Blacks are the truly rulers of civilization

When will you bigots finally accept the ancient Egyptians were black and you cumskins were still living in caves while we were building civilizations?

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grand claims

now you just have to substantiate them



That nose on that Ramses side braid Kang

The mere fact that you are obsessed with what we know of ourselves, says far more about your little 'We Wuz' movement, than it does concerning the content in this video . A billion videos on Youtube however there was nothing important enough in your myopic universe to distract you from the 'goings on' on my page. Tsk, tskā€¦ little faded man, feel like you did something important don't you (?; smile):

"I may here express my opinion in passing that the white colour of the skin IS NOT NATURAL TO MAN, but that BY NATURE HE HAS A BLACK OR BROWN SKIN... that consequently A WHITE MAN HAS NEVER ORIGINALLY SPRUNG FROM THE WOMB OF NATURE, and that thus THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A WHITE RACE, MUCH AS IT IS TALKED OF, BUT EVERY WHITE MAN IS A FADED OR BLEACHED ONE. Forced into the strange world , where he only exists like an exotic plant , and like this requires in winter a hothouse, in the course of thousands of years man BECAME white"

>Egyptians were black
>not even close
I guess you wuznt kangz after all.

All other races derive from the Black race by a more or less direct filiation, and the other continents were populated from Africa at the Homo-erectus and Homo-sapiens stages, 150,000 years ago.

What's the point you are trying to prove? We all evolved from the black man? Egyptians were black?

If so, what next? Black men haven't contributed anything to the human race yet. Shitty bait, OP.

lol, no

Low quality bait, do more efforts

Actually, ancient Egyptians were even whiter than modern Egyptians



Whoops. Good looking out Norway

By the *U.N.A.N.I.M.O.U.S. TESTIMONY OF ANCIENT HISTORIANS, THE EGYPTIANS BELONGED TO THE *NEGRO RACE which first settled in Ethiopia on the middle Nile, following the course of the river, they gradually reached the sea....


then go back to your kangdom

Their albino pigment retards them, pity the cumskin brother. Keep spreading the message!

Burden of proof is on you.

No we dont want them here

Ah shallah, brother. It is good see you spreading the truth in this white cesspool of hate.




Oh, I'm sorry, you must not have gotten the memo, I really don't give a fuck about what you think, about anything for that matter. I wouldn't give a shit if you though the earth was flat. Do you honestly think your opinion palette holds some kind of weight or gravity in my life? I don't recall seeing any books with your loser name on it. What I do find fascinating however is Black people are so fucking important that losers like you obsess over the content in our own minds. Guess you didn't get the other memo loser, we don't require you to define anything for ourselves, least of all our very own selves. Your ignorance in no way constructs our reality and at my own leisure I will concluded and end this discourse with you. Right now, you're simply entertainment for me (smile)




Dude, you need to accept Blacks are fucking dumb and were never Kangz n sheeit. They're fucking useless. Look at Africa today S Africa was booming before Mandela now it's a shit hole, same with Zimbabwe. Libya wasn't bad, but that was because it was ran by Arab bedouins not niggers.

Europeans are a truly disgusting inferior race. They stole all they have from the noble African.

>other continents were populated from Africa

no they weren't


Its like a little chimp

You realize that the longer a new born animal takes to do these things the more advanced the intelligence, Dogs can also do this after 9 hours...

Niggers have always been the lowest of the low. They couldn't even maintain roads that the French built in haiti. The Arabs were smart to castrate their nigger slaves.

blacks have unlimited free time as most are on the dole, the epitome of their organization skills are street gangs and feel good churches

you need specialization for civilization building and 90% of the blacks inspiration is to be a pimp basketball rapper


They also die sooner.

Lets just assume U WUZ KANGZ
Lets assume you were building civilizations

How come you havent built any sense? or even perfected your method?

>All other races derive from the Black race by a more or less direct filiation
No they don't that has been disproven multiple times now, please try to keep up.

I love these topics.


nobody wants them anywhere

#blaxit when?

I always assume this flag and a few others are Canadians 85% of the time. Anyone else?

So according to you the black race, because it never left africa stayed unevolved? Seems about right

>implying we evolved

"Dey stawted livin in houses and formin agricultural communities n climate-diverse regions n sheiiiit"

"Dey was diskunekked from urf an stawted build'n empires an sheeeeeit"

"Naw actually I did dat cuz WE




When are you going to realise that if that were true it would be even more embarrassing for you?

Show us your REAL flag, you cowardly NIGGER. Also:


Nations mean nothing to me. The only thing that matters is our beautiful black skin.

white bois BTFO how will they ever recover.

i thought paternal and maternal haplogroups showed all humans descended from africans a few hundred thousand years ago

>it's a nuclear reactor


No, but almost all African-Americans have 25% Y DNA from male Europeans.


Nope. Older remains were discovered in Europe. Keep up with current events if you want to discuss topics on this board.