What are the facts about thw Philando Castile police shooting?

What are the facts about thw Philando Castile police shooting?

If you reach for a gun, and a cop tells you not to, you're gonna die.

Nigger actually dindu nuffin. Bootlickers will deny this cuz niggers.

dumbass had a CCW license and a gun, but apparently learned nothing in his CCW classes (which he probably never took) about the proper protocol for interacting with police when stopped. There's fucking laws and rules and he panicked.

The cop had every right to mag dump him because he didn't follow the fucking rules of CCW.

didnt do what police officer asked

The jury found the officer not guilty

He did nothing wrong the cop was an idiot.

>"I have a gun."
>"Don't reach for it."
>"I'm not I'm getting my wallet."
>cop panics when the groid is reaching
>"Don't reach!"
Shouldn't have reached cop doesn't know he isn't reaching for the gun

One less nigger

Your state has a class? Move out of Commieland you cuck.

>Dead Nigger : 1

leaf detected.

It's law in nearly every state that when stopped, if you have a CCW license, you give your CCW card along with license+reg+insurance and tell the officer 1st thing, "I am licensed to carry a handgun" and if you are or aren't carrying. This is a thing.

Philando apparently didn't get the memo and nigged his way thru the police encounter like a dumbass. This is the technical, legal reason why the cop got off with zero charges.

Learn some laws you mongoloids.

As a guy with a CCW, this shit isn't that hard:

>Cops are jumpy as fuck around guns, for good reason
>Get pulled over
>Kill the engine, hang both hands out the window
>"Sir I have a concealed carry permit, how would you like to proceed?"

>Still haven't gotten shot

>>"I'm not I'm getting my wallet."
This was never said. He said he had a gun and then immediately began reaching. The cop told him to stop 3 times and his response was to continue doing so and say "I'mma hafta take it out".
In hindsight, he was probably talking about his wallet, but his dumb monkey brain couldn't comprehend the fact that other people don't know what's going on inside your head.

A mexican killed a black and everyone is blaming the whites.

nice trips but it doesn't even fucking matter. Philando didn't follow CCW law. It's spelled out what you are supposed to do when pulled over as a CCW carrier.

Retards do not understand this and the media hasn't reported on it because racial tension clickbait.

This thread is shitty bait

Nigger thought he could have a gun like a white man, the cops killed him before he hurt himself or held up a liquor store. Thanks based cops for keeping humans safe from feral animals.

Black man runs into panicky rabbit wearing a uniform.

He was dead the moment he said "gun". But it's ok because the officer was just so scared.

Dudes fucking wife kept her cool better than the officer.

>Nigger high on drugs gets pulled over
>Nigger tell cop he has a gun
>Cop tells him not to reach for it
>Dumb nigger reaches for his wallet
>Dumb nigger scares cop, cop thinks he's going for his gun
>Dumb nigger dies for not listening and being dumb, death by cop bullets
>Cop did nothing wrong, not guilty verdict says so
>One less dumb nigger
>The End
Now stop posting shit about this, everything is settled and everything is as it should be. Case closed.

>be a cop
>watch feral niggers shoot each other on the daily
>pull over one
>says he has a gun
>doesn't obey lawful commands
>understand time is not on your side
>successfully eliminate the threat without harming the two passengers
>feel remorse for taking a life
>get a not guilty verdict because you are in the right

Also, stop falsifying the audio. He never said he was getting his wallet, he said "I gotta pull it out"

Niggers don;t know how to obey lawful commands because they aren't raised with structure and simple life lessons such as proper parenting.

If you wanna blame anyone, blame his mother and father for not teaching him how to listen to simple instructions.
Don't blame a civil servant for doing their job.

Not here in fucking Arizona because you don't need a permit to carry your own damned property enshrined in the second amendment.

I don't know what liberal shit hole you live in since you hide behind that gay flag, but you don't know shit about guns.

Also if I'm pulled over and not carrying a gun I'm for sure not telling the cop I possibly carry guns at other times. That's cuck level shit.

>Don't blame a civil servent for doing their job
I didn't

Don't carry a gun while high.

Suicide by cop.
His wife reacted like she was reading a script.
Who fucking live streams the aftermath of a shooting?

I live in TN, and it's the fucking law, have fun being a dick to the cops if you ever come visit for some catfish and hot chicken and get pulled over.

If you Americans didn't want to get shot, maybe you shouldn't be carrying guns around with you at all times.

I wouldn't visit your liberal shit hole then.

Seriously who has laws like that stating I can carry a gun even if I'm 200 miles away from any of them? Do you yell at cops you're a licensed scuba teacher too?

You don't need a permit to open carry anywhere in the USA, it's called the 2nd amendment and trumps any state law. You can walk with your weapons out in the open in Minnesota with no permit or even have a weapon registered, but if you want to conceal it, you need a permit. There are laws about weapons in transit, and you need a CCW to remain armed, locked, loaded in a moving vehicle.

this, you need to be very clear that you have a PERMIT, and the rest of the stop goes like the strictest game of "simon says" in your life. you never say the G word.

