Welcome to the end my friend.
As of know, the german governmant can legally install malware on ANYONES devices, no matte if they commited a crime or not.
The law got snuck through just a few days ago, nobody noticed.
This means total surveillance of the german populace as soon as they have set up everything.

The fall of Europe to "controlled immigration" from Africa and the Middle East seems inevitable now, there is no platform left to form resistance.

Other urls found in this thread:


>there is no platform left to form resistance
except, you know... real life

then better stock up on my gayporn and give it incriminating names so they have to watch it


Difficult to reach 100,000 people in real life.

>no guns
>shitskins everywhere
ok lol

germany, start riots finaly.

It's really sad that it had to come to this. But all those illegal opinions left our politicians no other choice.

She's got a fair set of top bollocks, even though sh'e a bitch.

than we will have no other choice too.

everytime i hear news from germany i feel better and better about moving away

>1 post by this ID
>no source
i call fake and gay. will revoke this statement if source is provided, even if only in german
until then sage

>install malware
are they going to use exploits against their own citizens?

Yes. It's time for us to leave the EU. Boot the fuck out and rev up intermarium. The German government is the enemy of it's own people and if they're willing to domestically canibalize then there's nothing stopping us from being next. Look at how hard they've been shilling the whole Poland+Latvia refugee thing this past week or two.



I'm sure the actual law explains this further than these articles but here's your basic proofs

People like you are the problem. Stay and join a movement, do something about it.

Just vote her out of office in the election guys.

what am i supposed to do in do in a country with 95% bluepilled people and full police state?

besides my partner lives in another country and refuses to move to this shithole that germany is.


Look at these people.

>implying we won't be arrested if we as much as imply that we wouldn't vote for her

fucking hell you people are pussies.