales = −0.242, rmales = −0.239). People higher in Neuroticism tend to be more economically liberal. What is intriguing about this relationship is that it is in the opposite direction of what past theories would predict (Fromm 1947; Wilson 1973), but consistent with more recent evidence (Gerber et al. 2010; Van Hiel, Pandelaere, and Duriez 2004; Verhulst, Hatemi, and Martin 2010). That is, neurotic people are more likely to support public policies that provide aid to the economically disadvantaged (public housing, foreign aid, immigration, etc). Moreover, Neuroticism is unrelated to social ideology (rfemale = −0.016, rmale = −0.050). This finding suggests that neurotic individuals cope with their anxiety by supporting a “social safety net” or more “liberal” economic policies rather than “liberal” social policies.2

You're thinking of the Sargon of Cuckad (((civic))) types.

So? Saying that is irrelevant. Even if true it doesn't change anything. Primary function of any organism is to pass along their genetics and defend their offspring so they can also pass along their genetics. Those who are more genetically similar get along better and work better with one another. It is easier to understand motivations and culture of those who are like you so there is less uncertainty about behavior and therefore it is a more stable society. You can unify and work towards common goals which leads to prosperity which is best for your offspring to survive

Diversity is a weakness in every way shape and form

Because you don't exist in a vacuum.

That IS fascinating. Let me read some more into this.

>What IS the point in national/racial pride?

It's not pride in the sense that it makes you a better person.

It's pride in having inherited a great history and culture and a sense of duty to preserve it.

Besides, before the modern times, nobody actually used the term "pride", the term is mainly a reaction to traitors without a racial or national consciousness, people who deride European heritage.

There is no point. Sup Forumstards wont understand it though.

They were "never explicitly tested" because the results aren't conducted to the (((narrative))) at hand

Same reason Darwinian anthropologists were pushed out and called "RAIST RACIST RACIST" without ever being disproven. Scientific racism isn't a thing. It's just science

A German who feels compelled to have zero racial pride. I wonder what could explain such a phenomenon? Very convenient that you think that and also that you would be arrested if you did not.

You're German. There are things you cannot understand. Like not being a faggot.

>What IS the point in national/racial pride? I never chose to be born here in this country and I never chose to be white. So why should I be proud in something that I never accomplished?

Because your well being is tied to it. You live in a society. You are better off for it. Societies can be good, or they can be bad. You live in a pretty darn good one. You have a high life expectancy, your children will be quite unlikely to die in infancy, you have food, all that good stuff. A society must be maintained. That means continuing the practices which allowed your forefathers to create such a good society in the first place.

No, you didn't accomplish anything. You were given a great society as a gift. A fantastic gift. So don't squander it and throw it in the trash. Your society and and culture formed who you are. Your race formed your culture. You are the son of your culture and race and owe it for who you are. Have some god damned decency and loyalty for fucks sake.

>I thought we were against Identity politics.
No, Satan, we're not cucks.

Look back at what you'r ancestors accomplished and use that as motivation for yourself. Try to out due them, It also gives you a sense of identity you do have an amazing historical past you should be proud of.

That doesn't mean you just sit there and be like "muh ancestory is good that means i don't have to do anything else hurdurhur"

Try to become the best version of yourself. Become stronger than you're ancestors but also understand that they themselves worked hard to try to create a good society to pass down to there youth. You should take a second and really think about that. Are you perserving that good society? are you bringing it down? are you elevating it?

Individualism is leftism; to the right you're not an individual, but a member of your family, your community, your nation and your race.

You never chose to be born, you should kys

>Literally lives in a Socialist country with a well-integrated safety net
>You shouldn't feel kinship for your people though actually you're all atomized individuals with no group identity nevermind the fact that every single socialist state to have succeeded since the beginning of time has been 90% or more white haha that's just racism pls don't arrest me Queen Angela

Hans, I am honestly depressed whenever a German posts something like this. It genuinely hurts me. You talk like you actually believe in ultra-individualism but the way your people vote says otherwise. If your people believed truthfully that race, nation and society didn't matter, you'd be an AnCap nation. But you're not. You're a highly integrated Socialist-lite economy with a robust safety net, heavy cooperation between trade unions and the state, and a ruthless cultural work-ethic.

Do you see the inconsistency here? If you don't feel cultural and racial affinity for your people, why have a society at all? The reality is your people are closeted, held in by guilt and Jewish contrivance and forced into doublethink. Individualism is all that matters--but society owes itself to the weak and the poor. There is no such thing as race--but diversity is an objective good and we need more immigrants from Africa. Race isn't real--but these poor immigrants can't take care of themselves in our extremely productive economy so they need gibs.

