Full Drug Legalisation

I think it would be a good idea to legalise, not just decriminalise, all drugs across the board, not just marijuana. Think of it this way.

1. The government would regulate the amount of each drug available to the public, now that they control the supply.
2. Drug gangs would be decimated. Users would most likely start buying from legal medicine shops (or maybe shops based entirely around drugs) because they won't get arrested buying from there.
3. The money made off the privatisation of the industry. Drug sellers would buy off the government , and then choose prices for their customers. These business then get taxed, making more money for the government, which is good for each country.
4. Lower amount of deaths due to drug abuse, and possibly lower usage rates. Now that the government controls the supply, they can ensure the quality of the product, to make sure it isn't cut with other Dangerous substances. And we all know things like marijuana are so popular because it's seen as a relatively harmless drug that's illegal and makes you feel good, making it perfect for teenagers who want to seem cool. But if everyone from a 21 year old to a 90 year old can get it, it's not really taboo anymore, is it?
5. Less drug crime violence. The reason there is so much violence in the drug trade is because there is no court system you can take a person to, in order to get paid or go through with a deal. So the only way to motivate people is through violence. With the legalisation of all drugs, you can take people to court, and they are forced to honor the agreement.

As you can see, full drug legalisation would be very good. Obviously I want people's feedback on this, so all opinions are welcome

Unfortunately, people would become useless and live off of the government. We have to abolish social programs before we can do such a thing.

I didn't think necessary to add my opinion on that, but now that you bring it up, I agree. Abolish the minimum wage so everyone can get a job, and lower welfare.

Also self bump, because I'm cursed to have bad threads

1. No, the government already regulates these drugs to the amount of 0, so "allowing" more would have no effect
2. This is most likely true, but those gangs would just start moving something else.

What we should do is let weed be like beer. Make heroin legal like in amsterdam where you get a job and free heroin if you test positive and they try and get you to quit. Cocaine should be illegal to buy except from government taxed dispensaries, crack still illegal to make and use, and to buy you have to register and keep up with a program to avoid addiction. Psychedelics should be medical only, we don't need all these low IQ people using our magic chemicals. Meth still illegal.

People are already useless and live off the government. You're conflating two completely separate issues.

Dude, what else could the gangs traffick, you fucking mong

Well, all I really have to say to that is abolish welfare.

Also, the first point you made makes no sense, I already explained the benefits.

That Gif also proves the government would save a lot of money trying to get illegal drugs off the streets if they're the Ines giving them out and making money

>dat gif
Big if true.

>gov't cocaine is 100$ a gram
>illegal cocaine now becomes 50$ a gram
Guns, humans, lolis, pizza, hentai, drugs that are still illegal, tax free drugs

Dude, guns are trafficked in even to the US where it's so easy to get a gun. Guns are trafficked into my country along with drugs. Wouldn't it be better if the traffickers made less money off drugs? Oh, and by the way, I made the point that people can start business for certain drugs or all drugs. The government doesn't sell it to the people, the business buy it off the government, and then sell it at a higher price. No matter what, they're all drugs, and at least there is a guarantee that government drugs will be cleaner than street drugs

Also, I said all drugs across the board

1. The government would regulate the amount of each drug available to the public, now that they control the supply.
Sounds good. Let's regulate it to zero.

2. Drug gangs would be decimated. Users would most likely start buying from legal medicine shops (or maybe shops based entirely around drugs) because they won't get arrested buying from there.
Large, legal gangs are as dangerous.

3. The money made off the privatisation of the industry. Drug sellers would buy off the government , and then choose prices for their customers. These business then get taxed, making more money for the government, which is good for each country.
Muh shekels.

4. Lower amount of deaths due to drug abuse, and possibly lower usage rates. Now that the government controls the supply, they can ensure the quality of the product, to make sure it isn't cut with other Dangerous substances. And we all know things like marijuana are so popular because it's seen as a relatively harmless drug that's illegal and makes you feel good, making it perfect for teenagers who want to seem cool. But if everyone from a 21 year old to a 90 year old can get it, it's not really taboo anymore, is it?
A high quality product- coupled with legality- will attract more demand, not less. The way to stop deaths is to prevent them taking drugs in the first place.

5. Less drug crime violence. The reason there is so much violence in the drug trade is because there is no court system you can take a person to, in order to get paid or go through with a deal. So the only way to motivate people is through violence. With the legalisation of all drugs, you can take people to court, and they are forced to honor the agreement.
What's much more important is the creation of a drug-addled underclass (as the lower class almost always is) who waste all their money on drugs, and often neglect their children.

The money generated from taxes of legal drugs could go directly to treatment of addiction etc..
It should be treated as a health problem.. because if you study history at all.. there are few instances of successfully banning something the public wants to consume.

Of course it will be extremely difficult to ban something that is in regular use by the majority of the public. But prohibition of things which have always been illegal certainly keeps consumption from being as high as it otherwise would.

These people enjoy subsidizing organized crime. It gives them excuses to pass even more restrictive laws.

>prohibition of things which have always been illegal certainly keeps consumption from being as high as it otherwise would.

Retards actually believe this. And they vote.

Why is gun ownership higher in America than Europe?

You're now comparing guns to drugs.

Congratulations on transcending to a new level of retardation.

You're one of those chimps that thinks drug laws actually prevent anyone from doing drugs, aren't you?

I thought your drugs have always been illegal statement was the dumbest thing I've ever read. Thanks for stepping up and outdoing yourself.

1.How is the government supposed to get rid of all drugs on the street? In my country, back when I was thirteen , lots of my friends were smoking weed, and one even did meth. But yeah, the government has the power to stop all drugs from ever coming in to the country, because that's been done before

2. Please explain how? How can organisations that have to follow the law be incredibly violent and have people killed without drawing attention and being shut down, you fucking mong.

3.yes, because a wealthier country is bad. All those gooks in Asia have the best lives ever because they're all so poor

4.i probably should have mentioned how providing clean needles for heroin users decreased the rate of infectious disease through used needles. Also, and this is my fault, I should have mentioned that the government would only produce drugs of a lower purity, so that less people that could have died don't, just that dangerous substances aren't used instead.

5. How about putting a minimum on the amount of money you make and are allowed to buy drugs, so that only middle and upper class can buy them. Or maybe just realise that people will still be educated on the dangers of drugs, so just because it's legal, doesn't mean they will be more likely to use, because they do know it's dangerous.