Watching Zucc try and act like a normal human being is incredibly sad

Watching Zucc try and act like a normal human being is incredibly sad
And hilarious
Holy fuck

If he runs for president it's going to be hilarious

Other urls found in this thread:

If i was a trucker and that little faggot wanted to use me for some bullshit post in an attempt 'humanize' himself id be pretty goddamn pissed if he didnt give me at least $1million for having to talk to his awkward ass

this isnt even unreasonable. $1million is chump change for him

>I learned what a truck stop is! I'm just like you normal people!
jesus, how out of touch are these elites

what do you mean by normal

Zuckerberg is one of the most uncomfortable people on this planet.
Everything about the way he moves, his mannerisms, the glazed look in his beady eyes is just....wrong.

i like how he describes what a truck stop is as if he thought everyone else was as out of touch as him

He's a billionaire but can't even buy another shirt for himself. He always wears the same shirt.

hes one of the lizards

Autistic Jew who married an ugly gook

This shit is written like a 4th grader's "what I did over summer grade" report, what the fuck?

Maybe it's weighed down like those autism blankets.

>mfw he's planning to copy Hillary's campaign step by step, except act like even more of a condescending asshole

>See! I meet with normal people just like you!

Why does he feel the need to do this?

This guy has zero charisma.

this guy doesn't give a rat's ass about the serfs/peasants he talks to. You can tell from just these photos. It's like he's forcing himself to act normal "ok when I talk to these peasants it'll be good to stare at them in the eyes and laugh at their dumb jokes".

post yfw these type of black people are regularly killed in part of voodoo rituals in an attempt to either cure aids or get money

If he went to any other school but Harvard he'd just be another code monkey rotting away in some cubicle at Google.

This is legitimately not uncommon for a Silicon Valley resident. If you live here, you never really need to go long distance. You fly everywhere reasonably far, you drive to Tahoe, you drive to the beach, neither is more than 3 (ish) hours so you don't even need to get gas. Even LA most people fly, and if you have to drive you can do it in one tank for a fair amount of cars.
You just legitimately never have a cause to see the way a lot of America lives if you're in the Silicon Valley.
t.Cupertino resident

>watching him try to act like a normal human is incredibly sad and hilarious

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

>Cuckerberg running for president

Watch this video, there's no way this autistic sperg could be president

Watch him start sweating when asked about Facebook privacy changes, and watch how he drops his spaghetti when asked to take off his hoodie.

I really hope the Dems run him

He's even worse than Hillary

Reminds me of Hillary trying to be a person.

that place needs to be fucking glassed. i've met 3 people from there, and all of them were so out of touch it was almost impressive.

>dude you should take refugees
>look at how much space you have dude
>so? just build a big lake in the middle

>If he runs for president it's going to be hilarious
Not gonna be funny when the only choice is between Faceberg and genocidal Zionist messiah Kushner.

Didn't he call people 'fucking idiots' for trusting him with their information when Facebook first started?
Surely that won't come back to bite him in the ass.

>Goes to truck stop in Midwest

>Finds the ONLY fucking black trucker in existence

Seriously Zuckerberg was literally a block away from a strip club and didn't support any of those hard working women.

t. Iowan

I didn't know there was a strip club so close to Iowa-80. I've been through there a few times, but its been a while.

The Dems have likely told Zuck he'll beat Trump in 2020 and be the best president ever. DNC will be licking their chops to get all his Faceberg user data and get him to use ads to target voters to vote Dem (and block news and ads about Trump).

He'll be used to get the youth vote (like Bernie), then they'll jettison him near the end of the primary.

You want a redpill? Fine, here's your redpill.

My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.

The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.

Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only a few months old next time you buy a new TV, iPad, or otherwise indulge in the capitalist death cult.

I fully agree. Grew up here. Worked at multiple startups and big name SV companies. It's such complete shit, it's not really America here.

