Evolution does not exist

Where are all of the missing pieces?

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Dead like dodos

We wuz tyranasuarus Rex n shieet.

>You're alive, your friends are alive but your great grandparents are dead
>this means your great grandparents didn't actually exist

The american education system ladies and gentlemen

For the 100 millionth fucking time, we did not evolve from chimps, we share a common ancestor with chimps. There's no forms between the two of us. Only forms between them and the common ancestor we shared, and like the forms between us and the common ancestor, as well as the common ancestor itself, they all died because survival of the fittest dictated that new beneficial traits would be passed on and old ones would be lost as conditions changed.

My American brother. That's an embarrassing lack of interpretive cognitive skills on your part.
The Theory of Evolution does not state we evolved from a living Primate such as the one in your pic.
It states that we share a common ancestor with that Primate in your picture.
Think of it like a Tree, we're a branch, that Chimp is a branch, and the Trunk is our common Ancestor.
I'm beginning to think that this is willful ignorance rather than pure stupidity. If not, I'm losing faith in my brothers.


>my parents are dead
>my parents didn't exist
>I don't exist

Actually, the educational system in Europe is dumbed-down considerably. Quite easy to make look like everyone is :smart" when you give everyone high grades regardless of whether or not they do the work isn't it?

If our educational system is so bad, then why are all of you dumb shits coming here for an education? Many Europeans get rejected from Ivy League schools because they are too fucking stupid. Enjoy your inferior "dumbed down" European education.

Many scientist are starting to see that Darwinian Evolution has too many flaws.

>theory of evolution
If it's true why is it not considered a law/fact?

bait, but see "theory of gravity" for how the term is used in science

When a theory is disproven it stops being a theory. But if it's never disproven it will always be a theory. A scientific theory doesnt mean what it means when you're using everyday language. You kike worshippers are so fucking retarded.

Every form in between survived also.
They live in Africa.

>Evolution does not exist

t. turk


Whats the alternative to evolution?

Burger education.

We did not evolve from chimpanzees, we evolved from a common ancestor, chimpanzees are about as old as we are as a species. The links are there, there are only missing links in certain hypothesis'

Hypothesis is an idea, with evidence, but not yet proven. A theory in the scientific community is fact, untill proven otherwise.

>lemme see if I got this correct
no, ya didn't

It's bait ffs. Do not engage.

So where is the proof for human evolution? I wouldn't consider a handful of shattered monkey skull fragments proof of anything but that seems to be the entire basis of human evolution theory.

If heaven is real, and hell is real. Which religion gets in? Which variation of Christianity? What if I didn't use the King James Version of the Bible? What if op wasn't a massive faggot?

Club X nigga.

I'm not here to argue for or against it.
I'm just stating your understanding of what it Theorizes is plebeian, simple, and possibly the result of willful ignorance.

checked niggas

Care to give some examples of facts and scientists that find these flaws in evolution?


The burger education meme is fucking real

The other forms died off because they genetically no longer exist due to mutations and drift and thus they are extinct species.

>not having seen a chicken run before
>not having had a chicken make its home in your flower pot
Why even live desu?

It's called the fosssil records. By using carbon dating, there have been similar looking skeletons that get more similar to modern humans the younger they are, and more similar to apes the older they are. Scientists have been able to connect different skeletons due to the age and characteristics, such as brain size and how tall/upright they are

Over thousands of years of selective breeding no new species or genera have been created.
Multiple species can be hybridized, but rearranging genetic material doesn't make a new kind of organism.
The number of intermediate forms required to select thru billions of possible combinations would be orders of magnitude larger than earth's biomass.
So the concept of linear descent or tree of life is an oversimplified concept for mass consumption.

Yeah, that's what the evolution supporting asshats in the scientific community try to do. Exploit and loopholes in logic and then declare their claims as "fact." In truth, Darwinian Evolution is missing a lot of evidence. There are no "in betweens" in the fossil record. NONE. They do not exist. This is easy to debunk, yet this bullshit is taught in our schools.

