Why is this the common theme among Mexicans and brown people?

>>Being tough is the shit
>>Fuck the gringos we show them how tough we are
>>We assert our dominance like the blacks

By age 15
>>I'm on welfare
>>I'm in a gang
>>Living like a literal black ghetto thug
>>How did this happen??? Vive la Raza!
>>Waaaa more gibs

They were acting all tough in the previous thread but none of them would answer this simple question. Pic related

They grew up believeing they were special snowflakes and the liberal party cobstantly encourages such behaviour.

Same reason why whites love nigger dicks now, subversion.


bumping again

one last bump

Like most non whites and non asians, the humble, yet irritating mexican, black and arab only live for material pleasure and gang violence.

When confronted about this fact, each of these races will become angry. Not because they reject the truth. But because a white man KNOWS the truth.

Like the jews, these lower caste races take the truth as the worst insult. Call a jew a freaking jew. And he gets mad. Call a black a freaking black. He gets angry. Call a mexican a freaking mexican. He gets mad.

They're irrational anger is the sum of the agonizing reality that each day they must cope with the fact that without white people, they be sacrificing people heads to the moon and eating babies.

Our duty as white people is to form an ethnostate and block these poor simple minded folk from entering. 14/88 brothers.

its our land esse, me and my homies are taking it back damn vato loco

when mexico sends it's people they're not sending their best

basically this but apply to all third world shitholes

Well phrased, Jose.

USA, Canada and Mexico are all equally as disgusting. You are all niggers. Shut the fuck up with your hypocritical whining.

Because they arent accepted as americans so what do you want them to do

They are pushed into ghettos and never really integrate

>t. 54%

Stop LARPing and go mow my lawn already, Paco.

This, not even Mexicans like the cholos that come from the US

hey beatoff
go sage yourself


So Mexicans don't like American beans either? That might explain why they act so insecure about their race. They don't feel American or Mexican.

No one pushes them into ghettos. No one pushes them into not studying other than their shitty family members. No one pushes them into not getting good working class skilled technical jobs (okay, maybe the Jewish education system does). I grew up in L.A., this whole fuckery of blaming the white man for their own fuck ups is getting them nowhere but to shittier neighborhoods after they get gentrified the fuck out. If they want change they're gonna have to take responsibility, get educated, and find good paying jobs. And if they fuck up, well they better not blame the white man.

Spicfag here. Because the worst are coming and the best are staying. The stupidest, least educated, most superstitious, and most ignorant are coming here. That's the problem. The worst come the best stay. The next generation of these losers is cholos. Deep down inside they know they are losers but are in denial. Like blacks who blame whitey for everything in Mexico they blame the government for everything. By the time they get here there is no Mexican government to blame anymore and realize they were the problem all along. By then it is to late, they have gone full retard by then.

They are primitive subhumans who can't dicipline their kids.
Notice how niggers keep their turd babies roaming free, not taking any responsibility for their actions, not correcting their behavior.
Their kids eventually grow up into pieces of shit.
They know no shame, no prudence, no discipline, they are basically animals.

>Same reason why whites love nigger dicks now, subversion
gitfag detected

funny, our immigrants are the same


>Alt flag

Fuck off, SvenPajeet

>Why is this the common theme among Mexicans and brown people?
Why do niggers behave like animals? Why do dogs bark? Why do fish breathe underwater?

You're asking void questions. They behave like that because they are like that, it's in their nature. That's how nature (or God, if that's more your thing) evolved them through natural selection. Their behavior doesn't make sense from your (a white man's) point of view because you evolved differently a think differently, but it's just how things are. Asking "why do they behave that way, wouldn't it be better for them to behave this other way?" is like asking "why do dogs bark, wouldn't it be better if they talked instead?"

I guaranteed you that the "best" you're talking about have an above average % of European DNA for Latin American people.

Pic related.

Same with gypsies in Eastern Europe...though I don t see many of them now, they went to welfare state-countries and live of their money.

Gypsies raised in white neighbourhoods still end up acting like gypsies.It is in their blood.The principle at my sisters school is a gypsy whore and she s the dumbest, most corrupt piece of shit I ve ever seen even though she is a teacher and grew up in a white town.