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based norway desu

>islam becomes even more degenerate
how is this not good

Will help you speed up the process:

>Send your local government this article acting like your a mudslime supporting this and stating this would be good in your neighbourhood.

>Watch the mudslimes destroy it themselves.

>More reasons for racewar

>Speed up society reset

The left is trying to pervert Islam with their LGBTQP faggorty.

I wonder how Muslims will react to this absolutely total perversion of Islam.

>Left open LGBTQP Mosque
>Muslims will clearly not accept this and attack these leftist faggots
>Left will be forced to either accept their fate of being massacred by Muslims or admit Islam is evil and thus admitting fault either way.

This stuff is a NO.

Do you have any idea how much Muslims chimp out on social media?

Sup Forums should support this

inb4 truck of peace smashes female imams

Will Norway get blown up as fast as London?



SJWism is a self-destructive ideology. Especially in the sense that they further two opposite agendas: Islam and feminism.

Since they are delusional, they believe it will be possible to merge the two. Anyone with a rational thought process knows that will not happen, but it will turn Islam against SJWism.

Let them do it.

EVERYONE will be welcome? Including the suicide bombers?

converting to islam has filled bruce banner with constant rage

Progressivism will destroy Islam like it destroyed Christianity.

This is so fucking dangerous

They kill each other over differences way more trivial then this. Imagine what might happen to these people for bringing muh dishonour to Allah

desu we should ally with Muslims against the degenerate left. Once the left is dead we can kick out the Muslims anyway.

This is good. I hope we'll see more of this.

leftists can't get over the religion hump with regards to islam. Islam isn't a religion ffs.

Their agendas are not opposite. Their true goal is to destroy the western civilization and the white race. Everything else is just a coverup. They know what they're doing. That's why terrorists won't attack this mosque, that's why they don't kill those deluded "muslim feminists" or muslim tranny coverts.


We really need the left to get on board with the idea of converting/perverting Islam to LGBTQP and sit back and watch the Muslims do what the Muslims do best... which is blow up LGBTQP Mosque full of faggots.

The left and their insanity knows no bounds.

That's jews you're talking about. Islam doesn't do slutwalks or 'muh bajillion fluid genders' shit. You're either a man or a woman and you act accordingly or you get stoned to death. No rainbow hair degeneracy there. The two couldn't be more fucking opposite.

Kek, just a few hours ago there was thread in which some norway cuck was talking about how good is it to live in norway and how its 95% white

It's weird how liberals hate Christianity but love every other religion.

>fag flag
Don't you have to go get ready to be thrown off a roof by a Muslim or something?

Seriously, you faggots need to hurry up and try this pervert Islam with LGBT shit so the Muslims can Pulse2.0 your asses.

Islam has other goals as well. But in order to conquer the world, which is their main goal, they have to destroy the western civilization first. Liberal marxists are of great help to them. Literally useful idiots. Of course, once the western civilization is destroyed, they will slaughter liberals with no mercy, that's for sure. But up until then, they are allies.

Jews also have a role in this. But nowadays it's difficult to differentiate between jews and muslim elites. For instance, the Saudi royal family is jewish.

You're being naive. This is just a Trojan Horse-tier trick to get even more people in your country and pacify the red-pilled ones who can see the potential threat.

Mohammad himself was a master in deception. They Muslims know their history. When what you perceive as 'degenerate' and 'friendly' Islam reaches critical mass, you will see the masks dropping and it will be late.

will probably just convert feminist into Muslim apologist. This is not good, the Muslim will just see it as a psyop a taqiyya thing, they will not use it. it will be used to train up feminist to speak their cause.

(((They))) have been doing this since forever. There are leaked internal documents where the Jewish heads of MTV are talking about undermining Islam the same way they undermined Christianity.

>It's weird how liberals hate Christianity but love every other religion.
What it is is that liberals love to hate everything that is against conservatives.

