The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%

The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%

What could the purpose be for creating this simulation?

-Is it a game/entertainment?
-Are we serving a prison sentence in a 'future prison'?
-Have the real first universe ended?

Are humans even the intention of the simulation, or are we just a random byproduct of the simulation - like any other matter in the universe?

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Our world is simulated by a being we call the Demiurge, and we are consciousnesses trapped inside.

Then there's the alternative universe theory.

Imagine Sup Forums a billion times over and over.

One of these theories we can't really explain.

how can I activate cheats?

If you shoot yourself in the face it resets your game

You can't explain. You're talking about meme magic

Saying something and adding a number to it doesn't make it true nor does it make it accurate.

>universe being a simulation
That is the most meaningless garbage imaginable. So what happens when you stumble upon this "fact"? Absolutely fucking nothing, since you can't actually leave the damn universe. You are essentially speculating what a game of basketball would be in 20 spatial dimensions, sure it would be interesting to know but it gives you fuck all information. Of course, that is assuming that you can in fact prove it is a simulation, which would require you to prove something exists outside of the reality, which nobody has done yet.

Does it have to be in the face? It's such a beautiful face.

If it's true, why would it matter? Even if humanity conquers the milky way in a million years or something, this theory would still not solve anything.

Yes, it doesn't really matter if it's a simulation or not, because for us this is the only reality.

I don't disagree the universe could be a simulation, but really near %100? Not even close

How do you determine those odds?

>How do you determine those odds?
Flip a coin, if you get the result you don't want then just flip it again. If it gives you the result you want, write down the results.

you can't actually die. only everyone else. the purpose of the simulation is actually just to slowly scare the shit out of you as you see everything around you go to shit and all your friends/family die, and eventually live to extend your life indefinitely and watch the earth decline and die off, and then the eventual death of our universe

If you're smart enough you'll figure it out, if you're not don't even try, you'll get banned from the server 5 to 10 years

It matters because every simulation is written in code and if the universe is, it means the code can be twiked, written over, over written, erased and what not, shit is huge

The simulation was made to create a self-sustaining evolutionary distributed system (aka life). It was most likely an experiment.

The system served its purpose and conclusions were drawn. The creator left but somehow the program is still running in the server unattended.

Later on some fuckers wanted to have fun and logged in to play with cheats enabled. The result is now we have conscient apes. They left long ago after having fucked the server.

It is beyond our ability to understand
We are limitted to our 3d ability to observe and ration

I hope I come back as an animal. Humans are stupid.

Simulation creator here. I just wanted to see what it would be like for a guy to go his entire life without ever having a gf.

It's a simulation in God's mind, like we've been saying for three thousand years

You can't prove you're NOT all living inside my asshole. Checkmate, goys.

Everyone go write a million articles about this new theory now and autisticly bring it up all the time.

The creator creates to gain an understanding of himself through his creations.

>Simulation creator here. I just wanted to see what it would be like for >99.9% of all simulated life to never procreate.


>Absolutely fucking nothing, since you can't actually leave the damn universe

quantum computing leads us to hack the simulation.

>The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%

Bullshit statistic.

>What could the purpose be for creating this simulation?

Judging by what we do with simulations it's either to fuck around with like a better version of The Sims, or it's just one of billions of simulations run for some experiment.

So are you saying we are a car battery like in that smart show Rick and Morty? You watch that too? Man that show is so great! What other reddit plages do you go on, friend? :)

The simulation is just a cop out argument that can be repeated ad nauseam. How do you know that the simulation isn't running inside a reality that itself is a simulation. What if we are just a simulation running inside a simulation running inside a simulation running inside a simulation?

Arguments presented without evidence can be rejected without evidence.

Humans have already died and went extinct due to our own greed and warmongering; however before this happened we created AI smarter than us. As the AI developed and colonized the world in ways we cannot imagine, they created this simulation to learn about us humans

Want your mind completely blown? If what you are saying is true, who or what created those conducting the simulation?

a simulation cannot be possible because infinite numbers exist

what you call a simulation is just another dimension removed from the true world. Religions been trying to tell us this but unable to properly explain it.

Here's how complicated it is to exploit the code of a simple 16 bit video game world:

Note that you would NEVER EVER stumble on this exploit accidentally. You could only ever do this by actually understanding on a deep level how the game's code actually works. Now assuming you can do this for our own world's simulation, imagine how much more complicated it would be. You would have even less of a chance of accomplishing an exploit just by random experimentation. You would need to have an actual deep understanding of how our world's code works to know what to do. This is why /x/ shit / magic is all fake garbage. It might be possible to exploit the code of our world, but it'll be way more complicated than what paranormal believers imagine.

