Can someone explain to me why the fuck most languages have the adjective after the noun, it's retarded...

Can someone explain to me why the fuck most languages have the adjective after the noun, it's retarded. Adjective before noun eg little black dog allows you to get the details in order in your head before applying them to the object. Now compare it to

>El doggo little negro

The fuck? Not to mention how useless having 38 different articles is other than unnecessary complexity. Is English the only non shit tier language?

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english is what you get when you mix all the european languages together, which is why it has no rules and is difficult to learn

>difficult to learn

I'm a native speaker obviously but how is it any more difficult than Spanish for example? You only need to know a fraction of the articles and aside from abnormal spellings in terms of how the letters normally relate to there's nothing that's really confusing about the language that I can see.

yeah, it's the most expressive and information dense language in the world. of course it's difficult to learn

>which is why it has no rules
No, English has a ton of rules. Basic English follows very few rules, but anything beyond a Chinese food order gets exponentially more complex. Academic English(and I mean in the sense of not having any pre-requisites) is too complex for most native speakers to understand to any great extent.

make these words plural:

>I have to memorize certain awkward spellings

Irritating yes, but I don't think it's much worse than memorizing feminine and masculine for everything and which articles correspond to which plural forms of words and the different suffixes of each word depending on tense and all of that shit.

>do you want this ball or that ball?
>the blue "one"
If you had articles you wouldn't need "one" in that case

Articles is just to much to your little mind to understand.

if you made a index of shirts would you do it by color first then graphic or by graphic then shirt color.
day/month/year still makes more sense as does
metric system

You cannot always tell how a word will be pronounced just by knowing the spelling.

Is it really thay hard?

>too much for your little mind
>he says arguing for the fact that the language I speak well is way more difficult and hard to learn


Metric and day/month/year aren't mutually exclusive with English.

not for you smegol

It blew my mind when I realized that English was just a bastardized mongrelization of Germanic languages and no one even spoke English as we know until the 1500s. Put into perspective how I thought England in the year 1200 would just sound like a bunch of modern Brits as a kid.

But seriously, how do other languages treat plurals? I learnt a bit of moonrune, but I never really thought about the application in different languages.

God tier is putting adjectives whereever the fuck you want. Before the noun, after the noun, after the verb, anywhere works in Russian.


correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, English has literally the most words of any language in its vocabulary.

Well England had a lot of people. Celts, Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans, French. All of it got smashed together.

Tbh I was born in the UK and learnt English first, then moved to Spain at the age of 7 and learnt Spanish. To this day I find Spanish to be the easiest of the two and the one that is generally more consistent.
As to the adjectives coming after the noun, I'd rather know what it is I am talking about before I know the details.

>English is difficult to learn

t. Monolingual untermensch

>not recognizing the -us ending of a word derived from the Latin first declension
>not instantly converting this word to its plural form -i ending

Let me guess, you were also unaware that aviatrix is the feminine form of aviator

Fucking languagelets ITT...

Noun before adjective makes way more sense. English okay but it's surprisingly not as logical as Spanish. If you were to rate languages based on their utility/ease of use I think Spanish would take the cake (not counting Esperanto here). Very limited redundancy in words, very few exceptions in rules. They have a great organization for maintaining the rules of Spanish in Spain. They make sure that the rules for the written language are in line with how people really talk. You wouldn't believe how fucked up the differences between spoken French and written French are.

You can put the adjective before in spanish too. Is something used a lot in poetry because it sounds more dramatic.
>Burguer education

Noun before adjective makes way more sense. English okay but it's surprisingly not as logical as Spanish. If you were to rate languages based on their utility/ease of use I think Spanish would take the cake (not counting Esperanto here). Very limited redundancy in words, very few exceptions in rules. They have a great organization for maintaining the rules of Spanish in Spain. They make sure that the rules for the written language are in line with how people really talk. You wouldn't believe how fucked up the differences between spoken French and written French are. You say English is the only good language because it's the only one you know. Step the fuck up nigga.

See the U.K. Was always multicurtual. People today just getting mad over nothing.

sounds hot desu


It's all relatively arbitrary...

fungus is a second declension noun you absolute fucking moron.
>attempt to sound smart went wrong

Although single word adjectives come before the noun in English, there are plenty of adjectivals that come after the noun:

Prepositional phrases: the dumb burger in the thread
Participle Phrase: the dumb burger bloviating about "muh supremacy"
Relative Clause: the dumb burger that doesn't know about post-modification in his own language starting a thread about "Ingurish is supriimu rangij"

English teacher in japan confirmed.


