Why do burgers get so triggers when someone does anything with their flag?

Why do burgers get so triggers when someone does anything with their flag?

You mean the 25 some odd % of them who live in former CSA states with mental retardation who can't decide which flag supposedly represents them... nobody else cares what you do with a flag.

Unlike the trolling would have you believe, Americans care about their culture and country. The flag represents our country more than our government.

Speak for yourself... there are a lot of Americans who literally don't give a fuck.

Because they’re trained by pledging allegiance to the flag from childhood. It’s like muslims getting triggered when someone does something with a copy of Koran. Completely irrational but socially acceptable.

only if you burn it you're an enemy. We and by we I mean our ancestors and founding fathers fought hard for that flag. We might not have made the best decisions in history but yet we are still the last true country that gives its citizens the freedom they deserve.

Meanwhile Europeans have no say in their destiny. They are ruled by the oligarchs of Europe.

Asia is ruled by communism and dictators mostly.

Africa is ruled by anarchy and dictators, so is South America.

Australia is the next Germany. Cucked beyond belief.

Pride for their country.

our government may be run by jews but were still proud of our nation and what we used to stand for and disrespecting the flag is disrespecting our ideals
a lot of americans who don't give a fuck about anything other than their worthless comfortable lives

And so please remind me why I should care more about a burning flag than my own life.

Fuck furfags, dude.

who said I care about the flag more than my own life? that doesn't make it any less disrespectful

It might be disrespectful, but actually getting upset over it... it's as mentally unstable and pathetic as somebody who cries when I hunt deer for venison.

Because they are fallible and therefore capable of hypocrisy on their usual impenetrable defense of freedom of speech.

God I love furfaggotry

I will more precisely define my response, they defend the concept of freedom of speech, not talking about the first amendment.

Because retards will bring up the "only govt can ..." argument if I don't.

You know how many wars we had to win, people who had to give their life fucking for that flag? ALWAYS respect the red, white and blue. Fuck commies.

Kindly tell us about someone who you honestly saw "getting upset" about disrespect done to the flag. I have never seen this in my life. Disgust and contempt, absolutely.

You know, there was a time when Democrats cared just as much about this stuff as we did, and looked down on the counterculture faggots who spread Jewish poison about this country and its traditions. Now you ARE the counterculture faggots and you carry the Jewish poison.


I get upset about it because its a big fuck you to my country
I will defend your right to disrespect my flag but I reserve the right to hate you for it

What the fuck are you talking about? There's people all over the internet raging about people disrespecting the flag... or a military uniform... or any type of petty bullshit. Because you haven't seen it means it doesn't exist and you need an anecdote from some user on the internet in order to believe it? Uh what? Jewish poison...? What the fuck are you rambling about... I guarantee you have a cut dick and I don't. I guarantee I'm related to actual nazis and you aren't... kindly kill yourself.

Because we actually have patriotism and pride in our country, something that seems to be dying in todays world of Merkle.

Also, if disgust and contempt aren't emotions that constitute getting 'upset' exactly what is? Are you a retard? Be honest.

Take off the donkey and show us your leaf.

What leaf you fucking moron? I'm too busy worrying about being successful in my own life and raising my own kids to be worried about some faggots burning a piece of cloth.

Serious question, is burger meant to be an insult? Because it just makes me chuckle. If someone called me a burger in real life I'd just laugh. It's like if someone says you're a big stinky face. Does that hurt your feelings? Guessing no.


You're not an American. You are a leaf with a poor sense of direction.


No. I'm American, born and raised... and getting upset over a piece of burning cloth isn't even beta shit, it's fucking omega wolf shit.

Some people use it as an insult. Most just use it as a nick name. Like how we call Canadians leafs


>mfw other leafs get offended at the absolute most kindhearted / tame 'insult' ever

I dont see any problem


I like the nickname burger. It reminds me of america, which then reminds me of FREEDOM

Also I only care if it's an Antifa faggot burning the flag. I get angry because they feel like they're badasses doing it and I just can't stand the little pussies. If some sand nigger wants to burn my flag I really couldn't give a shit.

It's not burning a piece of cloth, it's burning what the cloth represents. And what that cloth represents is a place that allows you to become 'succesful' and raise your own kids. And if you post like a leaf, I'm going to call you a leaf. Ungrateful cunt.

I had the best fucking burgers I've ever had in my life today

>if disgust and contempt aren't emotions that constitute getting 'upset' exactly what is?

You can't really mean this.

Yeah since... I should thank the country that I'm successful and not myself or the determinism or birth lottery? I mean cmon user. If I was born elsewhere, I wouldn't be me... If I was born a different person, I wouldn't be me... has nothing to do with what the flag represents. The flag represents a union of states each with their own laws... why shouldn't I give more specific credit to the state I was born in, raised in and still live in? Isn't that why there's people here with little CSA flags? That's more of an insult than me just not being able to get upset that some retard burns the American flag... that's their right, especially if they're American... it doesn't affect me, maybe I'm just not emotional? Who knows.

So a person needs to have some type of outburst in order to constitute "upset" ? You can find that with a simple YouTube search by the way. Do you need me to start linking you vids or have you mastered the internet enough to do it for yourself?

Oh man, feels over reals.
You've jumped the shark like so many other virtue signalling morons before you.
Muh country needs defending from dickheads with lighters who burn plastic flags and either get cancer or 3rd degree burns as a consequence.

Omg your the guy from a thread last night posting that snake!

Maybe start with

"Vet Sees US Flag Turned Upside Down In Protest, And He's Furious" posted by 'ConservativePost'

and that's not even burning the flag, that's having it upside down! LOL, the guy is clearly deranged, raging and upset. Take that stupid ass Swastika flag off too you larping retard.

mccarthyism is alive and well on Sup Forums, lol.