Where do boys get this idea that girls cant have interest in things unless its for attention?

Where do boys get this idea that girls cant have interest in things unless its for attention?

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Because it's true. Women rarely have genuine hobbies.

Because girls have to always weasel their way into everything men do, kinda like how jews always weasel their way into christian countries

Science has proven that that girls cant have interest in things unless its for attention.

well in their defense, they are just basing that idea on everything they have ever seen, heard, or experienced


Women have "interests" only to attract the attention of men

Real life experiences.

If you ever get a girlfriend you will understand ;)

Women are jews of gender they are social parasites their host is male humanity.

i know a lot of women who are good at nerd stuff.
i know a lot of women who are good at building stuff.
i know a lot of women who are bad at nerd stuff
i know a lot of women who are bad at building stuff
i know a lot of men who are good at nerd stuff
i know a lot of men who are good at building stuff
i know a lot of men who are bad at nerd stuff
i know a lot of men who are bad at building stuff

long story short some people are

>every group is totally equal and there aren't any biological biases

Women are incapable of feeling passion for a hobbie. They can't understand why you would put in hours trying to pass a level in a difficult game, or trying to learn a song on the guitar.

From experience.

Very rarely do women have interest in something with any amount of depth. It's like googling "what's the Dow Jones" and saying you're into the finance market. They rarely have working knowledge of the shit they are "into".
It's almost always some trivial knowledge they gained like the night before

Women are only passionate about dumb shit like shopping and buying shoes. When they are into 'nerd hobbies', it's usually a superficial interest. Ask them specifics and find out they don't know shit about the subject like a man would.

no, everyone is a cocksucker
but op sucks the most cocks

They're not even good at that, they buy the most normie highly marketing horseshit with no quality

Women attempt to build a persona
Men attempt to distract themselves from death

Its just different perspectives. Men see the feminine version as being shallow and egotistical.


This is bullshit. My girlfriend grows great weed, nerds about it all day, and she doesn't do it for the attention, she does it for the weed. OP BTFO

Vapid sheltered children who can't imagine doing anything for reasons other then constructing self-image.

Weed is not a hobby.

There are women who do this but there are also the women who are passionate about a hobby.

Because that's the only reason why they do anything, ever. All they ever want is attention, because they need others to make their own existence valid.


Girls like what they're told to like.

Feminists have been dictating women's feeling for decades now.

You should like games
you shouldn't like marriage
you should want a career instead of a family
you should feel harassed when men compliment you
you should be a slut and proud of it
you should always feel oppressed by things men do
you should always feel offended by things men do

the list is huge and women have followed the instructions from their feminist masters like sheep.

If OP had been a grill, would that have risen cocks sucked by an exponential number, or would it have changed it to beans flicked?

>weed is a hobby

great description of women in general

>we don't just do it for recognition! now recognize we don't do it recognition you shitlords!
there is nothing new under the sun

It's true that the male and female brain and wired differently, that's what makes men have a good sense of direction, and women and sense of precision. It is true that when you see that some girls tend to publicize their political affiliation to get male attention, but keep in mind that many other don't, so don't base your final observation on the superficial demographic that you chose to study.

Growing plants is certainly a hobby.

You're using the word "nerd" incorrectly.

Everyone wants recognition, whether from your superior, significant other, parent, boss...
Recognition isn't the attention that's referred to here i suppose

I actually miss the days in high school when women used to shit on me and Star Wars.

At least they were honest (and right in a way), growing men should have no interest in child-like fantasy stories.

I'm sure there are some women who have actual interests outside of money and vanity.
I still haven't met one, though.

When I do, I will marry her.

this women are the jewnigger of every race of man /webshite

Everyone wants recognition.
Not everybody wants recognition to hobbies which they supposedly love doing all on their own and are "totally not doing for sole basis of attention u silly boys"

>I'm sure there are some women who have actual interests outside of money and vanity.

>When I do, I will marry her.

You'd be wiser to stick to the vain money hungry women. Stoke her vanity and provide for her and all should be well.

