Sup Forums as you develop sufficient knowledge of the world nihilism is inevitable

Sup Forums as you develop sufficient knowledge of the world nihilism is inevitable.

How do you cope with or even overcome nihilism?

Especially when you live in the West and all you see around you is nihilism and people constantly searching for their next dopamine hit to try and distract themselves from the gnawing meaningless of existence.

"A yes, a no, a goal, a straight line"
- Neitzsche

What he basically meant was, find a great goal and head straight for it. Say YES to everything that will push you towards it and say NO to everything that may distract you.

Authoritarian conservatism


You realize that religion is essential for a society. You may not believe in what it teaches, but you realize its importance and the roll it has played in our history. Nihilism leads to the questioning of morals, a very dangerous road to go down, because it has no end... Religion offers rock solid unquestionable morals.

In other words, Nihilism must be ingored

Love this
He didn't write himself mad, he had a case of untreated syphilis, but it works as a nice setup for the punch line

You seem to be confusing nihilism with post-modernism. Nihillism was a practical approach for it's time. Europeans are way to beyond cucked now. He may have went insane and degraded himself in that room alone but, he didn't weigh down all of western society with his degeneracy. That's more than modern londistanis can say for themselves.

>he fell for the neo-kike meme
Come on now. You are supposed to grow out of Nietzsche by 20

>Sup Forums as you develop sufficient knowledge of the world nihilism is inevitable.


>What he basically meant was, find a great goal and head straight for it. Say YES to everything that will push you towards it and say NO to everything that may distract you.

That's why Jim Careys girlfriend killed herself. Understandable. Should I kill myself Dear..'YES!'

>Nihilism leads to the questioning of morals, a very dangerous road to go down, because it has no end... Religion offers rock solid unquestionable morals.
I think thats a revealing statement.
A choice between the certain and uncertain.
You can either have $10 for sure on one road... on the other road you could have unlimited wealth or maybe nothing
Nietzsche thought that the latter was the more admirable path, but one could argue against that as well, its subjective
Its also worth noting that Nietzsche thought there was no bigger source of degeneracy in the world than Christianity
I'm an Atheist myself, and I don't know if I'd agree with him on that point, but alas, that's how he felt

Do you ever feel like we're just marching down a road that ends up with the destruction of mankind?
No matter what happens now or tomorrow or who's in power or who's not... we can't escape it?

Radical Ideas Needed

I don't see what is wrong with wanting to solve the world's over population problem


Hey Op. You have several choices. Follow this flow chart to explore your options. Here ya go.

This OP. Or you are a sociopath.


Here is a bump

This chart doesn't take into account that once you've realized nothing matters, you can't just turn it off and accept a philosophy you know is bullshit.

You can continue to believe that nothing matters and dwell in purgatory if you wish. Doesn't sound like living to me.

It's not, but it's not like you can help it. Short of somehow inducing complete amnesia and relearning everything form scratch, you're fucked forever.

based. very based

>How do you cope with or even overcome nihilism?
by doing whatever the heck i please

I take a walk through the park and look at the trees and feel the cool wind across my face.

Watch Jordan Peterson
>it's helping me

Imagine if there actually was a meaning of life, wouldn't it be fucked up?To pass your life doing a certain thing or behaving in a certain why without even understanding why or making up your on justifications for it feeling a constant sense of duty


But I am depressed, the past is sad, the present is sad, and even though I have hope, the future is sad.

If you are happy it is because you are being deceived.

