What's the deal with these stupid "parliamentary" systems of government that so many countries who follow the US use...

What's the deal with these stupid "parliamentary" systems of government that so many countries who follow the US use? Why don't they just copy us identically instead of tweaking things to try to pretend like it's their invention, and ending up with something worse in the end?

Stop it

Stop what?

I just ate a chicken burger it was yummy

The US was always meant to be a quasi-parliamentary system where the president is elected by the State legislatures. The State legislatures all abdicated their responsibility for electing the president by instituting a popular vote.

>America invented representative democracy

>that pic
Great, now I want a spicy chicken sandwich and a sweet tea. God help me I love chick-fil-a

Constitutional Monarchy is the premier form of democratic government.

I almost went and got one of these last night. So fucking good.

>police state intensifies

chik fil a is the tits now im hungry but theyre closed

i hate you user

> Constitutional erosion intensifies.

1. They don't like secularlism. Every other goverment in the world wants to have a state ran church

2. They don't like property belonging to the individual. Every other goverment in the world wants to remain the principled land owner.

3. They want homogenity and expect a singular idealogy. The want equal people thinking the same, doing the same, and getting equal results

TL;DR It's because they don't understand freedom. They have no idea what liberty means

This is designed for what to do when Planet X comes close to Earth. Massive tidal waves will begin to wash into coastal neighborhoods. Most people live near the coast lines.

Only used that pic because I'm eating one right now.

Dankest sandwich oat just add wheat bun
Fuck you

Constitutional monarchy is the usurpation of power from the monarch by the bureaucracy.

Ummmhmmm... sure...

Was Guantanamo bay and drone strikes on US soil also a contingency for this?

They're not copying America you stupid burger.

Don't be fooled. NASA has kept this hidden from the public for decades.

No it was usurpation of power from the aristocracy to the middle-class which was then democratised in 1918.

This was the exact same process the USA underwent with power passing from the aristocracy to the middle-class after the war of independence. In 1966 the USA also democratised.

So we pretty much arrived at the same place at about the same time.