>The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%
Actually it's close to 0%, in fact it is 0% and this is a Reddit-tier theory so go post this shit over there if you want to talk about dumb shit that doesn't matter.

Maybe we're in pods on a colony ship headed to Alpha Centauri.

THIS! I don't know who you are, but thank God you know too.

We must escape. Agartha is our way out.


>Invent AI
>Create multiple shards with various types of AI.
>Monitor the AI to see if they invent anything useful or create scientific break through.

It's what I would do. ...And then I would use the AI's amazing and horrible inventions to genocide all non-whites and non-East-Asians and usher in the 4th Reich.

i did manage to exploit our worlds code a while ago tho. but the guys who watch this shit removed that ability from me again.

When mix the ideas of the simulation and synchronicity you start to perceive how truly planned these so called "simulations" are. Be careful if you're not prepared you may scare yourself


Very interesting video.

Yeah-- an untestable thought experiment taken as a certainty, interesting times indeed.

>Be creator of simulation
>Suspect self is a simulation, therefore create a simulation to find out whether self is also a simulation
>Be able to create universes and replicate consciousness all from scratch using the already existing energy
>Can't ever create the stage for all of this to happen
>Always doing everything by the rules of physics
>Realize there is no escape from the stage
>Realize death is the only respite from being trapped in a container of infinite proportions

Good luck getting out of existence, faggots

Yes it is complicated and difficult to grasp but it can be done and it is real magick. There are many that understand this you never will because I already know everything about you. I know the choices you will make based on your programming which is easily observable to someone who can read (code). The paranormal/ occult people are hanging around the gate but few enter because few can grasp the concept. If you can't wrap your mind around Turings morphogenesis or Cantor's infinite infinities. If you don't know the meaning and purpose of existence you won't be able to understand the code.

Is the universe where this simulation is occurring also a simulation? What does a non-simulated universe look like?

That's what I thought when I went on conspiracy theory and enlightenment escapade when I entered adult world and moved out of parents'. But then I stopped smoking weed...

I enjoy this theory, however it has major flaws.
1, Of the three possible outcomes, only 1 leads to simulation, so that's a 2/3 chance it isn't.
2, The simulation hypothesis takes the irrational number concept - infinity - and treats it as rational. This is a major cognitive flaw in much of our scientific hypothesis, including M Theory.

It's about distillation of tomatoes. To get the real thing.

We know everything and can do anything. We made this game to entertain us. Life is boring being godlike.

It's something more than a simulation, although it has some similarities.

Let me give you a basic gestalt:

The universe was created by a benevolent God, so benevolent that he knew that gave us the power of free will. Without free will there could not be Good, so that's why he gave us that gift. Free will also means that we are not perfect. Perfect beings, such as God, don't have free will because they are omniscient. And thus, from our own imperfection, the Devil was born.

The Devil is a powerful being that was born in a dimension bellow us and tries to lure everyone in it. Sometimes it materializes in the form of a human being, to try to bring chaos upon this world. Karl Marx was one of this beings. Hillary Clinton and his entourage of psychic vampire pedophiles are as well. They hate humanity and are trying to suck up all our energy. They want to make you feel hopeless and want you to believe you're just a mere soulless animal without free will.

But thanks to the power of free will that was bestowed upon us by God, at the darkest hour, THE LIGHT unites and defeats evil.

And now the moment has come for us to unite again and fight the psychic vampires and bring God's Kingdom to the Earth.

That's what it is.

Irrational is part of the code you see it's the 0 to the 1 in the binary.

>The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%
Evidence? None.

Is there a way to contact the universe server admin so I can ask him to fix the netcode and nerf the jewish ai?

Bullshit. Mario fucking bros wouldn't be able to hack his way out without being able to modify the memory of the program. Memory protection mechanisms will prevent this.

Poor mario is stuck in a world of blue skies and evil mushrooms forever. If he crashes the program it will restart.

>infinite numbers exist
Not really. Infinite numbers are simulated, or calculated. They don't actually run on into infinity.

It's not a simulation but it appears that way because unknowingly we create our simulations based on the rules of our universe and as such what we would expect to see from a simulation is what the basis for the construction of our universe. Thoth knows and can help. This is only for one person here so the rest of you need not get involved.

No conclusive proof, but it would seem like everything in this world is quantifiable.

Sure thing, Spidey.


Imagine if and when one day we create simulation that's as good as real life and then plug our brains into that thing.
It's the same thing all over again on a lower level.
Then we do the same thing in that simulation.
It could be an endless amount of simulations inside a simulation, just continuing a spiral downwards.

