Should Texas secede from the US? Pretty much where most of the illegal immigrants come from...

Should Texas secede from the US? Pretty much where most of the illegal immigrants come from, Houston & Austin is cucked as fuck and the niggers are the most entitled there.

We need to build a wall around Texas to truly get rid of unwanted immigrants

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El paso is also fucked. And those towns near the border like Brownsville

>We need to build a wall around Texas to truly get rid of unwanted immigrants
so the current problems with the wall no are that it will have to be too big and cost too much. so your plan is to make an even bigger wall? damn they should have elected you, einstein

this was in Texas

just saying, to keep em contained thats the way. Not saying its an easy task

You're saying this like California doesn't exist.

Calis probs are overblown

Texas should secede. It's ite only hope.

That map is the exact opposite of the way things really are.

well im just saying that you are retarded

I lived in Houston for a while and parts of it are based, like "Hitler did nothing wrong" based.

The only "real" americans are mexicans

what am I looking at here?


A lot more than Texas really. At least most people here actually own guns and can take the law into their own hands, so when a dirty Illegal Juanito decides to jump somebody for Taco Bell money somebody will just shoot him, or you can shoot him, any body can shoot him, as long as you're not in Austin, Brownsville, El Paso, certain parts of College Station, Mid to southeast Houston, and the inner cities of Dallas. that might seem like a long list but it's weak sauce compared to Cali

That's like saying the only real Australians are Abos

Cali is based as fuck besides the populated areas tho

A dumb feminist/anti-christian protest
Probably in Austin

I live in Arlen. 99% of the city is based. Stay the fuck away from Durndle though

no, it's like saying the only real Aussies are Brits

>that one girl too big for the fucking tarp

In all Honesty most of Cali doesn't really matter except the cities and the whole pacific woods, mountain, beach, thing. But let's be honest here the only people that live in North Cali are convicts, crazy 1800's pioneers (that are still alive for some reason) and some touring families. South Cali is where most the population is.

good argument faggot

actually in houston

i wish we would secede and then completely get rid of welfare and government social programs. that'd send the undesirables scattering like cockroaches back to murica.

then we'd be left with hardworking mexicans and non-ghetto blacks.

A tv show


Houston was pretty good until katrina caused an influx of niggers to come here.

Texas should return to México

About to move to Midland.. can anybody give me some advice especially with the ladies


Midland East or West?

send them back. New Orleans is fine now

We were actually a scientific technopole for the southern US before all of the fucking kikes came here, now we are basically a prosperous detroit.


35% white

Don't talk to them unless they're some sort of "country girl", I lived in Kansas and Oklahoma for 8 years while I was in High school, I swear there's enough feminist in the inner cities to make your dick fall off and run back to Texas. The country-ish girls are pretty damn alright, Had a Girlfriend as one in my 9th to 11th grade, they're probably on of the closest you'll find to a traditional wife. Loyal, Honest, Wants to fuck almost 24/7 (although that might have just been her) and can make a pretty damn good batch of Hot Wings. Only reason we broke apart was because I had to move back to Texas. Now I'm lonley, damn, oh well, atleast I'm not surrounded by faggots 24/7.

Lucky you. Women aren't bad in the west, way less trashy/redneck-ish. Women in central parts of texas are simple breed, not very complicated. Plus, there are wayyyyy less hispanics in the mid/northern/west parts of Texas... Are you moving from another state?

Damn Never mind then.

t. northerner who doesnt know mexicans


Yeah from PA

I know some Mexicans that are really hard working (Doesn't mean they're not asswads and I'd like to lynch them but hardworking nonetheless) One of them was actually my friend and kinda cool, he made me Hot Pockets for no reason other than I was there and he had an extra one. Mexicans here (especially the ones that came legally and straight off the Boat) are really nice and because they're not (((Illegal))) they actually have decency and aren't hostile against anyone because they might be cops.

Ive flown out of DWF with a window seat. The state cant sustain itself bud. Not enough farm rich land

let them get their shit from Mexico then

Ariel Winter complains about being sexualised...then posts revealing pics of her ass and tits..typical dumb whore. With that said, I'd love to dump my load in her.

>Nice trip s
Anywho, yeah, Women in texas are good. They are not californiwhores or completely southern trash. Pretty normal desu in comparison to other places I have been to. Be prepared to be hit with a major accent if you meet a western Texas woman, kek. Also, Texans are HUGE on politeness towards Women and the like, especially in less densely populated places, chivalry is key. Having dated a woman from minnesota for a while, there is definitely an existing difference between northern and texan women, lol.