He didn't have the gun in his hand. He demonstrated no intent to harm the cop. It was a bad shoot.

He literally says that he's going to reach for his gun.

People say he was reaching for a wallet but can't be true. He was high while driving which is a crime and everyone knows what nigger do when nigger get busted, nigger try to shoot his way out especially when they're behind the wheel because nigger brain say it's easier to flee from the scene with high speed. 100% fact.

if the great state of Tennessee is a liberal shithole to you than I have no words. this is one of the few uncucked states left. It's like white people boating and bass paradise with a dash of offroading, bbq, and an extreme love of firearms.

One less nigger is never a bad thing.

He did nothing wrong and was killed because he was a black man and the police officer was scared.


Literally no sympathy lmao.

Cop wasn't fit to be a cop.

We give cops training, the best there is, but some just can't handle it, and shit like this happens. We can't just throw cops in jail for making a mistake, though, because everyone makes mistakes. Nobody in their right mind would willingly be a cop, except the sort of con artists that kill to cover up their mistakes, like Democrat politicians do, and if you want a third world police force that arrests anyone you bribe them to arrest like Mexico has, that's how you get it.

Instead, when a cop fucks up this bad, they get kicked off the force in disgrace, but are immune to any further charges personally. The city takes responsibility for the shooting instead, and can be taken to court, but not criminally tried.

Whine that it's not fair all you want, but trying anything else leads to anarchy at best, and a very deadly DPRK style police state as the most likely result.

And every person that reads this is guaranteed to end up like Otto Warmbier, just by knowing where to find this board among all the Tibetian underwater xylophone forums out there.

We carry guns around us all the time to protect us against people who carry guns around them all the time.

>be niggers
>fuck da po-leece
>can't follow basic directions
I don't see a problem here.

"License and registration pls"
>reach for wallet
>get shot

>tfw you spill koolaid on your shirt

The nigger died

It makes no sense reaching for your gun, but beforehand reporting the cop you have a gun.

It makes more sense telling the cop you are gonna show him your ID and BANG shoot the fucker in the head without warning.

I've literally seen dozens of firearm instructors tell you to keep your hands on the steering wheel when driving, and clearly visible/non moving when not driving, until instructed otherwise by police.
Even the ones that openly distrust law enforcement.

In fact, you do this I all police interactions.
And you don't reach for anything without being instructed to do so, and verbally reconfirm in what is taking place.
Then you move slowly so there can be no confusion.

Remember, every single time an LEO is killed, every LEO in the country learns about it.
In training, they go over dozens of situations that get cops killed. Usually through being too trusting or complacent.

Most people literally do not have what it takes.

Not that I trust law enforcement or ever want to interact with them.
But it's unavoidable.

A jury found the cop not guilty. Really the only relevant fact there is. May turn out different in civil court i.e. O.J. Simpson

He was allegedly shot.


>Philando apparently didn't get the memo and nigged his way thru the police encounter like a dumbass. This is the technical, legal reason why the cop got off with zero charges.
The first thing the guy said was literally I have a CCW, are you fucking retarded? And hand in the CCW permit, ins+reg+lic, well guess where most of those things are.. in your fucking wallet. So he didn't exactly nig his way thry the police encounter, but don't let that stop you from blaming the victim. There are a lot of BLM protests that are retarded. This shooting isn't one of them.

yup. Blacks dont have empathy. Not having empathy means more than you dont care about hurting people

well now that you mention it there are a growing number of people who think his appendix ruptured


He had given the officer his papers and decided to tell the officer he had a concealed weapon.

The officer calmly replied "OK, don't reach for it."

The nigger says, "I have to."

>gets shot.

Stop lying, this was a fucking idiot who committed suicide by cop, even if he wasn't suicidal. If the fucking assclown had kept his hands on the wheel, no one would know his fucking retarded nigger name.

no, he interacted with the cop for several minutes before even bringing up the gun.

nice try leaf

Funniest thing was when the idiot just stated "I have a gun". Didn't mention his CCL or anything.
Cop already suspected he was an armed robbery suspect, so I don't see why it surprises anyone that he got shot.
That said, it's a dead nigger. What cuck faggot even needs a justification for that?

>Nigger actually dindu nuffin.

-Driving while high
-Kid in car
-Carrying licensed firearm while high
-Didn't follow instructions given in every CCW class that when you tell a cop you're armed you keep your hands in sight until you're told what to do next.

STFU commie...

I wasn't talking about state lines and such. Merely pointing out in my state we don't require a permit. They are offered and if you have one and aren't carrying you aren't under obligation to tell a pig you have guns. That's not his fucking need to know.

