Does he actually believe in God? Every time someone asks him he dodges the questions and never answers it outright

Does he actually believe in God? Every time someone asks him he dodges the questions and never answers it outright.

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If you've studied Jung and comparative religion… what he states about the meaning of God (™) is about right in my estimation.
If you expect a bearded dude in the clouds… you're delusional.

he's having trouble reconciling scientific knowledge with a drilled in conception that the faithless are bad people.

His argument literally begins with "Religious people believe nonsense without evidence but atheists forgot there's more than one kind of truth"

and if you contrive the nature of knowledge to justify calling a tautological concept "God" just so you can keep saying "I believe in good" You're delusional AND a liar.

This, desu. Brainlets can't in2theology.

You're supposed to read this sarcastically, genius.

I like this man.

He tries to position belief in God as rational by redefining it as a non-literal thing. A lot of smart people who self-identify as Christians do this.

of course. It takes a lot of brain power to go through those hoops. But when you rationalize beleif in god as merely the acknowledgement that some such other thing exists. Then you are also acknowledging that god doesn't exist in any important capacity, and all of the important affects of god dont exist

after life
divine revelation

He's agnostic.

So basically don't he's telling atheists "dont throw the baby away with the bathwater?"
so he doesn't believe in God then.


except there is no baby or bathwater, and what you're throwing away is falsehoods. He is getting worked up about something that has nothing to do with the actual belief in god, but for which believing in god is a psychological shortcut to figure out. That right and wrong can be objective and the world is wondrous.

And no. I wouldnt say he believes in god. The moment he gets epistomological he's admitting god isnt real in the same way any other real thing is. You don't start trying to pull the rug on the very nature of reality when we're talking about whether or not pro wrestling is real.

but God exist, you are wrong here sry


If you listen to jordan peterson you'll understand his philosophies.
Hes a big fan of Neitzche
He understand IQ in depth and talks about its importance a lot, How it affects your behavior patterns, how it effects your relationships, and how it affects your wealth generation.
He believe deeply in meritocracy

>Natures law

Hes NatSoc he just doesn't know it

great. I'm sure your explanations of natural phenomenon based on this theory will paved the way for thousands of innovations which will make our world a better place.

the problem is not religious people but the people who want to ignore religion, just look at liberals, you are part of the problem

>Le I fucking love science meme
You can say the same thing about scientism. The enlightenment gave us the degenerate world we currently live in.

>Does he actually believe in God?
he claims to be Christian, but it's doubtful he really is

he would never say he actually believes Jesus Christ rose from the dead

he's only Christian in the sense that he believes it's the best moral guide man has, aka not actually Christian

>Natures law

I don't see the correlation. "natural law" is extremely broad, can be found in greek philosophy and Christianity.

If god is real why doesn't he stop me from jacking it RIGHT NOW?

I bet he is a racial realist deep down but can't admit it or he'll get fired

huh? what are you saying im saying?
how am i ignoring religion? I just dont believe in god.

because you have free will

He's a noncommittal pussy.
He basically thinks the bible is just a self-help guide and a collection of archetypal stories, he doesn't believe in a supernatural reality, doesn't think Jesus is a literal savior & redeemer, etc.

cause that's your choice, you have free will
if you don't accept Christ you are going to be judged by what you have done here

>I just dont believe in god
well you are wrong

He likes to watch.

He's a dumb retard who doesn't give philosophical questions the rigour they deserve. He approaches them from the perspective of a psychiatrist first and foremost. He doesn't really grapple with the philosophical concept of God dealt with by people like Aristotle, Aquinas, Spinoza or Wittgenstein, though he may have some insightful things to say about the psychological and sociological influence of the concept. But he has no conviction in this area, he's a fence sitter and an obscurantist. He refuses to give a clear answer because he doesn't have one. He's a poseur and a charlatan who sullies the name of theology, orthodoxy and religious faith.

