go anywhere on earth and it looks flat
this mind boggling phenomena is not reproducible at any scale
somehow we all stand motionless on a big ball spinning faster than the speed of sound, and flying through space at 55k mph
we should fly off like water droplets on a tennis ball

spherecucks are brainless and very rarely show the capacity for critical thinking

Other urls found in this thread:

click on "globe_west_2048.jpg"

see pic related

not the most clever use of photoshops clone stamp tool I've seen
NASA really is a big joke. the fact that anyone buys the shit that they peddle speaks volumes on the average IQ of Americans

what stars really look like

>This shit is why people think Sup Forums is exclusively for autists


>The cloud image is a composite of two days of imagery collected in visible light wavelengths and a third day of thermal infra-red imagery over the poles.
They tell you on the site itself that it is a composite genius.

theyre all composites though

curved earth also presents the problem of curved water. the claim is that the water is resting on the earth, and does not find a level point, obviously absurd.

any container in which you place water will find it perfectly flat. curved water is a myth

Assuming for a moment the Earth was flat. What possible reason would the government of every country on earth, scientists, pilots, the military, telecommunications companies, university professors, astronomers, elon musk, ancient philosophers, and kevin bacon all have for lying to us about it?

That's not even getting into the question of how they would keep that secret covered up.

That's what they want you to think. Nice try NASA shill. BTFO


are people really this dense? dont they realize you wont get stars in the picture unless you use long exposure or w/e its called because the amount of light stars project to earth is very small

Please post more. I love these flat world threads.


Could you post something that scientifically proves Flat Earth?

No because the Earth is round.



3/10, I thought you might be serious for a little bit there. That ruins it, though.

Flat earth theory is the true redpill, kek!

heres a straight line drawn on the horizon


>we should fly off like water droplets on a tennis ball

Centrifugal force is easy to calculate. All you need to know is the radius and the rate the object is spinning.

RCF = (RPM/1000)^2 * radius in mm *1.118

The radius of Earth is 6,371 km. That is 6,371,000,000 mm.

It is spinning at 1 rotation per 24 hours which is 0.000694 rotations per minute.

(0.000694/1000)^2 * 6,371,000,000 * 1.118 = 0.0034 G

We are experiencing a whopping 0.0034 G spinning on the surface of the Earth, not even one half of 1% of the force of gravity. That is why stuff doesn't go flying off. Gravity is literally 294X stronger than the centrifugal force exerted by the spinning Earth.

You are a fucking idiot.

>Sup Forums not knowing how cameras, optics, perspective works

Why am I not suprised?

>never disproved the meme
>still believes in curved water
gravity has never been proven

that would be upwards curvature lel

It's so much bigger due to more people idiot

There is good reason that pictures are edited... Military secrets for starters, and who knows what the fuck is floating around earth.. If we saw those wed shit brix

At 0:10 you can clearly see that is a fellow astronaut in another space suit. Just because you put captions on the video saying otherwise doesn't make it true. Do you people have zero critical thinking skills?

Look at the moon dip shit.
Find me literally any celestial body that's flat and I'll give ya the benefit of a doubt

>types from his $200 laptop he got from saving money he earned flipping burgers at mcdonalds

kys loser

>gravity has never been proven
Here is an experiment.
Take off your shoes
Go into your kitchen
Pick out your biggest knife with the sharpest tip
Drop it onto your foot from as high as you can reach

>where are the stars?
that's like asking "where are the stars?" in broad fucking daylight.

>Sup Forums knowing how anything works

To disprove something, it must be falsifiable.

You do realize gravity hasn't been proven right? So you should be careful calling others an idiot when you are clearly being one yourself.

this has to be bait


Come on, post the pic of the sunbeams that aren't parallel because you retards don't understand what a vanishing point or perspective is


pretty sure the 2012 one is China


If you believe in a flat earth you are against the teachings of god

Isaiah 40:22:
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

i really hope you're larping. If not, I hope there's a God to help you

The knife is more dense than the air around it, thus causing it to fall. You do not need gravity to explain density and buoyancy. Nice try though

Yeah first one is a wide prime lens and the second one is zoomed in. Wow, crazy.

christ, this is retarded

Go outside tonight and try to take a picture of the stars.

You won't be able to do it unless you have very nice camera equipment where you have very specific control over the exposure. And if you do set the exposure so you can pick up the stars if anything else is in the frame it will be totally blown out and over exposed because you have the exposure set so high so you can see the stars.

It's not that you're wrong. The larp and arguments are just so weak that it's fucking boring. Maybe that's what you get off on. Regardless, just fucking jump you time waster.



yeah one picture is cropped smaller & enlarged.

>It's almost as if pictured can be taken at different distances.

>thinks circle and sphere are the same

>take picture of earth on horizon
>looks small af
>zoom in
>looks big after
Which one is the real one?

>what is the difference between centrifugal and centripetal force

wtf are you talking about rabbi

>no understanding of physics, optics, photography
Every time

It boggles my mind that some liberals consider the hordes of Sup Forums a legitimate threat.

>You do not need gravity to explain density and buoyancy

Yes, you do. The reason more dense stuff wants to be underneath less dense stuff is because it is more effected by gravity for a given unit volume.

I really want to think that you flat earthers are just dedicated trolls out for a laugh. Because it really is terrifying thinking that this many people are really as fucking stupid as you. It is horrifying.

Then why does the knife fall downwards as opposed to falling left, right, or up?

How about ONE person here prove the earth is a sphere? Then we can watch all of you fail miserably.


There's no such thing as centripetal force.

Why the fuck would star look like that?

then explain how the clods are behind it

Oh fuck off. If you have bad vision you can literally replicate this with any light, it looks exactly the same.

Wow, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You should get off /pol for a while and read some books, your brain is becoming mash.

Proof of god. Lights on the firmament thousands of miles away. Not suns light years away.

Genesis 1:14-15
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

A Star Close Up

Fucking lenses how do they work?

>implying science can't prove false things

>60 miles equals 2400 feet of curvature

Yeah but it's actually 40 feet. Lol, the math in this is literally made up. Stop it.

Man so many pricks jerking off right now reading your retarded responses. Trying to prove that high school level science is real like a bunch of bait noobs. Just fucking stop.



What do you mean it hasn't been proven? Relativity or even Newton's computations predict the interaction of objects all the time. Drop a ball from a height, observe and track the motion of the planets, fire a cannon and try to hit a target. All of these objects follow the prediction of gravity perfectly. The source of gravity is not known yet though, which is probably what you are confused by :^)

Bottom left she's so sick of this shit


At least post high quality bait.

Flattards btfo

Sup bill

or that foreign and US government spends money monitoring/deciphering what we write as if its key intellegence
Sup Forums gets more viewers than Fox News

If pol is collectively so mind numbingly stupid about a topic like this, you should wonder what else they are mind numbingly stupid about as well. Think closely about how you handle threads like these.

Its a good cover. Like Alex Jones; say a tonne of crazy shit while dropping truth bombs.

The Earth is moving upwards. Gravity is an illusionary force like centrigual force.

>Hundreds of thousands of people are all in on a grand conspiracy
>along with hundreds of millions of dollars of money
>so they can get more money

>but they still make stupid mistakes like OP's pic

Are you really this retarded?