Even Muslims know that the West's biggest weakness is atheism/agnosticism/secularism

Even Muslims know that the West's biggest weakness is atheism/agnosticism/secularism.

If you are an atheist you're a traitor who needs to be hanged.

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I am your god and I command you to stop harassing the atheist I will take care of them in due time

The biggest drawback of Islam is that it doesn't offer any gay sex or whoredom, which is what athiests want

kek. slimes are scared theyll lose islm too to degeneracy



There was a girl in class today, she wore a shirt that said proud american atheist.. i wanted to talk to her sbout it but she was too hot.

muslims are retarded, wtf would they know. you both have invisible friends that magically created existence... somehow? you should be best of friends.

the more degenerate the muzzies get the morelikely they are of blowing themselves up to ensure a ticket for muzzie paradise

Correct. Paganism is the true redpill.

You do realize you've only come to ur athiestic conclusions because Jews fed you a modicum of knowledge just sufficient for you to, given your modest IQ, believe it was the only logical possibility?

dunning kruger

Had you lived not 200 years ago your retarded ass would be on ur knees praying some retarded sky fairy

Atheism creates a spiritual void that is usually replaced with mass degeneracy, consumerism, individualism, Islam, etc.

You savages are the reason why the West has fallen. No empire has ever existed and prospered without having a religious foundation at it's core

The only argument that Christfags should be making is an argument based on objective evidence and proof. Any other argument is totally irrelevant and can be discarded instantly.

>Atheism leads to degeneracy!

Not an argument.

>Christianity is a bulwark against Islam!

Not an argument.

>Christianity saved my life!

Not an argument.

>God is immaterial, there is no physical proof for His existence!

Not an argument.

>Christianity is a European tradition, and atheists are guilty of discarding their heritage!

Not an argument, also you're a faggot.

don't worry baby,I'm hung

You are right those are not arguments, they are facts.

Ok I will make an argument based on objective evidence and proof.

You are gay.

>believe in my imaginary sky god or I'll kill you

So progressive OP.

>>believe in my imaginary sky god or I'll kill you
>so progressive OP
>10 mins later realises that progressives are atheists.

No jackass, progressives have their devil, the patriarchy, their rules on sex are based on control and shame, anyone questioning the orthodoxy is cast out as a eretic/ racist, their members police one another, and leaving the faith means excommunication. They're cathedrals are universities and you can only gain salvation by being a better ally.

Checkmate QED.

if those who are not religious truly are 30% of Australia then it is in your best interests not to blame that whole group of people or ideology for Australia's downfall

your enemy here is Ilsam, not atheism, and blaming atheism instead of islam is exactely what those muslims want. they want us to be divided, they are doing what the jews do and that is divide and conquer

Thank you for explaining this to me correctly, the fucking media and kikes want us christians and atheists to fight each other so we ignore bigger threats like islam and that shit, we atheists and christians should work together to eradicate the real threat.

the fucking left is making christianity and atheism look like cuck belief groups so we divide and fight and the jews can use islam to destroy the west

bloody hell i hate kikes

Meanwhile in real life, it's only under atheistic or polytheistic rule that europe and america have succeeded by any metric.

>bleeding heart liberal white guy comes in to scold them at the end

Yea take an advice from a muslim because they really know whats good for the country.It has nothing to do with atheists nor christians its the fucking jews brainwashing people.

I respect all religions. Except Islam.

Merkel ruined Christianity I blame her. The fucking media ruined Atheism I blame them.

Actually that was the SJWs. The whole fedora meme, atheism+, atheism-as-a-movement, atheism-as-a-religion, etc. was all orchestrated by them.

SJWs control a vast majority of the media so i just say the media.

Correct, but SJW is more encompassing.

Look up pic related - theists are the traitors.