He peddles shit like how the person of Jesus Christ is based on Horus, or the Mithras Cult. Loads of hot air, this guy's a fucking idiot.

>well you are wrong
yeah you already made this play, and I said to which you said I'm ignoring religion, and when challenged to explain what that means and how im doing it you cycled back to your attempt at some kind of "u mad" of theism.

I'm referring to Darwinism, I probably should of been more informative when i typed up my post but most of the time i get lazy because its a very in depth thing, Natures law to me at least general refers to Darwinism survival of the fittest.
Fittest would usually be the people with the highest IQ. NatSoc ideology was heavily based around this (darwinism) I could provide some links but if you do some deep research you'll figure this out just fine.

Most people that deeply believe in this concept are closer to NatSoc ideology than they know. but of course a large portion of the world think NatSoc is just "SUPER MASTER WHITE RACE" rubbish

Does he? Probably

Does he argue anything that Sam Harris would have a problem with? (Supernatural or superstitious)

No. He won the Olympic Gold Medal for Mental Gymnastics in believing in and arguing for Christianity in a purely utilitarian, pragmatic, and non-superstitious way. So props to him for that.

Does fapping to models or girls on instagram count as "pornography"?

Or is he referring strictly to PornHub, RedTube, etc..

I would say he believes in religion which we've been trying to explain the atheist community for a decade but they won't hear it so we just make Fedora memes

but that's true

except socialism undermines natural selection by providing for people who dont contribute and taking away from people who do.

He's telling you that religion has value as a social technology, which makes the question irrelevant.

You need a religion that provides you societal benefits or you and everyone around you suffers and dies. Clean your room.

Probably I mean he has done a large amount of research on IQ, He is a physiologist after all. But he came close to being fired and losing his 6 figure job because he refused to call some teenage bimbo "they". That would put some fear in me no doubt as well

inAfter all these buttblasted christ cucks don't even realize that THEY are the people Peterson is talking about, who are guided by a handbook for morals. LITERALLY NOT AN ARGUMENT FOR TRUTH.


it doesnt really matter if the fictional story of jesus is based on another fictional story. If you already believe it, you're not going to be persuaded by those facts.

religion has paved all our history as far as we are now, stupid people are pushing this 'science' meme and ruining everything, do you think it's a coincidence?

it's not true and you're as retarded as he is lol

In other words he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Read Schopenhauer's essays on religion if you want an insightful exploration of this topic. I agree with Schopenhauer's statement that once the literal reading is lost, the allegorical truth of the text loses its power also. Peterson reads a lot of Nietzsche but seems not to really grapple with the death of God.


> itt: Babby brainlets who did their first semester of philosophy and now think they are intellectually equal to a professor with several decades of academic experience.

And the 3rd Reich had the answer to that.
Mandatory hard labor (not in a slavery sense) but in a work ethic sense, The state didn't give out Free gibz this is outlined quite well in there program.

You had a right TO WORK meaning you had a right through the state to EARN your own money. NatSoc had no free gibz

Also they were heavily in favor of eugenics not in a twisted dr. jeckels way but they believed people with Low IQ's should of been sterilized so they couldn't reproduce more children.

Mind you thing: They wouldn't kill you, they would sterilize you. and they would allow you to adopt children from other families that spawned children with high IQs

Well it fails to make the question irrelevant. Whatever value religion A brings is inferior to the value religion A - lies + truth would bring. The truth has ubiquitous value. And more informaiton is always better.

What we're squabbling about is whether lies designed to be good for us are better than the truth. Well which would you rather? I think truth is always better because basing your decisions on the most accurate information will lead you to good conclusions. Maybe a lie "for-your-own-good" could trick you into doing good things most of the time, but somewhere the lie will fail to do its job.