>this pasta again

You realize that Zuckerberg grew up in a suburban middle-class family, right? He wasn't born rich, like Trump or JFK.

lol why because he'll win with that kind of disconnect?


Ik this leaf irl, stop shitposting and get back in the discord bro


i think you need to follow in your fathers footsteps for chosen job, im sure you will be just as good at it as he was

perfect description, actually.

pretty awkward to me how he describes a truck stop. sounds like a woman describing it

peter t. goodbuddy

Oh God I can see it now

I think he went to an expensive private boarding school (choate rosemary). Not exactly the middle class childhood.

No lathe deaths in glorious USSR!!

the most annoying part with those turbo-poofters was their insistence on importing their culture to my country.

you couldn't even say "cunt" around them without a 20 minute long lecture about how you have internalized sexism or something like that. they wouldn't try vegemite, and they immediately turned down a trip out to the bush because "there's no phone service out there".

burn that place to the ground and salt it for good measure. nothing good has ever come out of it.

this is Jeb tier cringe
God I hope he runs.

Oops, my bad, I looked it up. He attended Phillips Exeter Academy. One of the most prestigious boarding schools in the US. Real middle class upbringing

Jeb! 2.0 here we go

I actually think that's what makes all of this worse. He has to know what he's doing makes him look even more socially awkward than Jeb Bush. It's pathetic.

I mean it's not really advertised with a billboard but it's the most "popular" one around.

I don't know why but that area has like 6 strip clubs and then you can't find any strip clubs in a 200 mile diameter.

Hes learning to be around normal people you idiot. I already hate humanity and if i was a billionaire in my 20s i would do naughty things openly. Zucker is alright in my book.

>I already hate humanity
>Zucker is alright in my book

Well at least you're consistent

>they wouldn't try vegemite

Their loss.

Sometimes I feel bad for Jeb. He's not that bad of a guy, but he's just so autistic

you dont get what im saying. I respect how he acts with how much wealth hes acquired.

we should have revoked their visa over that shit. refusing vegemite. fucking unacceptable.

I get exactly what you're saying.

You want to destroy humanity with Zuckerberg leading the way.

Dumb fucks

Take the ZuckPill:

2016 was a test to see just how powerful targetting political messaging was when applied to the facebook marketting machine. It worked extremely well towards die-hard voters of both sides and was able to drive mom and dad Trump voters to the polls without either side being aware of the volume of messages presented to their opponents.

The ultimate goal of any campaign is not to sway "enemy" voters to your side, but to energize your existing voters to show up at the polls. Zuckerberg 2020 would be able to leverage the facebook, instagram (and arguable google) networks while minimizing energization of the Trump social media targetted marketting. No one would be aware of this.

If Zuck advocates for universal basic income to the benefit of middle americans while providing a sane alternative to Trump's campaign, he can get the message to literally every human in the country that they are getting gibsmedats.

Plus there isn't much Trump can smear him with.

What could Trump say about zuck that couldn't be said about himself?

He's a self made BILLIONAIRE worth 10x what trump made through inheritance

No outstanding rape charges; a popular movie about him that exposed his primary "scandal" of building a website that some douchey republicans thought of and paints him in a sympathetic light as a calculating, brilliant, risk-taking, entrepreneurial human being.

Has all your private data (So does NSA + now all intelligence agencies that they collaborate with)?

That Zuck is an impersonable "dweeb"? As if Trump wasn't one of the most cringeworthy presidential candidates to ever run for office?

Face it, the more you hope that Zuckerberg will be rejected for not being "human" enough, the more you fall into the trap that the DNC was in underestimating Trump.
He's the Millennial coming-of-age president. He has direct control over digital campaign marketting for the largest segments of the mobile internet.

He's going to win.

or get elected. albinos get massacred every election season.

And yet I could relate more with the Don than I could this awkward moron, that makes it a lot worse.

He actually described why this is. The autist has like 12 pairs of the same clothes so he can "not waste time dressing"

no god dammit. Hes going to do great things. How i feel does not effect how he acts, are you crazy? I was just making a comparison.

