Wats ur opinion on Cali?
Wats ur opinion on Cali?
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Nuke it, please.
t. LA Resident
Concur, LA is 98% cesspool
Rural areas are ok but most is (pic related)
Sinking ship
Everybody says it's la mierda.
Currently living in the central valley. Its still pretty pozzed but working at a conservative radio station helps. Sucks all we get to listen are old dying people.
You forgot
Nichest beaches
Nice people
Awesome weather
Incredibly beautiful state ruined by commies
cool flag but even shitter than latin america
Are u retarded hollywood is there
It needs to vanish into the ocean forever along with every single Californian. Fuck Commiefornia.
Why bro I always see ppl hating on cali but they never give reasons. Whats ur problem
the main one is every rich person on earth has a house here. so they try to influence the politics here. the college system brainwashes millions of kids who are sent to the state from their parents who live in neighboring states. california is very advance but has gotten controlled by the gay elite. we passed a law in 1994 making it illegal for illegals to get health insurance and the state gov ignored it. most of california is rural desert. everyone lives on the coast. people on the coast are 70 percent lefty. the ones in the desert are rightys. bottom line the whole planet wants to live here. thus americans hate the whole planet
not really defending your case there m8
Texas > California
Ya but why does it bother u? If u live there you get paid well, everyone is happy, theres nice view and amazing beaches. Why do u care about someones political views if they dont bother u personally man
Central valley fag here, you guys hiring?
Hahaha u wish
it does not bother anyone. its just idiots in the internet who live in a place different than california and see nothing but communism on tv. its not like that here bro. i smoke weed everyday and work 2 jobs. great weather. hottest girls. best food. everyone loves it here. people just love to hate
I lived in San Diego in 1979-81...it was awesome...clean, fairly inexpensive, lots of jobs, beautiful weather, gorgeous women, tons of drugs...I went there last year and holy fuck the place became an utter shithole. Mexico really did move north.
yes but in the past year its been an ice holocaust
As a tourist i noticed many tourists that vist Cali are snobbish cunts.
This is the type of people this place attracts.
no not true. only the really exppensive areas full of asians and bmws
the funny thing is i worked at a hotel i was born and raised here in san diego. dude everyone like everyone who lives here came from out of state or out of country
Californians are basically Muslims
>hate California
>move somehwere else
>continue acting like californians and demand their new host state changes
why do you only think california does this and the whole population. california has the population of canada or australia
Best waifu confirmed, straight edge fags BTFO
Also, where the fuck is the Psychonaut flag. Fucking hiroshimoot too scared of his shitty drug laws to acknowledge the most based movement.
Texan here. Went on a trip with brother and friend to pick up a cheap zx-14 from a kawasaki dealer there for my dad. A few people are nice but they all seem fake thinking they are actors. Traffic is horrendous it never lifts people just go 20-30mph on highways the whole way. Geography is kind of weird everything is in valleys and you can go to the ocean swimming and skiing in the same day.
this is overpopulation bro
Ikr thanks for clarification bro c u ok peaceout bye
A lot of ppl in the state are conservative and just want a normal life and go about their day to day, its really the coastal cities (where people go to "find" themselves and push their bullshit thoughts on people and the corrupt politicians that push this liberal bs agenda. most true californians dont like the liberal propaganda or the shitty state leadership.
yes thank you
also i would like to add that many people voting are fucking recent immigrants
the prob is brown and the repubs we do have gave up cause of his crap
I cannot express to you or anyone how much I love my homeland. It's literally paradise. Wild parrots nest in my palm trees, I live 3 blocks from the beach and see the ocean every day. Everything about this land, even in the dead of drought, is goddamn amazing. Gorgeous. Beautiful.
Please, for the love of god, nuke this shit from orbit before the leftard cancer spreads too much.
>go to ceremony
>dad becoming citizen after 35 years in country
>make him study and teach him everything abought gov and politics
>know hes still a child that easily passed a test really knows nothing abought real policts other than cnn talking points
>go to ceremony.
>40 percent asian 40 mexican and 20 other
>democratic senator congressman dude leads ceremony
>clearly see old ladies that never assimilated and dont have a clue how they even passed the test
>people who you know would never assimilate were being given citizenship
>mexicans only there because they hate trump. many of them old men with the sole purpose of voting for anything trump and just listening to their dem gods.
>ceremony ends in san diego
>dem stands up
>senator dude. super important you guys all vote. leave dem and rep party recruiting people outside. dem line massive
>realize these people vote for caliornia laws
as for our gun laws the conservatives remind us all the time our states gun laws are shit (which we know) but they fail to realize tha the reason our gun laws are so shit is cause of reagan starting this process by banning open carry due to the black panthers having an open carry protest in sacramento so instead of locking up the non peaceful protesters the republican laid the ground work for fucking up our states rights
It'sa degenerate shithole?
yeah regan fucked everything, he killed the college system that worked
just leave the state of Jefferson and give me a couple hours heads-up so I can get there from LA.