So if conservatives are against the evil ideology of Islam... the liberals will convert to Islam and get killed for being LGBTQP.

Basically, the liberals are like immature children who will do the opposite of what their parents tell them so if you use reverse psychology on the faggots they will basically be under your control.

>Right: Have white babies to preserve the white race.
>Left: Everyone is gay, abort all babies, and everyone who has a baby should have mixed babies and raise them gay.

>Right: Islam is an evil death cult ideology.
>Left: WTF We love Islam now... even if they throw LGBTQP off the roof.

>Right: America first.
>Left: Globalism.

oh c'mon leaf. let them do it. I'll probably start jerking off immediately when I hear about a lesbian mosque getting bombed by one of their manlet mohammedeans.

like seriously. Norway is good at shitposting.


Also remember that the juden plan is to transport as many muslims as possible from ME to Europe and they take most of ME back for themselves ''as it is written''.

The least weird types in ME, the fewer the resistance.

The even weirder thing is how most liberals claim to be atheist because spaghetti monster is for stupid people, but at the same time pretend to know exactly what's going on in the minds of the most religious people in the world.

What are the Q and P?

I don't think most muslims will accept this thing.

Queer and Pedo, I suppose.

They'll ignore it for now, they partnered with the left to destroy the right; if they succeed then they'll destroy the left next

Yeah that's what I thought.

>queer is a gender
>It's just being feminine
For fucks sake. Back under the rock I go.

Pedo? Bunch of degenerates.

This goy gets it. Let the feminists try to change *slam. It's going to be a great show!

The Muslims here are so fucking salty about this, but they cant say shit, because that will mean pushing their leftists protectors aways in a ellection year... Im fucking loving it, go fags and feminists

well if they destroy right i will stand with themthan they are superior adn deserve to be respected... and also if we convert to islam we can be white and islamic in our countries
we could even round up all the gays and degenerates...

Not a single man. They're probably too busy raping 8 year old little girls then selling them into slavery.

They hate asskissers.


>Infidel-kun i...i... can't help but notice you have nice skin, would you rebel my ass?

You bigot, educate yourself.

Respect the brilliant mind who started all this:

Where can I place bets on how long it will be until this mosque gets attacked by muslims?

Trips of truth.

>without context spreading or reason, posting doctored holocaust pictures

Fucking kek, they are that desperate they try to attract every kind of degenerate on their side.

nope all they want is to convert
i myself am catholic and wouldnt convert for nothing but wouldnt judge other to convert to protect our nation from leftist gay degeneracy

>Muslims think they're invading.
>Reality is they're being turned into fags.
Well well well. How the tables have turned.

>kike gets triggered by lolcaust images

That pic is a fake btw.

You don't need to convert if you pay their tax. You can always be a honorary christian that helps them.

>no source

inb4 the truck of peace visits and the driver beheads the imam

ye dont belive that would work out in a long run better
only country that managed to do that was Ragusa

You are that bothered by the pic uh?

It's a fake you retard, post the real ones instead. You're inadvertently cause of it potentially spreading by retards thinking it's real or edgy.

Don't give legitimacy to the holocaust with fake pictures.

I give it 5 months before ISIS hears about it and gives standing orders to bomb the shit out of it.

This might be a start to destroy Islam :)

>autistic screeching

No, I'm helping you to not look like an idiot.

What religion does this "mosque" belong to? It can't be Islam, for the Quran automatically declares you a non-muslim if you don't adhere to its rules. Accepting gays is clearly against the rules.

You're right about their goal being the same, but the best metaphore to describe the current situation is as follows:

>SJWs = Shark
>Islam = Orca
>Europe = Seal

Both the shark and the orca wishes to eat the seal. The shark wrongfully believes that he and the orca are allies in their mission eat the seal, so he gets cozy and pisses off the orca.

The orca proceeds to fuck the sharks shit up. Meanwhile the seal builds an army to prepare for the coming orca attack.

