Give me a good reason to not embracing degeneracy besides "muh Jesus"

Give me a good reason to not embracing degeneracy besides "muh Jesus"

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The consequences of pursuing a life leisure and sin.


>wanting to be a degenerated like the rest of this shithole
Go for it, nobody cares m8.
This shithole is doom anyway, the only thing stoping you of being a degenerated is your self-respect

To set an example for your children and others. Also

>Implying you won't dismiss every good reason out of hand.
>Implying you'll even reply to this shitty bait thread.

Anons should sage threads like these.

It's a vaste topic.

Because self destruction only has so many outcomes.

You're not going to be saying "muh jesus" when you're burnin in hell, faggot.

Because you'll ruin your life and become a shell of a man.

Too easy.

Muh Moses.

Happiness is fleeting

Wanna act like a 3rd world nigger or trailer park trash, than go for it.

I said no 'Jesus' arguments, pls

8/10 for creative response

Get scalped.


How long can you keep it up? What you're gonna be a 40-year old faggot who shows up at degenerate parties involving 20-year olds? They'll tell you to fuck off kek, and you'll have no one.


If South American natives actually looked like that, I'd totally understand why people want to breed them.

However, I strongly suspect this is in fact an east asian woman with some red photoshopped on her face and as such shall persist in my belief that racemixing is only permissible when it's with a qt asian waifu.

The consequences are very real and physically substantial. Drink all your life embarrass the hell out of yourself repeatedly, get diabetes, become obese, and die young. Fuck all the time catch an STD and be incapable of maintaining a meaningful relationship. Do drugs end up jobless, homeless, and shorten your life 20-30 years.

See now this I have absolutely no interest in bleaching whatsoever.

Where's the chicks eyebrows and is there more of her?

>"The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state. By extension, it may refer to a decline in art, literature, science, technology, and work ethics, or (very loosely) to self-indulgent behaviour." - wiki
Does that sound like something to be embraced?

When you grow up and out of these phases you'll likely not be settling down with a loving family. Even if by chance you knock up some slut, she doesn't murder it, and decides to marry you rather than go on welfare, your family will be shameful and you'll never be proud of your kids. They'll follow in your degenerate footsteps because their parents' generation didn't care to hold themselves to a high standard so why should they? It'll only get progressively worse, as a degenerate you may think there's nothing they can come up with that will outrage you, but they fucking will. I assure you they will.

If we all held ourselves to the same low standards as degs like you, the world would be a shit show. Worth nothing. Going nowhere. Living in the moment for quick enjoyment rather than building something great for the future to enjoy.

Just as I suspected.

Degeneracy is bad for your health and well-being; all sins carry costs that have negative effects on you mentally and physically, even if you ignore the spiritual consequences.

For example gluttony will make you ugly, weak, fat, diabetic, etc
Promiscuity increases the risk of STDs and having bad relationships.
Greed will ruin your judgement and lead to narcissism and mental problems.
Homosex will put feces inside your penis. etc

So if you value your well-being and health you should avoid degeneracy, the word itself implies you will be getting worse as a human for a reason.


spiritual death

Nothing good ever comes from it. It's been the reason many civilizations collapse

Right Wing Spiritual Safety Squads?

It's almost as if nature is our god. It created us, we revolve around it, and it punishes us for our sins...

Because you won't find real happiness going down that route.

AIDS, addiction, permanent record

You need to master degeneracy user this is the kalki yug and the ride ends with a bang

you will come back as a Canadian.

I was down in the cocaine/alcohol/fucking prostitutes route a couple of years ago. Not worth it.

Like says, you won't find real happiness that way.

So what do you do now

I figured out why degeneracy and lust is bad. Jordan peterson made me realize. It's because your lust for a woman is the same as your desire to go out into the world and do something good. What you see in the beauty of a woman is what everything you could ever want. But the reason its bad is because degenerate sex and masturbation are the same thing, it's just you doing useless stuff being satisfied being stuck and frustrated in this delusion. When really you should be going out and doing what you're meant to do. The reason temptation is a thing on the heroes journey because it's like hey why go out and do that you can just sit here and masturbate and be a degenerate. The delusion is that pleasure from a woman's beauty is not the same as the pleasure of conquering your fear and going out in the world of chaos and doing good

Kali Yuga not Kalki Yuga big difference

Because there is more to life than living only for yourself.