I moved to San Diego in 81 and yeah, it's been a mudslide ever since. In the end I'm white and it's like being a king in a land full of serfs.
Wtf how old r u
Beautiful state, unbelievable natural resources, amazing beaches, relatively new infrastructure... and some of the most retarded yet simultaneously arrogant people on Earth.
San Francisco should be one of the great cities in the world. Instead it's an open air toilet filled with dude weeds and unaffordable housing because the good liberals of the city have NIMBY'd away new buildings.
thats baller tho. my dad came in 79 from mexico and our house is worth like half a million know.
It's a beautiful state... where there aren't any spics/niggers around.
Being ruined by liberals inch by inch.
actually demographically an east/west ca split is better than an upper north and the rest of ca split since the problem lies along the coast
yes very true. no one wants to live in the desert, unless you have money or are really broke
Belongs to Mexico
well look at palmdale lancaster or the state of nv thats all desert and ppl like it there, hell palmdale area even has a pretty massive white pride group out there
it actually did. we took lots of gold and grew lots of orchard and had lots of ranches. it was pretty sweet for mexicans up until 1920 when the jews came, my family has been here since then and mexican
Too old for this shit, also known as 50.
i mean california
Just stfu and go there if you want my rroma friend. You'll probably be just like a mexican for them, so it'll be good for you, but make it worse for them.
619 here
I'm sorry but the people are too far gone.
If its not true than why does California have a lone star in its flag?
They love shoving those views down your throats.
Damn u r a bit old how come u visit Sup Forums???
Idk but u dont have nice beaches and nice people and in california u can fo to beach and then to mountain in texas no
>tfw Orange County went blue last election
So many fucking asians and Mexicans here now
I'm waiting for it to bankrupt desu.
tfw i live in Beverly Hills close to Century City
I go to 29 Palms area for peace, quiet and darkness every few months. You don't want to be out there like, all the time. I also lived in Vegas for a while, that sucked balls.
its a shithole if you're poor
It's one of the best states in the union and economically one of the strongest. Funny how all the cucks complain about it because they're living in some shithole flyover state.
Just stop infecting my fucking state
Sup Forums and Sup Forums is really nice. It's what free speech is all about.
There isn't much of that left.
You conservashits are doing the same thing, so cut the hypocrisy.
A lost cause !! If they think they can hug the ISIS into peace, we will have to pick up their pieces !! Hate breeds hate, stupidity breeds stupidity, reality breeds justice, they need to wake up.....
and they are all cramped up in the same tiny little big cities...gassem
he's 12 and that's what his drunk hick daddy would always yell.
When I was there the weather, houses and even the garbage containers looked the same as in the south of france, spain and greece but the buildings are modernist
actually, there wasn't very much gold mining, orchard growing, or ranching. it was just a few spanish priests and churches. along with a few hundred soldiers. spanish, THEN mexicans, etc...................................never had a big foothold in california.
>but i completely 100000000% agree with your comment about LA being sweet until the jews flooded here from around the world in the 20's to film their degenerate shit.....would love to hear more from your latino angle on that because it is verrrrry real. boyle heights was never jewish no matter what (((they))) try and say.
ya. and wait until the persians start blowing themselves up to take irvine from the gookooookookoooos.
CA sucks ass. There needs to be a revolution in that state, one which wipes LA and SF off the face of the map.
ps if you want the best tacos in all of California they're here:
Crazy Coyote Tacos
13033 Malki Road, Banning, CA 92220
seriously, the best taco stand in all of California. don't let the faggots in sanfrag say shit about food ever, everything there is garbage tier. everything. EVERYTHING
where I am there are plenty of amazing mexican-ranchero style taquerias, obv, but Crazy Coyote is not mexican style--it's native californian style. yuge difference.
you know, you assholes could always move here and help unfuck the situation. certainly better weather than whatever shithole part of the country you're from.
They don't just call it "The People's Republic of California" for shits and giggles
>> tfw born in Cedar Sinai in LA, grew up in Culver City then majority in Venice, move to Westchester then Palmdale then Rosamond
Mmmmm delicious Christian pro-gun small town living.
>>mfw Section 8 bix noods and guebons moving in
>>mfw I'm first generation Hungarian-American
I live near San Francisco. Calif was a conservative state until California the 1990s. This was a result of the Reagan amnesty which made 3,000,000 illegals legal. Now Calif is completely cuckoo