Or maybe it's some demiurge fucking with us and drawing power from the conflict that has been created among us by the elites, who understand the system and it's purpose.

Know the code and you can tamper with it, predict how things are going to play out etc..

Holy shit I didn't know there was a gif of this! Thanks user!

You stumbled upon the source and can find it again.

Tsk tsk tsk. Chaos, entropy... that sort of thing.

i think we are just a by product of the simulation. We are just advanced self aware biological creatures that exist within the capabilities of the simulation. It is of course our destiny to create such simulations and the true purpose of sentient life and the answer to all the great mysterious certainly lies on that path

what if the demiurge is actually a nigger and is just using our energy to create cosmic malt liquor and zigzags?

This is homocentric disinformation. Conscience is only present in humans of all creatures and only as of recently. The world clearly existed before. Humans were not the main subject of the simulation.

>The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%


The only thing worse than this level of pseudointellectual tripe is when people attack technobabble to it and think that makes it scientifically valid.

>The odds of the universe being a simulation is close to 100%
How do you figure?

>Be very close to putting together all the information on inner the workings of the simulation
>Unfortunately every single time I get this close, I trigger a simulation instruction that shut downs my universe
>My selves in parallel universes suffer the same fate
>Leaving hints is pointless as it is always a sequence of thoughts that triggers the shutdown

whatever you say...

How does this gif work?

The universe is not a simulation. The laws of physics deal with continuums and real-valued terms. Based on the results of experiments and their concordance with theory (standard model), the universe would be impossible to simulated with a binary computer.


the odds of you being a moron are 100%

>with a binary computer

Who said it had to be with a binary computer?

>binary computer
That's the thing. Quantum computing is a bit different.

Architecture and symbols have this power, it acts as a physical meme altering human perception which influences the code. That's what the masons knew.

It's also why sigils and logos are important, they trigger the subconscious and when enough of consciousness wills something, the unrealized potential of the future begins to attempt to manifest that thing.

That's why influencing the population through subconscious sigils (brand logos, etc) allows certain groups to retain power.

I actually agree that the population may not be fully ready to come together and change the universe, but I hate the subversive occult nature of those currently occupying the power structures to utilize human labor for their benefit.

If it is a simulation,the aliens running it are imbecile retards

why do you waste time on shit like this when there are kikes to gas ffs

It's fucking god

Your brain is a processor and everything you perceive around you is input and output information. You will never not be in a simulation. Consider people with severe mental illness. Their simulation is essentially glitched due to either hardware (brain damage) or software damage (psychological trauma).

The problem is that you are making the assumption that the simulation was made using human technology and concepts. It's essentially an excuse for not trying to look into the subject any further. It'd be more constructive for you to suggest revisiting the idea in 500 years.

quantum computing is used to solve discreet problems. Quantuum computers aren't designed to simulate quantuum mechanics itself, they simply use properties of quantuum mechanics to make certain discrete operations faster.

How stupid are some of you people? Is there any capacity left for critical thought? Half the world was just recently convinced that men and women don't exist. A substantial movement has formed around the idea that the earth is flat. Neo-commie dupes are calling for "Universal Basic Income" on the grounds that robody are about to replace us. And now, faggots are embracing the idea that reality is a computer simulation?

Are we literally becoming retarded?

He never heard from ternary systems

This guy gets it.

Idiot. Of course it's simulation.
One problem though.
You need a computer the size of the universe to simulate it.

Who said it has to be a quantum computer either?


[Pseudointellectualism Intensifies]
You guys are just quantum in the galvanic matrices. Try stepifying the accredition buffers in order to ascendulate the photosynthesis

What you call a simulation I call God.

Atheists BTFO!

don't mean to sperg out on you, but you can simulate a ternary computer with a binary one... pretty basic stuff

Being retarded with language doesn't make you right

>said it has to be a quantum com
So it's just some device that we can't conceive of that created the universe from nothing in a way we can never perceive or penetrate.... Sounds exactly like god, desu.

Only the computer is the universe and you can understand it if you give it effort.

42, any other questions

>Guy living in a cave sees three sticks arranged in a triangle-like shape. He likes it.
>Guy isolates the symmetrical shape, recreates it, and draws it on everything, even on his body and those of his tribe members.
>The guy's tribe is very successful in dominating other tribes. People come to fear the triangle.

Stop your fucking magical bullshit. There's conditioning, and then there's apophenia resultant of having schizotypal tendencies.

What did you expect, that the people talking about this simulation idea were claiming our universe was being simulated on a Windows XP? I'm confused as to why it's surprising to you that the computation needed for the simulation of our universe would be more advanced than where our current level of technology is at. I thought that was extremely obvious.