In my experience the "nerdy gamer grill XD" is a far worse specimen of female. Probably due to her being overlooked by guys during high-school for her looks or hobbies, they slut it up in an attempt to make up for their insecurities.

t. Guy who has been with many le gamer gurls and now avoids them like the fucking plague.


Oh please, don't twist my words, i was speaking from my own perspective. When i'm at the uni working on a project i want to be able to discuss it with my colleagues who most of them are males (it doesn't mean that i crave their attention) debating starts with both sides acknowledging the other's abilities of a constructive rational process of thinking, only then can we communicate and exchange, and not only with my colleagues, with my professors are well.
Is that attention whoring?

Women are so normie that they hated star wars until the media told them its cool

Women do have interests in things, but WHENEVER the field is male-dominated, it is almost entirely for attention.

Because she wears a shirt with a character on it she can't even name properly? Because women do stuff like that in all areas of life? She says she's into something but can't even hold a conversation about the thing like you would have with a fellow man who's actually interested in it.

Also she gets free material stuff out of it. If she pretends to be into the man's things, the man will reward with free food, shelter, clothes, etc. It's a parasite's trick.

listen to this man thats how bad it is

>watching star wars already makes you a geek
Holy Christ this really triggers me everytime I hear it, "hehe I'm so nerdy for watching the simpsons", the simpsons haven't been funny for at least 15 years, please shut up.


jesus christ dylan must have been such an autist

posing with a confederate flag and pistol with a bunch of potted plants? what was he thinking?

Also historical precedent and interaction. We all grew up with girls saying they didn't like these "nerdy" things and suddenly in 2014+ world they suddenly do! They're telling the same people they made fun for liking things that they actually liked them now. Funny how our common interests have never lead to a significant relationship like you'd get with a man who has your similar interests though.

Which is another indicator of faking. I can't go to a bar and strike up a conversation with a random girl about some game I've been playing, she's just not interested. But I go on the Internet and hear "GGGUUURRRLLLLSS LIKE GAMES TOOOOO" so it's a simple matter of "that's not what I observe with general interactions with girls in real life."

We are men

Women won't fuck me. I hate them. Fucking whores. MOMMYYYYYY

>girls like Star Wars
I fucking hate normies and what they've done to my childhood

gardening is a perfectly valid, feminine hobby. no one ever specified which plants had to be grown. why do you hate tradition, user? do you think girls should be engineers, or something?

dont step on my snake, authoritarian shitlord

Do women give us any reason to like them besides sex? I mean really, if we take sex out of the equation then you're left with interacting with what amounts too, weaker, more retarded men, some of which look good.

They can't even be in your hobbies or interests without being shallow and stupid. So what else do they offer?

what a fucking bimbo jesus



Tits or gtfo, thot

Idk man, I'm the only guy in the anime club where I am and so I'm guessing they're not doing it for dick

You just posted this for attention

>anime club
I'm sure they only watch surface level pleb shit.

No, you are

Anime has been feminine for awhile, the issue is however, is that the "weeabo lesbian" trope is very very very real.

Girls who like anime are weird, even by girl standards, the majority of women are not into anime and those that are are literally the exact type of women we here dislike.

We're arguing about if the minority of women exist or not because they're so few, and I'd have to say that statistically they might as well not exist.

This is called marginalizing, and yes, it actually serves a purpose for traveling through this world.

Becuase sexual differentiation is real.

Why do girls like animals and dolls and shit? Because natural selection has made women nurturers.

Why do boys like technology and guns? Because natural selection has made men hunters and builders.

Don't fuck with nature.

Thought I found one because she is passionate about her job, but I think it's just imposter syndrome.

Dude come on, this must be a meme or something I never caught onto. God dammit. Post a real image or slit your throat

Most women only go with what's popular at the time or what makes them money without having to actually do anything. Men who find a game interesting are usually good at that game because they enjoy the competition. But watch most woman play a game she "enjoys" and she sucks ass at it, visit any female twitch/youtube stream. There are a few chicks who actually like playing games, but they're such social shut ins it's impossible to actually be involved in her life.