>j-just givin' you hand bruh!
Holy shit, scandinavians are so pathetic ahaha.

ur the kike around here, posting edgy nazi memes and doctored holocaust pictures presenting the germans in bad light.
Post the real ones instead, which show the holocaust didn't happen.

literally 101 on how to spot non-Sup Forums regulars

Total haram!

>LARPing as the board "veteran"

nigga please, all you do is shitpost and attempt to derail threads.

and not in the "Muh ur opinion is shitposting!!" way.

literal shitposting

It's interesting to say the least. Will they bide their time and amass their numbers risking more degeneracy spreading or will they go full 1488 on the mosque

Scandinavia is finished man, a pity, your culture was cool but nothing lasts forever.

>unironically using nigga
You need to go back

hol up I'mma look for it 4 u big guy.

I found it in a William Luther Pierce video so imma have to find it again.

w8ver nigga, we done u 2lowquality5me

I actually feel bad for these muslims. Western progressivism is a mighty beast.

Germany 2 electric boogaloo

They won't touch you as long as you pay them, money spins the world.

This is good, are you retarded?

Yea user, feel sorry for them, lower your guard, go help and support them why not! It's not like that is exactly the purpose of all this.

The liberal world view is based off hating things that are powerful and mainstream. The liberal sees problems in the world, and thinks "look at these problems, these poor disadvantaged people, clearly our world isn't perfect, therefore everything powerful and popular isn't doing enough to suit my narrow idealistic world view, therefore it must all be wrong and we must destroy it all, for equality."

This is what we are dealing with, and it explains 99% of liberal world views. It comes from white guilt mixed with a lasting savior complex. Liberals feel responsible for niggers, and will gladly destroy civilization just to feel that they are somehow helping nigs.

>doing anything ironically
Irony involves a reversal or subversion of expectation, almost no one uses it correctly these days.

Let's do the rest now, hippie.


>Gay friendly Mosque

It makes me feel a little bit better to know that it's these virtue signaling idiots will be the first to get blown up. Muslims chimpout over the stupidest, most insignificant things, and we all know their attitude towards women and gays.

>Artists depiction of Norwegian progressives

This is actually a good thing, the left truly believe that nothing bad will come of this. We should be encouraging gay friendly mosques with female imams all over the place

>islamists come to europe to spread their culture
>get subverted by marxism themselves
Serves them right

That's a little disturbing.

>talking about anywhere else being 'finished' because of muslims and niggers

Poke your head out your door Luigi. You are fucked just as bad as the UK, maybe even worse if this naturalization bill gets through your parliament, which it will because jews really really really want it to.

Then you are stuck with marxism 2 electric boogaloo!

>inb4 someone reposts the side-by-side "photos" of different news broadcasts with the same woman, then disappears when i ask for a video of either broadcast

Other Muslims will turn on them

3 weeks later:
>Local peaceful muslims welcome lesbian mosque with traditional welcoming of beautiful friendship blasts

In a way I hope you're right, but my senses are tingling that the opposite is going to happen.

>Be Islamist
>Pretend to be 'subverted'
>Flood all of EU while people are chill thinking you're good goy now

Like I said, Trojan Horse.

How about this? If those dudes one day say
>we're cool now, promise! Just let us in, look we're eating bacon :DDD
how many will believe them?

Let them show their true colors.
The action of the modern left and media have done far more to redpill formerly-left of center me than a thousand years on Sup Forums could have.
Actions > words. Let their actions show the world how hollow their words truly are.

Can't wait till peaceful muzzies bomb the place

I don't think people understand, that corrupting Islam into degeneracy the same as "Christianity" has been corrupted in the west is sweeter to the kikes.

>white guilt mixed with a lasting savior complex
This precisely explains the vast majority of leftists I know - especially boomer aged ones. The self-hate runs really, really fucking deep, and is impervious to any amount of logic or evidence to the contrary.
They're a cult the same as islam.

This guy gets it