We should try to convince people that white teeth is racist

we should see if we can get news outlets to post articles about how if you take good care of your teeth it is racist because white teeth are associated with being clean

White teeth = racial purity?

yes exactly


Clean = racist?

How does that make sense?

it makes none .

sjw will fall for it just use the logic that the government tells tricked people into thinking clean is better because its white so you make them think the only reason people think that it is better is racial


Perfect that will trigger the fuck out of them

Don't think that'll work. There's health aspects that are associated with white teeth. No one wants yellow/brown teeth if they can help it. Also white teeth simply look better on browner people.

>how to overcome the 'unbearable whiteness' of teeth treatments a buzzfeed piece

they were tricked into thinking milk is racist and pretty much every other thing i bet we could

>We should try to convince people that white teeth is racist

Fuck off, proxybong

>Healthy teeth at any color!
Preferring White teeth is classists and thus also racist.

Some teeth are yellow and healthy. Deal with it bigots.

I see the Brits are conspicuously staying away from this thread.

most stupid thread I've ever seen I'm fucking tired of this shitty board

>t. shitteeth

this is an easy one to spin

it's easier to afford toothpaste and stuff if you're wealthier, dentists are expensive (healthcare etc), takes time to floss and all that

dental hygiene is structural violence

you did a better job then i did at coming up with a explanation now how do we bait them into writing articles about this

How do we signal boost this?

I have no idea

Do not forget ableist

Every color is healthy and beautiful.
Embrace diversity


Is having white teeth racist?

Sounds crazy, right? But hear us out. Let's start with the history of toothpaste. Insert fake facts about raycis stuff, I don't know. Say stuff about blacks not being hired at jobs and not being able to afford toothpaste isn't a crime, ummm...white people have been responsible for pushing dental hygiene. Blacks are so oppressed that they literally can't even and um I got nothin

Dreads are a symbol of uncleanliness and laziness and apparently blacks have built their entire culture around it seeing how whites having dreads is cultural appropriating

Dirtiness and laziness is a sign of black and English

bumporino. Lets make healthy racist.

Welp, that'll mean I'm not racist any more...

>brush my teeth 3 times a day
>mouth so clean I dont even have bad breath when I wakeup.
>Cant stop my teeth being yellow from a lifetime of smoking and drinking nothing but coffee and ice tea.

Whitening strips nigga
>not having pure Aryan teeth

I dont trust them. They will probably weaken my teeth and prepare them for cavities.

Could always get a whitening treatment. They have toothpaste for it too.
Also, can we please make this meme a thing? I feel like it could work.