This is supposed to be the king of Sweden

>this is supposed to be the king of Sweden

Other urls found in this thread:,14.1233115,3a,75y,276.65h,85.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqDm_iTjntEYyhtC0SenplQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=no

Old picture, he has gone full Varg lately

Cuck and weak simpleton.

He's french, what do you expect.


And this is supposed to be the Nazi-in-Chief of America.

Any questions?


>ID in name field
>fails to post pic
>UN flag

>being this new

It's some shill from Brussels.

He's a dyslectic coke fiend who's legally prohibited from political involvement. The fuck do you expect? Nobody cares about our royalty, except people who read dedicated gossip magazines.

This is advanced shitposting


Fuck off


Poland, please annex Sweden and commence filth purge.

Well, what did you expect?

I'd prefer if Poles would stop coming here in unwashed hordes to do shoddy work they aren't qualified for.

and you prefer hordes of rapefugees and niggers, who dont do any?

>Being in charge of anything except their own shitpile of a serf nation

Literally king cuck

To be fair they're good at both raping and cheating the system, and these are the only reasons they go to Swedistan in the first place.

>tfw don't live in a comfy swedish all-white suburb,14.1233115,3a,75y,276.65h,85.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqDm_iTjntEYyhtC0SenplQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=no