Yeah. This is my issue with Sup Forumslacks who are in a religion specifically for its utility while not actually believing it deep down. I have to be honest with myself, and quite frankly all those solutions to nihilism are just saying "no" to your basic understanding.

let's say the meaning is revealed to be something very stupid like spinning a fidget spinner, would you pass your life doing that? Surely enormous fidget spinner would be erected as monuments and some people would meet so spin their fidget spinner together and feel happy about doing what they were created for. But I'm sure others would not be satisfied and look something else creating their own meaning

Nihilism is the result of the rejection of the human being as an animal. In the acceptance of yourself as an animal, nihilism becomes ridiculous sophistry. We are animals, accept and channel your animal instincts and embrace your animal nature.


animal that can be conscious from time to time (depending on factors of individual biology)

No one knows more about embracing your inner animal than straya

*No one knows more about embracing your inner animal than a nigger


Romans already overcome hedonism and nihilism through the concept of (Republican) Virtus.
Read the book Tusculanae disputationes by Cicero.
Logic, Physics (Science) and Ethics are the basics for any well rounded individual. Than, happiness can be achieved only through virtue, as acting for what is noble. Virtue resides in the soul, not in the body.
Virtue is a duty that allows Men to live and die in tranquillity. There are 4 main (cardinal) virtues:

Prudence (φρόνησις, phronēsis; Latin: prudentia): also described as wisdom, the ability to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time

Justice (διkαιοσύνη, dikaiosynē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness, the most extensive and most important virtue; the Greek word also having the meaning righteousness

Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosynē; Latin: temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition; especially sexually, hence the meaning chastity

Courage (ἀνδρεία, andreia; Latin: fortitudo): also termed fortitude, forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation

>I can construct existential meaning by pretending to be fucking retarded!
No. "Animal nature" has no existential meaning.

Neitzche wasn't a nihilist you fucking untermensch.

Yet all of that still fails in the face of the accusation that life is without existential meaning. You can say "Doing this will make me happy" but you can't say that such a thing is actually important. Nihilism is about anti-existentialism, not personal feeling.

Yes it does. To be better than the competition, to pass on superior genes, and defeat your enemies.

O-oh. I didn't mean to call you a nigger but, I guess that would be accurate

We're just animals born with nothing, only to find out our self-realization is our greatest curse. We know we are going to die. We scurry about attempting to make it appear we made good use of our time before we come face to face with our non-existence.

And? What happens if all of the enemies are defeated? Should the remaining animals kill themselves, having nothing?

>Sup Forums as you develop sufficient knowledge of the world nihilism is inevitable.
This is false. Hopelessness is not the end of the road. It is a pitfall in the road, and when one falls in it they can no longer see the road ahead. The revitalization of tradition, of spiritual fulfillment, that is the great pursuit in life. Modernity causes a sickness of the soul. It takes men from what is natural and surrounds them in the synthetic comforts of civilization. It is sterile, and your malady is the result of this environment.

Your spirit wants to build. You want to belong to community, truly. Your genes cry out for you to have a family, and to provide for them with your own hands. Everything in your spirit at the most base level has an admiration for music, for art, for culture, and traditions. You have a craving to indulge in the music, art, culture, and traditions of your people, but modernity denies you all of this.
Reject modernity's shallow comforts and embrace your nature.

Let's smoke a joint mon

Good job falling for the "nihilism is absolute truth" meme. You're what is known as a passive nihilism. You might as well just hang yourself now and save yourself the misery.

The point of overcoming nihilism is giving a meaning to a meaningless life (don't dying in vain is what makes you happy).
In Sup Forums's terms, rejecting degeneracy, following Virtue and self-cultivation is the "iron pill".
If you don't care about meaning, why would you worry? Embrace the "black pill".

You're neurotic.
I heard people with depression are the only ones with accurate self-images. You guys aren't bullshitting yourselves. Ignorance really is bliss.
>there are no significant differences between humans and a hamster
Shut up.
>immortal soul distinguished from the body
Into the trash it goes. Fuck Socratic kikery.

Taking the black pill is not as nihilistic as it seems. It is like a first death, the death of your former, weaker self. Only then can you truly be reborn, when you come to discover a purpose in life which drives you to become something greater than you were, a being with true purpose and resolve.

The black pill is not the end of the road, only a step in it.

So that's what people meant when they called me "black pilled." It's almost like an archetype. Neat image, user.

None of that actually gives meaning. Good feefees do not equate to meaning. It isn't a matter of caring about meaning. You're trying to create meaning where there isn't any.

