Other urls found in this thread: viedään putkaan.mp4

Explain yourself finn, before I put you in the bin

Ids habbenin

be coherent you autistic fuckwad
explain and translate calmly

Wtf is happening?

"""dangerours protest""" must be SHUT DOWN for the safety of the nation. I wonder (((who))) gave the order to kick them out

about time to establish the khanate brother

Is OP a fucking faggot like usual when this kind of thread starts, or is something actually happening?

post memes

Asians and their demonstrations.

Don't you have a midsummer party to attend or something?

>Finnish people standing near each other!!!!

>finns standing shoulder to shoulder
its really fucking happening

Ohh it's fucking nothing!
But for some reason is something in Fingolia

theres two 2 camps in helsinki central railway station square, one is denied asylum seekers camp who are illegally in the country and the second one is anti-refugee camp and (((police))) is of course forcing /our guys/ to leave instead of arresting the denied asylum refugees who are illegally in the country

>two protests at a market square
>one pro-refugees
>one nationalist
>they have been protesting for months
>now the police come and SHUT DOWN the nationalist protest, but the refugee-huggers are allowed to continue

>police broke constitution

like they ripped it up?

They are taking apart a counter protest against the illegals.

The illegals have a camp opposite of them on the other side of the marketplace, but of course thats being left alone.

The whole thing has been going on for i dunno what 4 months? What a shit show both sides have been shitting the city up.

Since OP is a fag, apparently the police shut down this right wing protest against Islam.

Finland turning into Sweden?

>in finland
wake me up when the actual war is happening Finnbro

How did the police break the constitution?

Did someone their have the Nasheed as their rington?

Good. We're all one race and breaking things down into something silly as nations is pointless. Let in refugees because they're just as human as anyone else and deserve the same basic rights.

>it's fucking nothing
do explain what happening this is
all it looks like is people wandering about doing nothing

Go home kuffar

We will take your city and your women are next

Allahu ackbar

do not reply to the lefty shitposter



The nationalists probably would have attacked the pro-refugees, so i don't see the problem here.

You really love this meme, Lapland burner

You said it was Finland, not Sweden..

I guess they are all the same. viedään putkaan.mp4

Those are the illegals who have their camp nearby.
However, overall Helsinki is a pretty awful city.

more like antifa coming over and fucking with the nationalist protest daily
It's huge in finnish media since the protests have gotten lot of (bad) press
those are probably from the pro-refugee protest

And to add. Some of them at least. There are quite many somalis and whatnot in the capital

Aaaaaaloha snnnnaaaackbar. Fucking filthy redditspacing shitskin. Go strap that vest on and kys. You think you'll be able to do anything? You fucking retards have already been subverted. Get ready to say Hello welcome to MujahaDonald's may I take your order.


Come back when your nationalists are killing the cops for defending the refugees. Right now you're just being cucked.

And in reality it's almost always the other way around

they are against freedom of gatherings and demonstrating protected by constitution

And to make this whole thing even more confusing the anti-illegals camp has more than likely some russian infiltrators in it.

This whole situation is shitty and in my opinion both camps should be demolished.

It's over. Less than ten died, most drowned in the lakes. Bunch of drunks crashed their cars. A few saunas burned down. It was like 1/3 of normal habbenings


Time for sleep

You are next America. After Trump gets kicked out in 2020, the pendulum will swing and then the party begins.


Unicorn's Milk and Cloud 9 Waffles!
>For Ramadan. Welcome to the new future of Islam where all that hipster faggot unicorn food is pic related.

It was a cold as fuck summer 3rd time in a row so its no wonder.

There was a fucking hailstorm and 7 Celsius degrees where i was spending my holiday.


the finish wont do anything

Yeah indeed. It makes me sad to see how sweden has turned out and finland is following right in your footsteps. Fucking hell.

These fucks are beating people and call it nationalistic demostration.

Gas those fucks.


What the fuck is happening you snownigger?

Sure they are, jew.

And to make this situation even MORE confusing, their are more than likely reptillian shapeshifter nazi tranny assassins infiltrating the nationalist camp!

Seriously stop spoutinf shit off as if its fact when you have literally not one shred of evidence you dense fuck.

I... Is this real?

>Two protests going on, one pro-refugee, one nationalist
>One is asked to shut down
>The protesters aren't forced to leave
>They aren't arrested
>They aren't attacked by the cops or the pro-refugee protesters
>They're asked to leave, and then they leave

>This is what passes for a happening in Finland
JESUS CHRIST you guys are cucked!

Looks fake desu, but you'll never know

i keked hans


>10 people gathered in a city center

all of that cold and vodka really do get to you!

literally nothing

This can't be real.

Can't tell if you are serious or not.
They are as human as Jews and niggers, which is not very human.


fukin saved

can someone translate what this perkele is saying

They want a russian man as a president.
Also theres a video where one of the main figures has a russian flag embroided inside his jacket and when asked about it he hides it from view.

Both camps should be taken apart.

breddy sure that's a shoop user
think I've seen the original posted before

Finlan is finally svenska-tier. Now all thats left to do is let go of this society and wave, as all burns down to the liberators fingers that are sticking out of mämmis flowergarden.

Yeah, I'd like some sauce on that as well.
>If that's a shoop, it's fucking fantastic.

it's literally nothing

are those police minivans i see? what a place


Would not call them right wing, it is anything that is against invaders and giving the country away, that is targeted by the government.

It's literally nothing. Fuck you OP. Would you for once in your life stop sucking cock?

This is equivalent of Finnish chimpout ?
I feel like they are too complacent for violence though. Why don't they march and yell and shit ? No one is really taking charge.

Lol almost every finnish looks like a mongol haha

the demonstrator's leader resisted passively and he was vanned

no point in fighting at this stage



Tends to be the left that does that.

Ah I see. So is there potential for escalation ? How pissed is your right winged citizens ? 1 to 10 ?

maybe we should boycott mcd's until they stop segregating by sex in other countries and/or kick their fatfuck ass out of the USA entirely

I just got from work and I'm tired. I didn't even know anyone was supposed to protest. These things should be advertised on TV or something. And they should be on weekends. Preferably when it's not raining.

A finnish chimpout is getting within five meters of someone and staring sternly.

Not many dare. People are scared.

But that does mean escalation.
The right wing has its own small meetings once two months or so, these not right wing.

idk really

according to polls most people are opposed to muslim immigration

Found the kike!!

le heatenings

I wonder what that guys life is life. I bet its pretty adventurous and high test. Is that kind of life even possible in white countries anymore?

Hebfjdhsbdbjxhxbdjdu OCNSTITUTION dindunuffinahsbbxhxbdbdjxb

Wtf is there to be afraid of? Also how many migrants do you guys have? 50? a 100?

That was a good one Hans

That's bullshit and needs to be fought otherwise this shit will happen in Fingolia.

Now taking 7000 a year, from somalia and iraq most.
They are illegal immigrants, not migrants.
If you show in such a demonstration, you can lose your job or they can make up some crap about you (as in get fines)
Another stream (finnish)

Nits make lice.

>bring your baby to protest - day

>they have been protesting for months

if they were removed after an hour I would be impressed

happening in finland. pls wake me up when something relevant happensssss

This Finngolian is correct. Some militias have been trained by Russian militias


Can a Finanon go there and post pics live, maybe jump infront of camera?