Evolution does not exist. It's all a big bunch of complete and utter bullshit.

>this modern animal looks kind of similar to that one prehistoric animal fossil we found
>one must have gradually changed into the other over millions of years
That sounds like the more idiotically simple theory to me. Obviously animals appearances change over time but one species transforming into another entirely different species is total bullshit.

Pic related, supposedly this fish was one of our (((shared ancestors))) until they discovered they still exist today.

>they died off because they no longer exist
You should be a logician.

have you ever heard of a place called The Smithsonian

We have witnesses who have seen our great grandparents. Literally the weakest fucking argument i have ever seen. Explain the millions of different animals it took to go from a fish to a reptile buddy, show the evidence of that or just shut your mouth because you sound like a complete fucking moron.

Where are all of the four legged bat fossils? Where are all of the gilled alligator fossils? Where are the "in betweens?" They do not exist. There are none.

Evolution is real. However, the explanations where all the species alive today have originated from doesnt make sense. The links arent there.

>if dogs are decended from wolves then why are there still wolves

Ask your chihuahua you mental midget

>Anarchist cutting up my words and putting things out of context
>Tripfag as well
As expected honestly

I love how these posts pop up from time to time to remind me that the retarded inbred hick american meme is not actually a meme but real life.

Occupy space through the length of time

Speciation through time

According to the space you occupy

Wolves and dogs are technically the same species. There are very little differences between the two. Wolves can be domesticated and eventually have different color of coats, floppy ears, and spots. So what? Can a dog transform into a fucking unicorn?

Between your ears

Isn't it nice how scientific explanation "evolves" rather than being stuck in dogmatic beliefs thousands of years old.

Ps the earth is flat

>burger has never heard of PISA studies.

People waste time, energy and mental capacity on this shit

To every person in this thread who denies evolution.
For the sake of human intellect and knowledge, please go and educate yourself on evolution. It's honestly sad seeing people showing such ignorance.

Modern wolves are not the same as ancient remains either implying that the common ancestor is guess what?

Do you have a better theory and can you back it up with facts

Ad hominems do not answer the question. Where are all of the missing pieces? You don't know do you? It's pretty fucked how shit like this is being taught, yet nobody has any evidence as to whether or not it is even real.

One thing that might help is if you read some evolutionary theory. Not shit from the internet. Not a pamphlet your pastor gave you. Some actual books about evolution. If you think:

>a handful of shattered monkey skull fragments proof of anything but that seems to be the entire basis of human evolution theory

Then you don't understand anything about this subject and really, really shouldn't mouth off as if you know something.

Fucking summerfags I swear.

How do we know that their existence isn't fabricated? Exactly, you don't. Now shut your fucking face you stupid moron :^)

>offspring gets a mix of their parents dna
>mutations happen
>Different genes give different attributes
>Different attributes give different probabilities to survive and procreate

If all these are true then evolution is true.

Evolution is not fact. Get over it.

>Where are all of the missing pieces?

Such as?

There are literally thousands of transitional species known from the fossil record and living nature. Most famous example is the horse, we've had a complete sequence of forms evolving to modern horses for many many decades. More recently we have a very detailed picture of the early evolution of whales from cow-like creatures.

Actually modern apes genocided all the other monkeys in Africa except the island of Madagascar

>There are no "in betweens" in the fossil record. NONE

I'll happily quote the whole thing.
>The other forms died off because they genetically no longer exist due to mutations and drift and thus they are extinct species

Unless we can have video evidence of ALL our our ancestors fucking and reproducing, without any cuts or edits....following every human being from current day back until they are microbes...we can't really say for SURE that evolution is real.

First off, your pic seems to imply that we evolved from apes that we have around today. But in evolutionary theory both apes and humans evolved from a more primitive common ancestor. You might still mean the latter however and just have picked this picture to represent your theory, so I'll just give you that.

Second, the other forms in between ape and human didn't die off. They evolved into humans. The other forms of human-like branch-offs such as Neandertals died off from various other problems or changes in the climate. But even if we have no evidence for why they died off, that still provides no evidence against evolution.