>I don't know why
>giant ass truck stop

US presidency is a meme at this point.

I just hope Zuckerberg tires of this shit soon.

I couldn't stand talking (and pretending to give a shit) to everyday folks, for hours on end. Most people are boring.

Antisocial freak says Zuckerberg is going to do great things, ok buddy.

all that shit and his fucking website doesnt even work right.

I love how based on this post, he seemed completely oblivious to middle-class life before going to Iowa.

that's just because you're as stupid as trump and half of america

lol that must be why $FB is at $155

This. His children would be set to become the next Elliot Rodger or facials abuse star if he wasn't filthy rich.

The amount of influence he has with facebook isn't to be underestimated, but I pray he runs 2020 just to see how Trump talks to the kid in the debates.

>If he runs for president it's going to be hilarious

Just like Trump right?

Then he went to Harvard. Super middle class.

it would be a very wise move on our part to make damn certain every cretinous thing about cuckerberg becomes common knowledge
>and sooner rather than later

p sure he knows exactly what he's doing, if he appears to be modeling himself after killary and jeb! then he gets perceived as not worth actually worrying about or taking seriously, this is jewing at its finest

That's how it will be rigged. Zuckerberg vs Kushner.

Much like this election, where the "choices" were between
1) An ultra-wealthy New York elite with a princess daughter married to a powerful Zionist
2) An ultra-wealthy New York elite with a princess daughter married to a powerful Zionist

Oy, such a choice ve have for you today goyim!

You arent being logical but ok i get you dont like the guy. Oh well we will spearhead the future without you. Enjoy trumps coal mines.


In Detriot, I stopped by one of the major neighborhoods. It's like a small cool place where you can join a gang, get shot, steal something to eat, do drugs, get your hair did, -- or their hoe's hair did! -- and even go to the dentist.

A few themes stuck with me after spending time... See More
Why does his paragraph read like one of those DYK Middle School books?

The Iowa 80 Truck Stop is pretty pimp. I wonder if he got a handjob from the Asian massage parlor while he was there.

I like the one of him sitting the passenger seat and looking like he had not fucking idea what he's doing.

>DNC will be licking their chops to get all his Faceberg user data
they already have that data

I kinda hope he tries to run for president. Can't wait to see him try to 'connect' with the hood.

Liz Warren has cache with the left but she doesn't actually want to run or be president. She'll endorse Zuck very early and he'll win. You can screenshot me desu

we need more of his posts

only capitalism uses lathes.


I have no idea why every candidate feels the need to do these "I'm normal" ad campaigns. It doesn't fool anyone except maybe Tyrone if you do an ad with a Mickey's at KFC. People should stick with Trump's "Here's what I can do for you" message as opposed to "Look at me, I like what you do"

Definitely seems like he's preparing to run in 2020. He'll be the youngest president (if elected) running against the oldest president to be elected, people seem to trust the old over the young . He also seems alot like a Hillary Jeb! Combo. Anyone else hope he runs, he'll probably promise free shit like bernie and get destroyed in the primaries since he won't have super delagtes, but it would be interesting to see.

it's for data collection. that's its primary purpose. piece of shit website works just fine user

You will always be poor.

>These people have absolutely nothing to live for
holy fuck what a pretentious prick this one is. some people work to live, not like your alien ass live to work zuck the cuck

Not a fan of Zuckerberg but that post is fake btw.

It's fake. He may very well think this, but the post is fake.

You cried all night keeping him up before he had to be at work. You killed your father.

>these people have nothing to live for
What the fuck?

trump does it too. We are in age of populist leaders.

phonyberg to the extreme. I literally can't wait to see the compilation of his U.S. tour with all the photos showing him looking like fucking a retarded data from star trek

jeez don't lose your head over it

Jesus christ. He looks like an awkward fucking alien who is not yet used to his human skin suit.

This is brilliant

that last paragraph and ending sentence cant be real