Fucking weeb


Oddly enough, this is how military nomenclature works, and is really more representative of the human thought process. That's why most languages are structured this way. English is retarded as FUCK in some aspects.

lol I learned english when i was like two years old fag, gitgud

Yes, English is easier, and better for technical matters.

point 2) your example tried to be spanish? it was a disasater

>El peqeno perro negro


I think opie was just trying to show an example of the structure and not speak proper Spanish

Wtf r u talking abut leaf?

>do you want this ball or that ball?
>the blue

PD: Sorry I called u leaf, I crossed the line.

you have retarded words like "Micro-aggression".

english grammar is easy, pronunciation is totally retarded.


I disagree. The only advantage of spanish is that there's a direct relation between graphemes and phonemes, (easy to pronounce right when reading) and that's all.

English is simpler, logical and more useful for pragmatical thinking.

Expecially if your vocabulary consists in "suck, cock, dick, puss"

everybody doxxing themselves today


Well, opie missed the structure also, nigger.
See example

English is pretty easy to learn. Only spelling is absolutely retarded.

In NYC, things have been bilingual for quite some time, like signs in the subway. English is better for expressing things concisely. You can see it by comparing the number of English words with the Spanish equivalent.

English: Subway tracks are dangerous.
Spanish: La via del tren subterraneo es muy peligroso.

I'm doing this from memory, so fuck you if I mad a mistake.

English is a shit language, but it wasn't always this way. Modern English (think Shakespeare) was the beginning of the end. Contemporary English is a degenerated form of modern English. Old English (up to 1200s probably) was the last point at which it was a respectable language. That was before "silent letters" and other such bullshit. Germanic languages are top tier, followed by ones derived primarily from Latin

I'm not familiar with tour experience user, tell me more, who's cock u suck?

Yep, you're right. I fully agree.

>LA viA... peligrosA.

Because most languages are based on ancient Greek/Latin.
By the way, if this sentence is wrong in english:
the little dog black,
These are perfectly correct in French:
Le petit chien noir
Le noir petit chien,
Noir, le petit chien,
And so on.
As soon as the sentence contains subject+verb, optionally the complement, no matter the order.
English is retarded on this point, as order may indeed reinforce an idea within the sentence, you may choose "little" or "black" or "dog" to be put in first place, according to the weight you want to put in each.

>English is FANTASTIC on this point, as order may indeed reinforce an idea within the sentence, you may choose "little" or "black" or "dog" to be put in first place, according to the weight you want to put in each.

FTFY french nigger

>English is retarded on this point, as order may indeed reinforce an idea within the sentence, you may choose "little" or "black" or "dog" to be put in first place, according to the weight you want to put in each.

This. The object is usually before the adjective because it is more important than the quality, unless you want to enforce it.
"Le petit prince".
Easy example.

>difficult to learn

I learned english by playing larrys and other sierra games when i was 7, also watching tv. Your language is easiest to learn, and you have those spelling competitions.. how retarded is that?

>Is it really thay hard?
Yes, it really is THAY hard. Cunt.

English is literally just nigger latin

Spelling tournaments.
Such of a joke.

Did I won?

>the adjective after the noun

that is how children think before they learn language, so it just follows most languages would take that form.

Audible laughter

>FTFY french nigger

I'd have preferred:
FTFY nigger french.

Can your sponged brain handle it?

Fuck off back to your cave, Sméagol.

I lgive Japanese bonus points as it's hard for everyone except dyslexics. Plus yoda speak it is.

>Is English the only non shit tier language?

Well, it certainly is a mongrelized language so simply, a chimpanzee could learn it.

Learn Finnish, language for superior intellect.

The joys of Multicultralism has been tested time and time again and without it we wouldn't have English, the most glorious language in the world. Take that Brexiteers and Nazi's

Retarded pronounciation and spelling. Confusing, illogical use of articles and many tenes.

>English is such a mess of a language they have competitions to see if anyone understands wtf is going on.

This has always annoyed me.

good ol' German is a top tier language, why else is English adapting a bunch of words into their own language without even as much as nuancing them.

English in comparision feels quite limiting


Will not be correct, see,
you're a nigger in essence, that happens to be French. Have you learn something, Pierre?

>This fucking Dick fucking is a fucking faggot fuck.
I think it works with english aswell

>the black dog
>the dog that is black
its literally nothing

Good thread.

Don't nips have to add another word to make it plural, like "cat group" rather than "cats"?

I agree desu

I kind of agree. Finnish is great. I have Latin and Japanese down and Finnish is next up. I want to learn it almost entirely for nerdy linguist reasons.

>coloured person
>person of colour

doing a think, lads

Most information per syllable after Japanese
Least amount of information per syllable is Spanish
Also English is a lot easier to learn than German, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish and even French.