Do whatever you like. You will have to live with the consequences of your actions and not in the spiritual 'lakes of fire' sort of way. Its whether or not you think living fast and dying young is the better way over planning and future prosperity. In the end, the very end, no one will remember you anyway.


if you only live for yourself, you are no better than a nigger.

You will not be respected or taken seriously. Also, one day degenerates will be hunted like deer.

I got a girlfriend, finished my degree, quit my job and started a business.

Things are looking better. Not perfect (and they will never be), but better and improving every day.

>I said no 'Jesus' arguments, pls
no one cares what you have to say

dont be a sinner, bitch

Affects your judgement adversely

Not really

muh Evola

The Falkland Islands are rightful British clay.

Degeneracy being hedonism I presume?

Its like Slaanesh(sup /tg). You get pleasure and it feels good for a while but then, you end up not liking sex with women of your ethnicity... so you try another. Then that does not work for you, and so you go older... then younger... then it seems that women don't do it for you anymore and so, over time, you decend further, looking for the next best high.

Don't. Even discarding faith, look up the stats on couples with high numbers of sex partners between them... it is not good.

If y ou workout, and eat clean sometimes, it doesn't matter if the other times you eat junk food, as long as your overall health is ok.
Wearing a condom solves the STDs issues. Having practiced more sex leads to healthier relationships as the girl will be happier.
You can funnel greed as a drive, as long as you remember to stay humble.

yeah, it must be terrible to be on your deathbed and admit to your loved ones that, yep I was balls deep in that

Yes it is. Kalki Avatar of Vishnu returns at the end of Kali Yuga, which is the age of the demon Kali AKA the arch enemy of Kalki. So really huge difference

No, he's DEUS VULT.

They talk about the same time dumbass its all described in the kalki puran and is referred to as kalki yug

That's a good point. You can still have sex, as long as you know your place in the world and measure your success accurately.

well; before i was christian, i decided that the only reason to live was for pleasure, because there is no point to life other than self satisfaction (some might say "well, you could have kids? but your kids will die too, along with everyone and everything else).
So living for pleasure is the only logical conclusion to existence, though even that is meaningless.

After a bunch of drugs, sex and alcohol i found that living for pleasure will even leave you more distressed than when you first began
basically, nothing will fulfill you except Jesus. sorry but its true. until you have Jesus you will just keep chasing various pleasures/illusions trying to fill the void (that some of you deny is there) until you will want to kill yourself.

Fight me cuckboi where in the kalki puran does it use the words kalki yuga and Kali Yuga interchangeably? Because that's what you claimed by saying they're equivalent terms

what other 'god' will hold you back from degeneracy? and not appeal to your evil desires? because you and mankind are all evil.
When you measure an evil man by another evil man, one will seem good.
Fire awaits the trees that don't bear good fruit; a field of thorns will be burnt up. A broken chair is tossed into the fire.

I'm sure Ron Jeremy will be crying on his deathbed.....

can't really tbdesu
don't overdo it and wear a condom and you'll be alright

It's why despite jot being christian, I converted from athiesm
the systems of reality are formed to perfectly for it all to work on it's own

I'm most probably beyond redemption, so it probably makes no difference. There is nothing that can be ruined, it's all one big ruin already.

It's destructive

Being a degenerate is physically and emotionally exhausting. The most degenerate people I knew killed themselves.

>Give me a good reason to not embracing degeneracy besides "muh Jesus"

Aids. Running down of natural dopamine pair bonding. Addiction. Mental illness.

>Having practiced more sex wi-

I'm going to cut you off right there. Fucking a mountain of slags doesn't mean anything in regards to your sexual prowess. The happiest relationships I have had were with women that had few to no sexual partners. I have also had few sexual partners and my wife is very happy with our relationship and sex life.

The trick to good love making is being responsive to your partner's needs. Repetition with a single partner and becoming attuned to her body is more important than those hoes that sucked your dick in a club bathroom. The sex I have had in the context of one night stands and superficial relationships was absolutely shit in comparison to what I had in long term, emotionally close, relationships.

Women that have had many sexual partners are by no means superior to one's that have not, especially if they learn how to please you and vice versa.

Banging whores is a completely meaningless meme.

I make six figures with a grade ten education. There are worse things in life.

Whites do it better.

What has he done besides dick whores and appear in a couple of movies? He will forever been known as a gremlin that sucks his own dick on camera.

oh ffs shitzilians dont have even one decent model?

no homo

Muh prosperous civilisation should work if your iq has 3 digits

If race mixing with an Amazonian q.t is wrong, then I don't want to be right