>immortal soul goes to the trash

Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in an afterlife and in an immortal soul.
Today it needn't to be a real immortality, it could be figuratively, generating a virtuous and prosperous family, and ultimately having an influence in improving the respublica, promoting the common good (in essence, putting in practice republican values).

If you even for a moment think Nietzsche advocated Nihilism then I must congratulate you on your double digit IQ.

Strive to be better than your ancestors. You need to stud the hellenic ethos and the roman virtues. This is what will keep you going.

>distinguished from the body
were the key words there, user.

>Listen: There's no God or any sort of cosmic order, once you inevitably die of old age your consciousness will be extinguished forever, and the same fate is going to be shared by absolutely everything you will ever see. But have you ever considered that you might be able to look like a really cool guy compared to others?
Not quite worth it.

Everything you wrote is bullshit, you clearly know nothing about what I wrote.

>How do you cope with or even overcome nihilism?

If you know so much and I know so little then it should be quite easy for you to give me a refutation that goes beyond simple insult, right?

you are just being incredibly obtuse and don't understand what its being talking about itt m8

Become a Christian
Believe Hitler was right
Express fascist beliefs
Vote for party which is less Communist and pisses off the right people

Nihilism is only inevitable if you actually in some way care about life, you edgy cuck.

>Sup Forums as you develop sufficient knowledge of the world nihilism is inevitable

Nihilism is a phase and Rick and Morty is a stupid show

yeah shut up fucktard
>I just don't feel like explaining myself, i could if i wanted to though :)

lel, you clearly have no idea, maggot, anyone can see that. I won't even bother. Just educate yourelf on what I wrote at my 1st post: Hellenic Ethos, Roman Virtues. Go.

>E-Educate yourself, shitlord!
Sasuga feefeefag.

Faggot you don't even understand the difference between nihilism and atheism

Yeah, I read This Spoke Zarathustra and went through my nihilism phase. Then I realized that I wasn't getting much out of all the drugs and the casual sex and the unprovoked violence, so I went back to being a Christian.

You don't even understand the difference between one ID and another.

the fucker thinks that Greeks and Romans were atheists with modern standards, he can't even make it from 1 sentence to the next, makes no sense.

Education, and more importantly sefl-education, where you discover certain things yourself, is always a positive venture and experience, I think you should do it and stop being an 12 year old edgelord.

You need to understand your self before you make such grandiose assessments over external forces.
Every man has values that he cherishes, even if they're simple, and self serving. By your nature you're driven to certain things, and your rational mind cannot silence them entirely. The very concept of nihilism is at odds with human nature. Your rational mind may tell you that there is no ultimate purpose, but your body compels you to live, it still experiences joy, it longs to seek joy, and companionship.

There are things which you value, things that your ego may not want to admit to, but you value them still. The extension of these leads to more than superficial hedonistic pursuits. Your issue is not that you are a Nihilist, it is that you do not understand what you value. These are things that have to be discovered since the modern world sees us detached from them.

The very possibility that you might find purpose in itself is a pursuit worthy of all your exertions.

Why even speak up if you're just going to devolve into circular reasoning and insults? Someone asked you how to deal with or overcome being a nihilist. You said, to this person who denies that even success has existential value, "Get good feel good" and left it at that. You gave a non-answer. Only ego leads you to believe otherwise. What you define as positive is obviously not going to be what the OP defines as positive. And for all your talk of "education," the knowledge you've gained is apparently not portable enough to be put into plain language. Otherwise I can't imagine why you'd be having so much trouble explaining what knowledge could possibly surmount the belief that all life has no existential meaning.

By not listening to anything Neitzsche had to say. Fuck Neitzsche. You want an answer to life you gotta find it on your own, some fuckstick philosopher with depression won't help you. I myself have found solace in the philosophical aspects of Taoism and a purpose in family and duty to community.

