Hi, i am a german Muslim supporting Donald Trump

Hi, i am a german Muslim supporting Donald Trump.

Ask me anything.

How would you like to be beheaded ?


>Ask me anything.

can you please gtfo of Europe?

Do you agree that muslims and niggers will fight to death agaisnt whites in europe?

Do you think that germany will be your home?


German is a tribe and race as described by Tacitus

You will never be German no matter how long you live there or dilute their blood with yours.

Get the fuck out of Germany buddy.

Li ilaha il Allah

Keep on conquering Germany, we're conquering France.


Choose one.


>Pierre Vogel


Where should i go to?

My ancestors live since hundreds of years in Germany

What is france

Trump is a goy

Kulturmoslem oder volles Programm?

Timestamp with your tanned german skin or it's fake and gay.

That is cool. But europe is under islamic negro attack. if we didnt remove kebab we will be replaced. nothing personl but there is too much of islam and africans in europe. we had nice 2 world wars here in last 100 years. war usa vs russia seems impossible. but racial war seems very possible now.

thats better than being a recent addition, what is your take on all these migrants flooding europe?

Why must you be a muslim? why can't you identify as an arab?


when will you leave?
you overstayed your welcome.

You need to go back.

I am "white"

Germans don't see you as a real German and the people in the country you came from don't see you as one of theirs. How does it feel not belonging anywhere? And what is the reason of you being a muslim, what made you become one and what is making you stay as one?

I think the immigrants of today are destroying the reputation of those muslims, who live since generations in Europe.

Because i am not of arab decent.

sad to hear friend, there doesnt seem to be a clear nonviolent solution at the moment, I think it was wrong to entice these people the way the European govt's did, I wonder how much of it was the US govt pressuring them if at all tho


We hate the Harkis. You bowed to the French, you can bow to the French again You will ever be considered as na equal to us.

Wann haust du wieder ab?

Can you take your family to your local mosques and blow yourselves up?

You can only pic one.

1. Who's a better person? A non-muslim who behaves honorably, or a "muslim" who sins without shame.
2. Explain your understanding of God.

Die erste Art von Mensch, da die zweite nicht das Ansehen der Glaubensgemeinschaft ruiniert.

(Allerdings sind die Gelehrten uneins über diese Frage)

(PS: Arman, bist du es?)

Habe sogar vor, Deutschland zu verlassen. Sobald ich einen Auslandsstudienplatz sicher habe.

I dont care about that, what the germans (Almans) say. I dont have any connection the country of my ancestors.