I'm sick of living in Chile. Everyone here is short, brown and ugly, specially women...

I'm sick of living in Chile. Everyone here is short, brown and ugly, specially women. The government is corrupt and isnt interested in helping people in need. Everyone takes advantage of each other, nobody cares about ethics or the common good. Everything is for sale, kikes and (((Pinochet))) put a price tag on our natural resources. Politicians brag openly about their corruption, people dont really care and keep voting for them anyway. Healthcare is expensive, the economy is in the shitter and every nigger from south america is migrating here.

I'm tired of all this, Sup Forums. I'm a hardworking, good natured man. Which white country should I move to?

Other urls found in this thread:


You should become a scientist in Antarctica.

Ya know, because it's Chile.

>Which white country should I move to?

non. You should draw the line in the sand and fight.

If i ever 'make it' overkilling it as a freelance, I'll settle in Chile.


Venezuela sounds like your paradise you comunist faggot


None. We don't want you. Why you nonwhites feel entitled to our civilisation?

Nobody wants you.

This same text and picture were posted yesterday. Spam is not allowed here. sage and report spam.

Stand and fight you magnificent pussy.

If you flee you are not better than those mexicans everyone makes fun of, improve yourself improve your people and we can advance, you flee and everything will go to shit.

>The government is corrupt and isnt interested in helping people in need.
That isn't the government's job. Fuck off, we're full.

I'm sad you are a brainlet

>blaming everybody but yourself
grow up, texas

>t. congolombian diaspora
Just get the fuck out, nigger. You and your nigger friends are the only problem we have.

You can go to Germany i heard they accept everyone now.


>asking Sup Forums for advice

Good luck with that one...

Hey Etienne if you want social benefits flee to Argentina

What's Uruguay like?

nigger you're already in one of the better countries on earth, what makes you think the caliphate is any better?

Come home huwaito piggo

Please got out of my land you magnificent pussy.



this woman is very beautiful. is she chilean?


I don't care how much you hate your fellow shitskins, you are one and the only way I would let you in if I were king would be to have you sterilized

I doubt it, you can find girls like her though

is this brown?

>Which white country should I move to?
South Africa of course, most white country in the planet

you just described evry nation on earth

>ywn have the chance to redpill a chillean communist politician gurl

why even live

>Those bracelets

Jesus you are a fucking cuck, even your wrist shows you are a DYEL skinny fag

Skeytch Parker write me and i will help you!

Every country is like that now. There is no running, stay there and fight for your country

Being pale doesn't make you European, mongrel castizo

clearly you're white caucasian.

anyway Op, are average chilean women slutty as european women or brazilian women?

because they look waifu type on pictures. yeah most of them are ugly like our muslim girls.

Sluts are everywhere but proportionally I'd say they aren't as slutty as European, or Brazilian/Argentinian.

Argentinian girls are the biggest sluts.

i know fucker you're the one who always ruin threads talking about pinochet with your fucking endless rants now GTFO !!!

I thought - memes aside - that Chile, Argentina and Uruguay were untainted by amerind blood.


Wow user I feel like we're really getting along. Tell me, what do you think of communism?

t. russian mongrel subhuman trying to compensate by calling anyone a nigger.

t. Zurich Türke


>t. shitskin


>this thread again


Who's got the higher chance of being right ?
The guy pointing out a genetic fact or the guy making up accusations about how someone is part of a 1% group living in a country ?

You were wrong. There are small pockets of white people here and there in South America, but everyone else is mixed or "native".

You are wrong. There are small pockets of natives here and there in south america, they're non existant in Chile, argentina, and uruguay tho. Most people here are mixed (>70%), with a bunch of white people (mediterranean).

Where there's democracy there's corruption

Me. You getting triggered on behalf of some immigrant mongrel leech is sure a thing of you being one. Feel free to compare Russian scientific contribution to that of sudacas

Nice try Slavshit, feel free to compare European scientific achievements with that of Western Mongolia.

>Russian scientific contribution

This baby kike lives in Chile. She should be captured and submitted to sex slavery.

Just try to move then, no one in a first world is going to like you there. They will just think that you are another of us, jajajajajaja.
Are you a fag?


>being this retarded

Woah... duh

Dmitri please.

I know his pain,you simply can't fix people with bad gene,only way is to starve them to death,then again you have protests and (((UN))) interferes,because its not politically correct to kill sub humans.

Top KEK Chileno puto, we will continue sending niggers your way, Everyone knows chilean men love to fuck niggetes cause they are more appealing than your ugly mapuche women. You are welcome

u are also brown, short and ugly so stay there shitskin

>1 post by this ID

United States.
And then buy guns.

>says the colombian nigger
just neck yourself beaner

Take in Argentine immigrants

Butthurt expat detected, do you even have your papers? go back to your fucking country

Get back in your plastic submarine, Diego, Jamal needs you to ship him some more crack

>Today the collective group makes up over 80% of the indigenous peoples in Chile, and about 9% of the total Chilean population.


I would say 90% of the population is mestizo
>a bunch of white people
almost non existent, just about 7-5%, including meds.
inb4 le triggered mestizo who thinks he is actually a med

Did you finally made peace with FARC?No? at least you have a nobel for that

If you were really worthy you'd live in an upscale neighbourhood in Chile where most people are white and good looking. But you're probably a shitskin indio so stay where you're scum, nobody wants you.

español, únete a nosostros en es.dailystormer.com

I'm sure he is just another middle class shitskin with inferiority complex who larps as white

no fuck off we dont want any more mestizos/castizos CHILEAN NIGGER GO DIE IN A FIRE FAGGOT NOBODY WANTS YOUR SHITTY PRESENCE

Literally deduced the shape of the universe.

I have a gf

post your palms and nipples

Also how old old your family? How many years do they have in Chile?
Also see the pic at Are you sure you aren't one of those self identifying """whites"""?
Were you born pale and with light hair? (i don't care if your hair is still light)

GTFO if you don't want to live here the only reason why the economy isn't growing as much as before (because it is still growing) is because of (((((((Bachelet))))))) which you probably voted for given the fact that you seem to hate Pinochet.

>our civilisation
mfw the Russians think they are part of the Western civilization.

Yeah m8, go fight for more Communism you disgusting mongol

Are you the /sg/ bro?


weak argument.

Call me stupid but didn't get that one

Don't move to Mexico I was the same color as you but since I was 12 I've practiced football and fucking sun is unbelievable strong here.

Sounds like Brasil with better economy.


Oh boy here comes that thread again.

>no reply
middle class shitskin larping as white
I bet your skin isn't even light and it was just a camera effect

Kek, my family has a lot more money than yours.

copypasta, seasoned with some sage

I'm not caucasian for sure, I don't think of myself as white, I know I'm mestizo. My grandfather's names are Shearer Yaqui I don't know where that comes from, he was the first generation born in Chile and he married a mestiza. Considering my father I don't know much about his ancestry but it's probably mestizo too, he had green eyes though. I have dark hair but one of my sisters is blonde

if you have no jew in you come to canada

blonde by chilean standards?
And again, were you born with pale skin and light hair?
>I don't think of myself as white
then why do you want to move to a white country and fuck up their demographics even more?


yes, I was born with pale skin and light hair. And I'm not op btw

i feel you chilebro

Shit, I thought you were OP

Yes. I know. You live in a fucking dump with ugly people. You want to move to a White country that is nice and has attractive people.

You want to shit-up White countries and turn it poor and ugly - just like your home country. I know. Come on over, Juan. Fuck my country up. Give me that low IQ.

Get off my thread newfag scum