>Get good feel good
You think Greek and Roman philosophy is just get good feel good, you think they didn't believe in an afterworld? This is why I call bullshit on you. You have surface-knowledge, it's worse than knowing nothing, really, because when you try to talk about it, thinking you know stuff, you make no sense. Please, user, starting with the Greek philosophers is just the stepping stone, do it and stop wasting my time and yours, damned faggot.

Who cares? Human nature, to a nihilist, is the same thing as dog nature, pig nature, and so on. You're missing the forest for the trees. Human desires do not shape reality. The only avenue for a nihilist is suicide. They maintain their lives out of ego, thinking that they'll just find a solution. That's the way Nietzsche went. He told himself that he wasn't a nihilist but at the end of the day he went insane and died before he could disprove nihilism. An odd thing to do for someone who has overcome it through any rational means. People who deny God or any sort of cosmic order, yet still try to say that they can construct an objective morality, are just biding their limited lifespans so that they can die before they're forced to admit that they're wrong. They don't have an "out" from this situation. Atheists can master neither life nor death.

Why rely on preconceptions of an "afterworld" in trying to convince a nihilist like OP? You might have well just said "Life after death exists, I swear, just believe me and shut up." As I said before: You gave a non-answer.

So you won't even try to educate yourself? Pity, when you get 5-10 years older you might want to change, but you won't have the same energy.

I'm certainly not going to be motivated to "educate" myself when you can't even dispense the slightest bit of knowledge for all your learnings. Don't expect other people to do the work for you. If you don't have an argument then don't speak up to begin with.

Electronic control of every man, woman, and child.

Is a tough one. Try living your life with Pragmatic phylosophy in mind. Our secular societies gives us that. There is so much we don't understand, stop dwelling in nihilism, it is a form of fanatism just like organized religion.

awsome greentext

Nietzsche just want us to be the creators of what we love .

>Don't expect other people to do the work for you.
That's what YOU'RE trying to do, user. Also pic related about abrahamic tales.

Read again what I've written and think on it, your retort sounds as though you only glanced over my words without due consideration.
Nihilism is a conclusion reached by a thinking mind, it is not one felt in the subconscious, it is not one the body is compelled to by instinct. Nihilism is at odds with your existence. The fact that your conscious mind does not hold complete domain over all your desires is proof enough that it is a flawed thing, at least it is incomplete.
A nihilistic mind can resign itself to despair, but the very nature of living casts doubt on this. Our desires are far more than what the hypothalamus controls.

The very nature of nihilistic thought is a product of the demoralization brought on by modernity. It is a false perspective created by unnatural surroundings. Aimlessness is the scream of a spirit being denied nourishment.

Read up some stoicism.

Worship of one's own desire is just ego. If you aren't going to dwell in rationality then why bother even entering this thread? Human desires are obviously not constant among people. Some people only desire to do drugs and have sex. How can you say that their desires are any less valid than your supposedly enlightened desires? Besides: Nihilists believe that all life has no existential meaning. By definition, they believe that all desires are simply the result of either instinct or randomness. Your words do nothing to oppose that view. The core of your argument amounts to nothing more than simple contradiction of nihilism.

>I-I-I-I know you are, but what am I?!
Wow start arguing any time.

The original and sequel are really good. The newest one was garbage though.

Yeah, it was just milking by that point.

The answer is don't think about it.

Yes you can. People are constantly living in a state of cognitive dissonance

>Especially when you live in the West and all you see around you is nihilism and people constantly searching for their next dopamine hit to try and distract themselves from the gnawing meaningless of existence.

See, that's the prevailing mindset of the west. It's one of "Western Civilization's" greatest flaws.

A man finds a woman; they become one. They have children, and the children become one with the parents. There is no policy among them; trust and love supersedes a need for a policy or law. There is no trade among them; their generosity towards eachother supersedes a need for an exchange.

What are politics other than a compromise of ideals?
What is trade other than a compromise of materials?

When our loved one is sick, what do we do? We compromise with a pharmacist for medication. We work to make that money to make that compromise with the pharmacist, so we can take the medicine home to our loved one. If money is making her sick, and we go out of our way to get money to buy her medicine, then we're making her sicker..