Pick one. Uncuck yourselves.

This. There is a war between genetic material. The closer that any set of genetic material is to your own, the more you are obligated to protect and nurture that genetic material so it has the ability to continue, reproduce, evolve, and thrive. The real world is just a war of information, genetic information. We just happen to be the physical manifestation of that information.

its easy to trigger you guys.. especially with the right flag. :D

because you are the tip of evolution that has been going on for over 60000 years(okay, millions of years, or even billions) The point is that you are the first one giving up in your direct lineage, which has been going on for over a billion years.

Cuz y not

Read These
Also this


Not only that, but anything that is different is a direct threat. Even if one race is much better than the other the weaker race will use whatever method possible to dilute your greatness and hitch his shitty genes on your coattails.

I can't stand the Germans. Had to live there for a while. Absolute shit tier country. Before I used to be a germanophile but now I understand all the Germanophobia in the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know ironically that is correct--but not in the perjorative sense of the word "triggered." When I encounter people who genuinely desire and enable the destruction of their people and their race, it does trigger emotions in me: Depression. Misery. A loss of hope. Pathos of the purest kind. I would feel the same way if I saw someone smashing the statue of David with a hammer, or ISIS power-drilling the faces off of the statues of Nineveh.

Am I wrong to feel bad? Am I wrong to be filled with despair upon witnessing the destruction of the greatest nations to ever exist? Explain to me why. Why am I wrong? How can you possibly believe that it is wrong to mourn the destruction of beauty?

obviously you are easily triggered... :D

in the perjorative way.

also because white people invented pretty much everything. yes, I have to give a shout out to east asians. I am ashamed I took ops bait

yea OP threw some bait out there but thread was pretty decent

You were born because your ancestors succeeded at civilisation (or were parasites on a successful civilisation).
Being proud of that group and their accomplishments ensures continued success.

Please hans
Wake up
Just wake up bro...

Well said.


Centrism is individualism. Commies are just as collectivist as race realists, however one is left one is right. You're trying to be a tricky dickie with that flag

When your most noteworthy invention is peanut butter i wouldn't be proud of my ancestors either

I would in fact say the opposite--there is no Left Wing individualism. It is an exclusively center and right-wing philosophy, but it does not define either. There are collectivist center and right-wing groups. Actually the National Socialists are a good example of a centrist group with extreme authoritarian and collectivist leanings.


Why not?

Good points. I find myself puzzled between demanding to be treated as an individual and also wanting to 14 words. I guess I'm lucky to have grown up around fellow whites who promote individualism as a virtue, instead of in a multiculti area where everybody is daily reminded of their race.

Wrong flag

You as an individual represent your group, just as how your group act reflects on your character. Since you cannot choose your race, it would make sense to try and represent yourself and group as well as possible. This makes others more willing to trust you and adds some prestige.

Because, if you weren't a useless leech, your country and community would be things you actively participated in, contributed to, and enjoyed the benefits of (not the neetbux kind, I'm sure you're getting plenty of that already).

There is no point. Progress will always be more important than culture and nationality. One day such notions will be abolished and we have a glorious one world empire that will conquer the stars themselves.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to be an individual among your own people. Nor indeed is it even self-contradictory. In fact, Hitler himself said that he considered himself a libertarian--but that libertarianism is only really possible in a society where there are no conflicting racial groups. A pure nation that is free of external threats can naturally afford liberty, and will inevitably seek it if that is what its people want.

By contrast a nation with conflicting ethnic groups within it will always come to conflict sooner or later as the groups naturally align themselves by race instead of by class or simply as individuals. This was the great wisdom of Blut und Bonden--high trust societies are necessary for liberty to thrive. In fact, they're necessary for anything to thrive. Both Socialists and Libertarians should equally desire homogeneous societies because they are the kind with the least cheap politics, the people can actually focus and vote effectively because there are no distractions.

When the United States was 90% white, we sent people to Mars. Now after half a century of "progress' we struggle to resupply a space station in our own orbit. We are NEVER going to space without racial unity.

Er, the moon. Not mars. Sorry I'm phoneposting.

I don't disagree, but you're confusing progress for "progress'. One world culture, one world creed (Preferably no creed to be honest) but we're all going to end up as race mixed greys anyway given enough time

Your image just shows how NatSocs cannot be trusted. They are just as bad as Marxists in their revisionism. Both want a totalitarian state and the American people to become utterly dependent on the government. All NatSocs are simply an alternative version of progressives. The KKK failed because it pushed for laws that regulated morality and because of this it resulted in a counter-reaction. NatSoc SJWs are a cancer for white identity movements because they ursurp nativist interests and direct them into regulating social behavior which breeds resentment.