It's not only about male attention... Why do you think they like getting flowers?

Hint: It's not because they like flowers

What an accomplishment.

>shouldn't be treated like they're faking it

Men WANT you to be into the same things we are. We want you to get what we get and do it with us especially nerdy/geeky guys. It's the one chance we have to be able to relate to you in some way that's not forced and awkward.

If you're really into a thing we are... really truly into that thing on our level that's great. We'll except you and probably try to date/fuck you too just because we rarely get any contact with females. But understand we've been exposed again and again to women who say they're into our activity and are in fact horrible at it if it's a game/something requiring skill or woefully ignorant to the fandom or whatever else it is.

We assume this because it's all we ever see again and again. You want to be accepted? Then step up to our level... and not in an aggressive bitchy way but as an apprentice learning from her masters. Learn, practice, EARN your way into the group. That's how men do it, that's how you need to do it if you ever want to be seen as equal. Don't want to do the work? Then tits or GTFO.

this one is cringier and more white-knightey, but it mostly focuses on sex.

the first one is just telling you how to maintain a happy healthy relationship with a woman.

Holy shit, is this really how it works?
I've been doing it all wrong?
There's no way women can be that stupid.

bretty much.

like here's an event that happened to me and not the person who wrote that.

I work in construction (general contractor and electrician) but I'm still going to school (studying vet medicine)

I got off work late (more like the location was an hour away)
I had class that night.
I needed to get home, shower, eat, and get to class, but I'd be cutting it super super close.

So I call my girlfriend.
>Hey sweet heart, I'm running late, I need you to make me something to eat, alright?
>uhuh yeah sure honey
(she asked me what I wanted and went over what we had, I'll leave that out, but we concluded that I wanted a sandwich)

I got home, showered, and she had my food ready for me.
I finished my meal, put my plate in the sink, and packed my school bag.

On my way out I said goodbye, but I also thanked her for making me a meal.

That's literally it.
>I need you to X
>Thank you for doing X

it sounds weird phrased like that, but seriously, just appreciate them.

>Feminists are crazy like that because they've never been with a Real Man.
That statement is true, just not slanderous towards women. It raises the question "Where are all the real men?".

Go be a real man and she'll love you for life.

Experience mostly.

further details, she doesn't mind making me dinner, in fact she loves to.

She loved making me a blanket (and I fucking love that blanket, it's fucking awesome) because I asked her to do it and she liked the idea.

Think about it this way.
Women are raised from a young age being told they can't do this or they can't do that or they shouldn't do this.
And in truth, there are lots of things woman cannot do, we live in a man's world because the world required men to become what we are. It is a men's world because we rose to the challenge, not because we made it this way.

So women often feel useless, and nobody likes to feel useless or burdensome, so by being inclusive and having her help you she gets to feel helpful and important.

There are still a lot of things women can't do, so we need to help them when they need it.

A healthy relationship is one where both help each other.
Note, I didn't say "help each other an equal amount" because it will never be equal.

I'll think about those things and experiment with it for a while.
Thanks for the insight, Ameribro.

remember, you're not doing it to keep her around or make her love you

you're doing it so she knows you appreciate her

>meanwhile I can't get my wife to like the games I like
>"user, why don't you do something useful, like build those wall storage boxes for the baby's room? I'm willing to paint it if you build it! We could get into buying old furniture and giving the pieces a huge makeover-and then sell it for some spending money to use on a date or something!"

>caress camera in between ass cheeks
>press shutter button

We know because it's the same reason you're posting this here.

You're a vapid attention whore.

It sounds about right, in retrospect. My girlfriend obeys my will every time and I subtly convince her to not do things things that might hurt her while encouraging her to finish her degree and do healthy stuff she enjoyed before she met me.

A dumb example:
The other month I told her "gee, the two of us really let ourselves go" and later that day she decided to go on a diet and increase her workout regimen.

Those are the girls only using the hobby for attention.