I think he doesn't view himself as an evangelist, his main goal is not to win souls for Christ. His message is more about how society has gotten off course and how it's important to correct that. He wants his message to be applicable to people of all religions. If he starts to inject Christianity it could cause a distraction. Even Christians can't agree on everything. Just listen to his first interview with Joe Rogan, rogan started going off about the hatefulness off Christianity. Anyway that's my opinion why he tries to be vague about his beliefs. CS Lewis said something to the effect of how the modern man doesn't even realize they need to be saved. I think Peterson's goal is to show people that they need to be saved and to help them with a framework for that journey.

Yes it does user you must stop masturbating, or at least stop masturbating to external stimulus and limit it to once per week at MAX

Sorry if that offends your view about the bible and christianity.
Basically all myths and legends have been recycled and reused since before recorded history.

and stone working paved the way for metal working. And feudalism paved the way for capitalism. So what?

>he went to school so he must be right
this attitude is the worst, just because some guy has 20 papers to his name denoting how smart he is isn't gonna stop him from burning in hell

What exactly about Jesus Christ do you think was recycled?

He talks about it all the time, science disproves religious teachings that were used to explain the what.

But the purpose of religion is controlling human behavior and actions, religion is not about teaching about the work.

Religion can teach you how to be a human who lives among other humans and very little else. Science has obsoleted the rest.

sorry. When someone tries to justify belief in god it doesn't take a lot to tear them down. That's why preteens are able to hold up to serious theologians.

he said in a video that he acts as if God as real

He's said that the best way he can put it is that he acts as though God exists

He may be like me, I don't actually believe in a literal divine creature out there in the cosmos.

I believe God is this 'thing' in the brain cobbled together from the better parts of our various complex modules, much like the subconscious.
We all have it, so it's easy for us to come to a loose consensus on spiritual matters in various groups.

Peterson believes whatever he needs to to feed his ego and get attention

Pretty much this. He's a psychologist showing the importance of Christianity in the west. Athetits don't understand that their nihilistic beliefs turns the world to shit.

Regardless of the function of what Peterson preaches, atheists are still pussies and fag enablers who's behavior generally fosters degeneracy.

How can you say that when there is direct objective evidence contradicting you- oh that's right you're a christcuck.

Personified son of God
Most of his teachings and philosophy

Also if you are interested in learning something new. Heres a very good video for you, Its probably one of the most accurate videos on NatSoc youtube currently has.

I highly recommend it, It will clear up alot of misconceptions about NatSoc Ideology

so you are wrong, you are trying to ignore years of study and progress just because you are an edgy teen, your opinion should not care

Communism is an example of replacing religion with "science" as is utilitarianism and a bunch of other philosophies which attempt to create a scientific moral framework. You can included hippie collectives in the scientific godless societies too.

The results have been failures. So until you replicate a scientific moral framework that works better than religion, you should keep religion.

Just ponder this...The lady at my church who provides daycare service for everyone charges $300 a month...The corporate daycare down the street charges 1300 a month and that's just one little thing of many you get from being part of an insular community

Their lone wolf bullshit allows them to get eaten alive by predators

He's pretty much an agnostic atheist.


i'd be happy to see it

stolen from who? the Mithras Cult? Horus? Dionysus? Babylon? You can't just name things Jesus did/talk about as a proof that they existed before him.

that sounds ridiculous. Either people are being compelled into the labor which provides for society, in which case yeah that's just slavery to the state like feudalism. Or this mandatory labor exists just to "teach you a lesson" so it's masturbatory.

If I have a right to self determination and free enterprise then there are no free gibs. So nazis are trying to create an illness so they can sell the cure. And they lure you in with standard socialist utopianism, and then answer criticisms by talking about how they'll treat you like shit.
the fuck

i dont care

>Every time someone asks him he dodges the question

He has stated he believes in a force such as god but he often avoids it when brought up in an argument because it is a strawman. There will never be a logical argument that god exists so people derail religion based upon that concept. Yet nature isn't entirely guided by empirical evidence, we actually have to make guesswork. Take experimental physics, many things happen on a quantum scale that cannot be related to our environment. So at a quantum level you could probably float in the air or phase through your chair but they have to apply a mathematical scale to define what is most likely to happen in our system.

