Are Styx and that SJW Tranny in pic related the same person?

>same hair shape and texture
>same nose shape
>same mouth shape
>same giraffe neck
The only things off are the eye color and the hair color, which can easily be changed with colored contacts and temporary hair dye.

They don't even look slightly similar. Also, you're an autistic jew.


Damn. Styx's a cute!

tranny has longer collarbones therefore wider shoulders

wtf? I love Styx now!


Go fuck Yourself faggot, how much do you Shills get paid?

I am not shill, just a shitposting pirate.

Anyone capable of changing the mac address on their router doesn't fucking care. I'm saging again, you fucking retarded oven dodger.


Nosepic to prove I am not Jewish

>no timestamp

Post a pic to prove you're not a faggot

Here's another nosepic. Reverse image search both and you will see that they are originals. Too lazy to timestamp.

Burden of proof is on you. Can you prove that you are not attracted to men over a political shitposting board?

Post pic of you very reluctantly sucking cock.

Nope. Mouth is closed

Sad part is Styx looks more like a girl than the tranny does.

Not a Jew but OP is definitely a faggot. Probably why he's posting pictures of trannies

Is it so easy to un-pluck your eyebrows?

>brought to you by ci.... I mean wellaware

nah styx isn't that good of a tranny

btw i regret posting this because he actually makes very good videos that i listen to daily

Should have posted the video where it's actually him and he doesn't even mention the fact that he's crossdressing

>d of

styx : as different brows + not that point on the right cheek + also different bouth + teeth

>what is makeup
but i dont see the 10.2 so its probably not him based on that

fuck off styx we're on to you

thy look the same to me


That's a mighty good photoshop. Someone already proved the exact time stamp on the video where that face came from.

the face looks shooped in

oh good god is that real?

eyebrows are different

He secretly knickls


Do you just have a bunch of Styx pics?

Wow. Thinks all white people look the same.

Maybe they're brother and sister.


Fuckhead needs to make my Armenian Genocide video already.

lmao, honestly. leave the guy alone with this shit bro. He has done more for right wing politics than you could ever have. I don't agree with the civic nationalist bullshit but seriously. Your actions are nigger tier subhuman. Dude has some valid points here and there. No need to parade his past mistakes as if you are any better, guarantee you are worse actually.

Use a face analysis to find out.

lips are different

only the two.