Compromise is a disease that disguises itself as a cure for the disease. It leaves us drained, wanting more, wanting "Progress", because we've trained ourselves to think that progress gives us fulfillment, when we've been progressing for thousands of years without fulfillment, while the giraffe with his neck so long never even bothers to look at the sky because he's fulfilled enough.

Your conclusion on my stated position is simplistic if not entirely inaccurate. Nothing I've written implied man should worship his desires.
I'm using the range of human desire to highlight an issue that is beyond any such base framing. The sum total of a human being is more than the conscious mind. The fact that we find fulfillment in things like beauty, art, tradition, things that pull at a primal and intangible part of ourselves, is showing an innate hierarchy of values within us completely separate from the conscious mind. It speaks to spirit.

Its a challenge to address you in earnest when it seems like you're intent is to be willfully ignorant of what I'm actually conveying to you. Thinking that nothing matters is the result of feeling that nothing matters. Feeling such a way is brought on by being removed from the things the spirit calls for. A man cannot live a complete and fulfilled life if he doesn't seek what it is that he values to find fulfillment. This is a concept that is larger than the self, it serves a purpose greater than the individual.

As I stated first, you need to understand your self before you can make such grandiose assessments over external forces.

>the gnawing meaningless of existence.
Don't know about you but this feeling gives me the tingles. I enjoy contemplating how meaningless everything is.

>nihilism thread
>using nietzsche of all people as the OP picture

Not very bright, are you.

If you're so averse to worship of one's own desires then why won't you stop babbling on about human desires? The fulfillment of human desires has no existential meaning. It should have absolutely no weight on a nihilist's mind. You think that I'm just deliberately trying not to understand what you mean, but the truth is far different. You're failing to realize that what you mean is exactly contrary to what nihilists believe. You're assuming that nihilism is wrong and then acting from there, even though you're meant to be justifying yourself to a nihilist. Why else would you talk about values and desires when a cursory glance at nihilism would reveal that nihilists call those things subjective?

I staunchly disagree. Nihilism is the result of a lack of information and a stunted philosophic discourse, not knowledge. We can infer rationally that objective moral duties DO exist.

An example: I have never met a person, nor do I think a sane person who exists, who will say truthfully that they do not believe that they "should" think honestly about things. A person cannot even think such a thing honestly. Intellectual honesty is a moral duty that one is literally insane if one does not acknowledge.

But that means that objective morality does exist. There are moral principles as self-evident as 1+1=2. And that means that moral relativism is bullshit. If there is one objective moral principle than there could be others. You could spend your entire life trying to discern one, single other moral duty and it would not be a wasted life. I have found three: To think honestly, to order one's appetites, and to control one's internal emotional climate.

To pursue virtue is to spit in the face of nihilism and the sooner you come to this realization, the sooner you will see that ever day of your life that you live virtuously is the greatest act of defiance possible against the cruel regime of the universe. Every exertion of your Will against the corrupt instinct of man is a sacrament to God.

consider getting laid, or actually read nietzsche you smelly britpaki

A true nihilist is one who thinks there is no point to life, and feels it as well.
One who finds fulfillment in life does not feel as a nihilist does.
A rational mind that is at odds with what it is experiencing has reaching a false conclusion.

Meaning and importance come and go, at your discretion and also completely beyond your control. You can look for it and find it (or not) or just stumble across it (or not) and it can be very obvious or subtle, etc

Nothing in life is eternal and neither is meaning or lack thereof. It's not very helpful and only kind of actionable but when it comes to meaning you can't say things like 'everything has meaning' or 'nothing has meaning' or make easy generalizations at all. If you feel like you can stake a concrete claim about meaning besides that it's extremely fluid, I encourage you to rethink that position, because you will be in error and suffer accordingly.

wow dude, that's a nice 200 word essay you got there, I bet your burgerboy 8th grade teach will be super impressed