So there is no empirical evidence of god but that doesn't mean you should only dismiss something for the bad. It's like the "christian dark ages" meme people like to bring up. The renaissance happened because we found a shitload of old greek and roman shit. We didn't say "we wuz kangz" we understood that we rediscovered civilisation.

You're right without a form of hierarchy the west has been plundered into chaos. Nietzsche was right about god being dead in the west, and unfortunately it wasn't a good thing and what he predicted is unraveling right in front of us

This was for

This. Even an Atheist would accept that Christian theology took a wrong turn some time between Origen Adamantius and Kent Hovind.

what truth do you speak of?

you're lying.
communism replaces god with the state and will immediately abandon science as soon as it seemingly violates marxism. Marxist views on genetics and evolution cause the soviet agricultural authorities to so thoroughly fuck up their jobs that they caused the single greatest mass starvation in human history.


What are you trying to say?

Kent Hovind has nothing to do with theology. Karl Barth, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Liz Anscombe, Ratzinger etc. are contemporary theologians


whatever man

communism is a replacement religion that has no god and it sucks. don't no true scotsman on this shit. I'm looking forward to your scientifically backed moral system and how you expect it to work. Marxists didn't desire failure of their "perfect" system.

He does. He obvious does. He believes The Bible is divinely inspired truth.
He evades the question for two reasons:
1, To avoid getting cornered to where he'll have to defend not what he believes, but fight against what the other person THINKS he believes (I experience similar as a Libertarian.)
2, It's nobodies fuckin business but his.

I'm an Atheist myself and I totally respect where he's coming from in that regards.

NOTE: Studied under Peterson, made friends, so I know a bit about how he personally feels about things like that.

>What are you trying to say?
It wasn't for you.....I'm trying to say with some practical dollars and cents

>i'd be happy to see it


Mandatory labor was put in place to keep people tough and show them the values of hard work. It was meant to keep people from going soft and also provided to the community. And no its not slavery to the state. The system was Both capitalism without banking debts and inflation and it was also socialistic in the sense that when the free market couldn't provide the state would provide but not in the sense of free gibz, It wasn't them just handing you a check and off you go. You had to work and you were paid. The mandatory labor was program that would be a month or so every year and you got paid, so no its not "literally slavery"

They didn't create an illness to provide a cure i have no idea how you got that out of what i said

Churches were the pioneers of charities so I'm not surprised they're not charging high.

Peterson is a fucking ant Marx would step on.

>i'm not really smart enough to articulate the proof so here's this half hour video that BTFO christianity!!!!

Why is porn bad?

>communism is a replacement religion that has no god and it sucks

>communism replaces god with the state and will immediately abandon science as soon as it seemingly violates marxism

Don't get mad at me when you agree with me.

Theology should be banished from University campuses; it doesn't belong alongside disciplines that have an actual subject matter. Refuse to send your kids to any University that has a gender studies program. Take back academia!

Jesus said 'keep your religion to yourself'.
In that regard, I find him a good Christian.

>he doesnt know quantum phisics is proving God by the day
>he shills 'muh science' anyway
every time

so true, its also no coincidence christians are more right wing

They sterilised people based on physical and profound mental defects, so you would actually make the grade.

What? No he didn't,

Matthew 5:14-15
14You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven

>The enlightenment gave us the degenerate world we currently live in.

Not precisely. The reaction to the enlightenment gave us post-modernism, which gave us the degenerate world we currently live in.

If Kant wasn't such a wanker we wouldn't be in this mess.

People like you never "had" academia in the first place. You're the reason universal literacy was a mistake. Fuckin' android. Prole idiot.

Sure, If it created a better nation in the long run why not.