They are called niggers.


None of this proves that one species can transform into something else. A mutation cannot make a dog grow wings. Mutations can lead to disease and defects such as some of the defected brains of people who support evolution itself, but does not prove that monkeys will eventually grow a pair of gills and become marine mammals.

Reminder pic related

Spread it to every thread

This shit honestly never ceases to amaze. They are too stupid to type "transitional fossils" into a search engine.

Why do you waste your time posting this shit bait?

niggers still exist though

creationcucks BTFO

Then we should be able to found their fossils. Thus far, we have found next to NOTHING.

Nobody has any evidence. Are you serious? Do you think the stars are also chariots riding through the heavens, or are you stuck where they are distant bodies orbiting around the earth.

There is much evidence and guess what as more comes to light the theory might change or even be thrown out completely. But chances are it won't be with one that has absolutely zero evidence

Waiting for some stuff to finish downloading.

OP must be muslim.

Considering that there were millions or billions of mutations, each needing to be selected, there should be an equal number of intermediates.
99.999% of the fossil record should be intermediates, if they existed.
It may not be obvious..

Why don't you go help find the missing pieces?

What the fuck am I reading? Is this just disinformation to discredit Sup Forums and cast us as ignorant?

Sage every anti-science thread.

>my cousin is alive, so how did my grandparents exist?

We did not evolve from apes. We evolved from a common ancestor

If my 3rd cousin is alive, then where is my great great grandpa?

Checkmate, atheists.

You have not even the first clue about what you're describing. All organisms that left descendant populations are transitional you fucking simpleton. And you don't need "billions of mutations" to create a new species.

Please come back when you've completed a high school education.

Were you not the same species?

modern apes aren't what modern humans evolved from, that doesn't make any sense time-wise.

>researchers evolve new species of Drosophila all the time in the lab
Anyone who denies evolution is claiming they are a direct copy of one of their parents. It is simply change through time with heredity.

>survival of the fittest

natural selection you mean.


>We have witnesses who have seen our great grandparents
And we have fossils of intermediate forms.

Prove to me that your great great great grandpa's body exists.


Jay Gould had the right idea

(different user)
Let's just discuss one. Australopithecus.


Breeding doesn't make new species.
It's been tried and failed.
If scientists can't do it then there is a major flaw in the theory.
Disproving the dogma is too hard at present.

>Evolution is REAL
>Global Warming is REAL
>The Earth is FLAT


Earth was a Joint Colonization(Blacks = Africa,Whites = Europe, Asians = Asia).

Several "test runs" were done before the planet was deemed Survivable on. One of which(and the most successful) was Neanderthals.

Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Every form in between died off


All changes are obviously extremely small.
There's constantly old genetic material disappearing by not going into the offspring or not producing new offspring.
There's also new sequences being introduced since mutations makes genes that the parents didn't have.
Over thousands of generations this will change the genes of a population a lot.

This. There are 0 actual mutations that are evolutionarily beneficial, in fact it's the exact opposite. Sickle cell anemia is a good example.

You should find the peices missing in your brain and stop shitposting about things you don't understand

The biggest argument against evolution is the human brain. We went from a hunter gather society to agricultural with most humans barely knowing basic math and reading to being able to work machines and computers and doing insanely complex mathematics and science.

It makes literally no sense for us to have developed a brain to be able to do those feats let alone so quickly.

Can you explain away the Lucy fossil for why you don't think it's not accurate? Or possibly even a fake?

>Then we should be able to found their fossils.
Why? Do you even grasp how many organisms have lived and died since the dawn of time? It's phenomenal that we're able to find fossils of anything at all, let alone if we're actually looking for a particular one.

>Thus far, we have found next to NOTHING.
Smithsonian begs to differ. We have a very detailed lineage displaying a slew of intermediate hominids that are very well documented.

Saying "they don't exist" over and over again doesn't make it true.

odds are the sarcasm will woosh 100 000 feet above his head