Then fucking leave.

National socialism never sought to "deny" individuality, it merely placed the individual into the proper context within the tribe as a whole.

>Marxism seeks to equalize individuals for the sake of "fairness".
>We seek to maximize each individual for the sake of "fitness".


Why is that inevitable or desirable? For the first point--one world culture--there is nothing desirable about that whatsoever. Believe it or not I actually believe in diversity--not diversity within one society but diversity of societies. I believe that it is good for China to be Chinese and to have Chinese culture, and for Japan to be Japanese and have Japanese culture, just as I believe that Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Texas, Nebraska, and even lowly California ought to have their own cultures and not be blended into a homogenous blob. Different cultures create different perspectives, different ethics, different fields of interest. There is nothing wrong with this, it is in fact desirable. I don't want mankind to go to space as a united force, I want mankind to go to space divided, to settle and colonize in groups based on their own preferences and ethics, their own races, their own religions.

And what of racemixing? It is the same thing. I believe that mankind's diversity is both biological and culturally and that this is a GOOD THING. The Negro is not an animal to be cured through the admixture of white blood, but rather his own man, with his own destiny. What you are describing is dysgenics. The elimination of our genetic diversity through admixture and the creation of a mongrel race with the powers of none. There is nothing wrong with a bit of mixing here and there--people are people--but there is something wrong with the desire to blend away everything that makes us who we are in pursuit of what you readily admit is essentially centralized cultural mind control!

You are literally arguing the Kalergi plan unironically!

Heritage motherfucker.

Its not an argument, its going to happen one way or another. People are just going to magically stop fucking one another and short of a a very bloody race war, you aren't going to convince people to stick to their own races.

Also one world government is needed for a star empire to function. Can't have your homeworld breaking down into little spats while dealing with the alien menace.

It's the pride for one's responsibility to endure his culture against all odds.

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take for the "hand-wringing" to begin.

Begone coward, keeping your vices legal & your tax burden as low as possible is not worth the death of OUR race and OUR civilization.

You deserve to suffer:

That's a good question, user. I feel that some people get attached to fake values like race or nationality because they're scared that without that, they're worthless. Which is not true (except for the stromfags who crawl in this shithole) Unless you took part in one the your country's achievements, you have no reason to feel proud of it. Same with the race. It doesn't matter unless you want to feel superior to others with no objective reason. One should always try to be the best citizen possible be civilized is way more than enough. If you feel the need to feel superior to other races or countries you must be pretty insecure about yourself.

You should be defined by your actions and the way you live. Not who your ancestors were and where you were born.

1: It does not have to happen at all, and all that is necessary for us to prevent it is to decide to do so. And if it takes a bloody war--so be it. We were forced into this by manipulative oligarchs and there is no reason for us to tolerate it. I refuse to surrender my racial identity to the melting pot and I refuse to allow my children to be brainwashed into desiring their own extinction.

2: No such thing is necessary. Firstly because I do not believe that there IS an alien menace, a'la the Fermi Paradox. I think sentient life is such an extreme aberration that either none other but we exist, or none other but we have the desire to reach the stars. We have seen development of life far more advanced biologically than we have now in Earth's past, yet there were no sentient dinosaurs. Our species arose in a relatively short period of time, more or less by total chance. A billion-to-one chance.

But secondly because I do not think that we would be stronger for it. I think, in fact, that we would be much stronger if we remained culturally and nationally distinct. That way intermittent war will drive the development of weaponry and technology such that if ayys DO exist and are hostile, we will be equipped and knowledgeable enough to actually face them.

You wouldn't exist if it wasn't for your ancestors you autist

I birthed myself from star dust into an individual xir.

>caring about your own people is something only worthless people do

>who cares that every non-White/non-East Asian country is absolute shit, surely our kids will be just fine in the upcoming United States of Brazil

gr8 b8 m8


>implying you need to convince people to stick to their own
You don't. In fact, they've had to try and promote it extremely hard and they still can't force the vast majority to go along with it except among Natives who are essentially a dead race.

whats the point in any pride at all then? you didn't select your genes or the environment that you grew up in all of which ultimately controls your behavior

Individualism is a meme. You have as much right to be proud of your race as you have to be proud of your "accomplishments" most of which depended on genetically determined IQ and personality traits, not your own free will.

>why should I be proud of my son