Typical 21st century Woman

Let commiefornia try first

If we didn't have the leftists States and the feds holding us back we would genocide all the Mexicans in month. We Texans are held back by you faggots and your "human rights".

She is pure sex appeal. Wtf does she expect. Shouldnt go around half naked 24/7

Join the mexican cartel then. Nothings stopping you cuck

This is refreshing to hear after breaking up with my girlfriend for this move. Especially considering how every girl where I live seems to at least have some feminist beliefs and wants nothing less than a traditional relationship

I live in College Station currently (Material Engi. student here) take my advice, never go to the campus, if you do be prepared to be drown in the fat of feminists' legs because in the summer they just wear booty shorts and walk around with pride. Was in the elevator going to my car, hamlet femibitch came in smelling like she showered with her own period blood and molded fish, them legs, just looking at them could give the whole continent of Asia diabetus from the amount of fat rolls. worst 47 seconds of my life.


Commiefornian detected


Oh God, please stays away from colleges in Texas. Especially UT Austin and College station. Just. Stay. Away. You will Hate what you see... its a sea of whores. Just find a girl in a small city or something, they are pretty cool. also, yeah Texas Women >> Southern/NE Women.

Why even bother reading Huffpost, I mean if you're just trying to find something funny you might as well say Huffpost, Buzzfeed, CNN, MSNBC cause they're already jokes.

I am not saying that Texas is like a second poland or anything, but it is certainly better in those regards than most other places in the US...


Yes I know, I've been living in College station for the last 2 years. The only women here are fatass "muh white privlilige" "We Wuz Kangz" frizzy haired femicunts. The only cool ones are the ones that enlisted in ROTC or some sort of Military program here at the school, they're mainly white but are mostly from small Texan-Oklahoman towns so.

You will like what see tho. (Also, many women of Texas origin are of Czech or german heritage, so if you are into those kinds of subcultures/bodily features, you will find traces of that here, even though it has been mostly washed out by mexican influence in the southern parts of Texas... :\ )

Maybe we could get rid of you too "based tajano"

No, Texas needs to flip to the Democrats under the brown tide so white normies will see that voting for Republicans won't save them.

>voting for democrats
pure cancer

Yeah, I know what you are talking about... Luckily, it isn't too bad down here in Houston (I go to a tiny Catholic college near UH) and I still see traces of that from UH. *shivers in disgust*

It's going to happen in two election cycles. Whites are already a minority in Texas.


No. Stop shape-shifting into different tribes when it benefits you.

Texas will turn blue before any other part of the South,Austin is like mini Commifornia! The state is slowly dying

Thanks user, gives me something to look forward to


Fuck off nigger

Nice response fag. Go put your dick on a barbee dundee


We just need Operation Wetback II

ooooohhhhh, did I piss off the spic trying to lead whites here astray? Fuck off back to Me-hee-co, hombre.

better than a taco bowl, least it's mine

it's loaded up with fags & liberals, honestly your better off with the wetbacks & getting rid of the left!

Like i said. Fuck off nigger. Kill yourself


Have fun user. Welcome to Texas.

You have to go back, Paco.


You have to go back to Africa, Jamal

Why is this so disturbing?


HAHA oh my god dude, the west is fucked. Like we're done.

Didnt see the ending. Cringy as fuck

Texas has always been multi cultural. What do you think Six Flags Over Texas means?

The Mexicans keep to themselves, same with the natives and the French in the east. Negro population spiked due to Katrina and are ruining places like Houston and Dallas, though.

We can't legally secede, though we can split Texas up into five states for more legislative power if we want.

In the odd, but awesome, event that the Republic of Texas is reborn, the notion that Mexico invades and annexed us is asinine. Mexico doesn't even have a single MBT.


>Stick to themselves

The only reason Texas is booming its because of oil and low taxes. If it had to pay for its own defense they would have to raise taxes considerably across the board to defend its large border. Oil prices are too low to compete and Texas economy would collapse overnight and every major fortune 500 company headquartered there would leave to somewhere else cheap in the US like Oklahoma. Only a retard would seriously suggest Texas should secede.

Let's take a look at those six flags.
>Republic of Texas
>Confederate States

Spain, France, and a place that used to be Spain. Really makes you think.

We still have to keep Texas contained. You're shitting up the rest of the country

They wouldn't need to spend anything on defense

Texas is a blue state