It must be a liberal shit hole. In most rankings, AZ is top in gun rights. Sure we have spics but many more are red pilled that I meet and many cities are pretty empty of any brown folks.

The nig literally did nothing wrong in this instance

I live in Wisconsin and carry a gun in my car. In 3 years I've been stopped by cops 3 times. I've never even mentioned the gun or CCW and they never asked.

>State with least restrictive gun laws has lowest gun crime in Country (Vermont)
>State with most restrictive gun laws, especially by city (Illinois, Chicago), has highest gun crime.


>castile was pulled over
>officer said it was due to a busted tail light
>officer thought he may have also been a suspect in another crime
>castile said he had a gun/CC permit
>officer told him not to reach for it
>castile said something to the effect of 'i don't have to'
>castile reaches for *something* anyway
>officer thinks he's reaching for a gun, has no way of knowing
>officer responds accordingly

tl;dr - nobody was in the right and nobody was in the wrong. unfortunately, castile surrendered a bit too much information and the officer responded in a legal way; sadly, someone who didn't have to die ended up dying.

this is a rare instance of a publicized cop shooting where both the officer AND the shooting victim were NOT in the wrong.

Except reaching for his weapon after being told not to reach for it.

Are you as retarded as the dead nigger?

You missed the part where he literally said he was going to reach for his gun.

Even if you want to argue that that doesn't mean he actually was going to, it is definitely a reasonable assumption to make.

does being this submissive get your pussy wet?

He reached for his wallet because officer told him to. His piece was in the glove box.
Stop larping, faggot.

Did you watch the video with full context, the time between pulling him over and shooting him was 15 seconds. He never asked him to reach for his wallet, he said do not reach for it, and then continued to tell him to not reach for where his gun was.

He had already given the officer his papers.

Stop defending a nigger with ties to the crips who had more than likely committed an armed robbery the day before.

Alaska has almost no gun laws but if you apply for a CCW, even though not required (constitutional carry), you have to take a class. Almost all states do this if you want the actual card and want to do reciprocate carry in other states.

>(5) submits evidence of successful completion of a handgun course as provided in AS 18.65.715;

All cops are white tho

The facts. Democrats can't handle facts. Ok. He was a weed smoking, drunk ass nigger who was wilding out with his bitch who was driving him around while they both smoked weed in their car. Nigger so stoned he'd probably try and eat Nachos and use ice cream as salsa. Can't understand ching chong cop, because the weed kicked in. Gets fucking shot while his loudmouthed dope whore took video of it and posted it live on facebook. The world went, he dindu. Police dealt with his shit, and hers, for years.

Nice try leafcuck. The cop said don't reach for it.
>He kept reaching and pulls out something
>Got shot.
Simple arithmetic snownigger

There are over a hundred thousand black Ccw holders.

So far, this is the only one I've seen get himself shot without committing a crime.

The many dozens of others that interact with police each day seem to have done just fine.

Then who are these guys numnuts?

Sorry, I read your post and got it confused and intermingled with another.

>fuck da poleese niggaaaaa!!
I know you're baiting, but it doesn't matter. Fuck you. Die, nigger scum.

>He had already given the officer his papers.
No, only his car's papers.
Stop bearing false witness against your neighbor, kike.

>there are actually people so uneducated they think that when police have to shoot someone they should only shoot once and then wait to see if further shots are necessary

Maybe not particularly relevant to this case, but holy fuck people are stupid.

Here are the facts:

Nigga got shot. The end.

Nigger did not obey the lawful orders of a police officer, resulting in a dead nigger.
It. happens. every. fucking. day.

i got pulled over once

>pulled to side of road
>put my hazards on
>opened my window
>put my lights inside car on
>put hands on steering wheel (on top)
>cop asked for registration
>I said, "it's in the glove compartment
>he said, ok, go ahead
>i opened it and then took the papers and gave it to him

I didn't get shot

>be some jumpy spic cop who couldn't handle the training
>be put out into the nigzone anyway
>pull over some niggers for a traffic stop, they're breaking the law by smoking weed while being armed
>tiny spic brain can't handle what the high nigger just told you 'reaching for my wallet'
>panic and kill the nigger
>get off scot free because system is rigged

The only way this could have turned out better is if the spic went away forever or died, but at least we're less one nignog.

He was high, he disobeyed several lawful orders, completely ignored the cop, got shot.

did he do sumfin or nuffin?

You forgot to hide your flag

This is completely false. The officer already had his ID and registration. He was reaching to unbuckle his seatbelt for no damn reason. Guess what? Unbuckling your seat belt looks like drawing if vision is obscured. Also what else could he be doing. The officer already had his papers. It was honestly decent awareness on the cops part.

What's the point Storm/pol/ will justify it. Why bother? No reason to ask here. You know what the replies will be.


an American saying this is pretty funny

Was an unjustified shooting. Spic cop was gun happy. Of course, this indicted all white men.