What are your honest thoughts on Don Lemon

What are your honest thoughts on Don Lemon.

I prefer Dom with a twist of lime, but to each their own

Race baiting nigger

Diversity Hire


He's a good looking dude.

Emotionally outraged faggot who let's his personal beliefs get this best of him while in the anchor chair. That should be frowned upon but at CNN it's rewarded.

Fake and gay.

Normally I'd say Uncle Tom but this nigger is such a flip flopper with his opinions I'd say he's akin to Hillary Clinton if she was a loli teen bitch. Some post the pic

Isn't he literally a Jew?

Or is that similar-looking black host on another show?

He's an evil, agenda driven, sexual deviant fuck that wants nothing more than to destroy everything. I wish someone would put some of his personal info out there. He has skeletons in his closet. Guaran-fuckin-teed.
I would love to see him stomped by jackbooted thugs. He and Rachel Maddow are a disease and need to be shit on.


more like don lime, cuz he's a sour bitch, amirite?

Fuck off Shad

Negro jotolon

Village idiot

he's a black faggot

Should change his name to Don Coffee Bean, he doesn't resemble the color of a lemon.

como tu lols

Dumb as fuck


My skin begins to bubble with rage every time I see him.

He is concern trolling personified.

He'd say anything for the right amount of money.
Where I come from, that is called a coward.

He's a cocksucking eggplant.

>thoughts on Don Lemon

If Atlanta ever needs evacuated, he'll be the first one out cuz he's already got his shit packed...