Am I a Facist, or an Ancap if I think that leftists should be removed in order to have a free and open society...

Am I a Facist, or an Ancap if I think that leftists should be removed in order to have a free and open society? I want pretty much everything to be privatized, but I have such a burning hatred for leftists that I would be okay with an authoritarian government with the sole purpose of killing leftists.



choose one friend.
freedom brings spoiled apples. always.

I'm torn.
I love capitalism and liberty, but at the same time the kikery of libertarians greatly perturbs me. Is using force the only way to produce a free and open society? If my personal liberty is oppressing someone, they'd better get used to my boot on their neck.


Can you have a free market under authoritarian rule?

If fascism can offer a free market, can I REALLY complain?

if you oppress some to attain freedom it is not true freedom. it is artificial. we must learn to cope and we will find a way.

Why should we let them tread on us?

This is why ideological thinking is so retarded. You feel like you have to identify with a camp and be loyal to it's doctrines. But how about this... libertarianism could only possibly work in white countries full of like-minded people. So, in order to establish your ancap short-bus utopia, you need to FIRST remove shitskins and subversives. Why can't the one be a stepping-stone to the other??

You're so worried about ideological purity that you can't use common fucking sense and be pragmatic. You act like someone is going to give you a grade on your doctrinal faithfulness.

>Ancap short bus utopia

But yeah, I agree with you user.

I'm posting on a Taiwanese kite building message board.
Do you really think I'm taking this seriously nigga?

>Why should we let them tread on us?
>they'd better get used to my boot on their neck.

Well, it's not like they can't do the same thing to you if you find that their personal liberties are offending you, by you're own maxim

principle. the snake is no longer the snake if it changes ideology to strike.

Yes, Singapore for example.

Killing people is in violation of the NAP, yes.
Communists however, are not people.

you right (ideologically, but not in practice)


>if you oppress some to attain freedom it is not true freedom. it is artificial.
you just described 1776 baby. You can use force to get freedom.

overthrowing oppressive forces and oppressing a portion of a population are two different things.

imagine killing all the leftists and then living with that memory and their relatives. you would not feel so 'free and open'. It sounds good in the abstract unless you are the one doing the killing.

The Nazi program of extermination started with machine guns, but after a million or so, the soldiers were so traumatized and morale so bad, they had to invent the gas chamber.

You might want to consider that your hatred is just a result of programming and propaganda by Rupert Murdoch so that he can make money off of exploiting the hatred he is creating.