Well Sup Forums? Why would ass-old Americans who always vote Republican in flyover country love this bill?

Well Sup Forums? Why would ass-old Americans who always vote Republican in flyover country love this bill?

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Obamacare is socialism and it's getting rid of that.

White people love socialism when it benefits them.

>let me redefine and tell you what they mean, even though I disagree with anything non-marxist

>Eat a billion cheese burgers
>Develop diabetes
>Suffer from sleep apnea
>Walking hurts
>Break arm falling off scooter
>Repubs won't help me

Not that you would ask them. Maybe at a family reunion, if you can pry yourself from talking shit about them on twitter.

But it doesn't benefit them this case. You could start squealing about how millions of niglets in Africa would be saved if only we donated a little more aid. Here's the truth: you aren't entitled to the fruit of someone else's labor. This "pro-life" thing is a poor example of an endeavored contrast made by a dumb fuck.

Because white people dont want to pay for blacks medical care. That's it. Read Putnam.

Health insurance is not health care, you retarded leftist shill.

Forcing citizens to purchase insurance (or anything) is unconstitutional.

The fact is that the republican plan is minor tweaking of the ACA, Not the full repeal that both parties are claiming. The Dems are losing so hard that they're unironically going full "muh death panels" to prevent a Republican success. The truth is that the unmodified ACA is in a death spiral and will implode on its own without intervention. The tweaks of the Republican bill basically keeps the basic architecture of the ACA in place while removing fees, penalties and restrictions that were causing the entire thing to eat itself. The Democrats can stonewall on this one if they want, but if they do, it will leave Obamacare intact for 2018 with the annual rate hikes hitting about a week before the election. We'll see how that works out.

According to the CBO there will be an increased number of people without insurance BUT it will primarily consist of people who are going without it BECAUSE there is no penalty.

So you're talking about most people going without insurance VOLUNTARILY.

The way media is farming this new glut of insurance-less people is disingenuous.

Learn how to read cocksucker

>can't get tranny pills
>an heros
thanks a lot drumpftards

so they can finally die

Not totally unsympathetic, but trans people commit suicide at a rate of 40% regardless of treatment.

Because you consider us fly over country and want the healthcare law.

Fuck you. We in fly over country have decided to fuck you over for a turn.

No shit, socialism works in a society of whites. In a mixed society, it just means whites paying non-whites' bills though.

because the obese are worth less than a fetus

>Democracy works in majority white society
>Socialism works in a majority white society
>Libretarianism works in a mostly white society
>Totalitarianism works in a mostly white society
>Theocracy works in a mostly white society
>Monarchy works in a mostly white society
I think I'm beginning to see a pattern.

Nobody likes this shit bill other than the cuckservatives who are trying to ram it through Congress

Yes, National Socialism, not the garbage known as Marxism extended to every nigger on the planet.

Socialist policies isn't just about taking from the rich. It considers how the rich's labor is less demanding than the poor's, and yet the rich make far more money. It accounts for the natural inequality in society and attempts to offset it without destroying the economy. Most of all, it prevents anarchy that'll occur when millions of people can't afford their basic needs. Is holding on to muh libertarian ideals worth it if society starts to crumble?

This is why Marxism is necessary.

>there is no penalty
Wrong, the new bill has a penalty and it's worse than Obamacare's penalty. There's also a wait time of 6 months before you can get on health insurance if you've gone without it.

it sadly wont kill tens of thousands are you always so foolish and believe what ideologues shit out?
Its called propaganda dude get a grip.

we're pro new life, not pro slut.

In America we say "old ass," Pedro.

But assuming the rich didn't work as hard is stupid. You don't know how they got there, they could have spent their entire lives working to get where they are.

To all of the librards look up Venezuela and see what's happing there due to socialism as well as what kind of economy has stood the test of time

>abortion is legal

>death of more people by taking away insurance

Everybody gets something in the end.

>killing innocent babies is okay so that women can continue having sex and getting drunk / high without having to be responsible for something or someone
>taking away life support of lazy, entitled slobs and potentially leading some of them to starve to death or freeze to death because they can't into finances is wrong

What the fuck did (((they))) mean by this?

You're absolutely right. It's equally as true if you claim all poor people are simply lazy and too stupid to make money. It's no secret that most people who are rich now, come from families or background with large sums of money. The US is seeing wealth inequality greater than any part in our nation's recent history. So either most of the population has become lazy or the laws and systems currently in place help keep the wealthy rich and hinders economic mobility for the poor. Depending on which you believe, that'll shape your outlook on socialism.

It doesn't matter if they're born into a rich family. Just like race, they didn't choose their parents. Our capitalist society obviously keep the rich wealthy, they are the ones who made the law. Regardless of that fact, you can't persecute someone because of how they were born, so taking money from those people is wrong. You're literally stealing.

>taxation is theft

Back to you-know-where

Taxation is not theft. It's an integral part of our economy. However taking more from someone simply because they were born, is theft. It would be the same as taxing someone more because their hair is brown, or their eyes are blue.

Your analogy is flawed but regardless...

You would like one tax rate for all then?

I don't care about black people. Stop making me pay for their health insurance.

>Forcing citizens to purchase insurance (or anything) is unconstitutional.
Not forced. You can pay the tax. It's a choice.

>we're pro new life
Pro-Birth, not pro-life.

Socialism worked in Sweden before humanitarian (swathes of refugees) gummed up the system. Ethno-Nationalism can and does work. They had it, now it's gone.

And you don't think it's a problem that the rich, especially those who are simply born into wealth, get control over our laws as well? Are the rich more important than the average American? The "taxation is theft" meme is short sighted. Taxation under and effective government maintains societal order. And wealth isn't always gained by simply "working hard". Many people wealthy people make a living by scamming the undereducated, trafficking guns, children, or drugs, manipulating laws and loophole, and lobbying politicans to maintain market dominance. Is all of that not theft from the American people? Is all of that not a drain on our economy?
All rich people aren't like this, but those who do behave like this harm thousands, of not millions, of Americans. I see no issue with taxing the rich slightly more so that the poor can afford basic necessities and then simulate the economy by spending their excess income.