Sargon on Maddox

Sargon of Akkad made an appearance on The Best Debate in the Universe!

He thinks "white identitarianism" is the same thing as SJW and BLM identitarianism, and that "white identity" shouldn't exist. Others on the panel largely agree. However, here's what some white supremacist had to say:

>Sargon how will you reconcile your worldview when you won't have anywhere else to white-flight to? How will you reconcile it when there isn't a single place left in your borough where you don't stand out completely, from looks to customs to mannerisms and assumptions? Will you start to realize that people want more than to just be shopping mall visitors? That we want to be part of a land, of a country with a rich history and unique culture? How will you think about your McIndividualism when you realize that your entire way of thinking is derived from and can only exist in high trust Western societies composed of Western people? How will you reconcile it, when you see how naturally tribalistic and nepotistic other ethnic groups are, and how to even suggest they give up their identities would be completely out of the pale and could even land you in a physical altercation? And i'm serious. Fly to Baltimore, Maryland and tell the nice black males there that black identity shouldn't exist and watch what the fuck happens to you.

Who's right? The leader of the prestigious anti-SJW movement, or some random Youtube nazi? Discuss!

There should be white pride, and white identity pride whatever, obviously

thats why they try to make people who want white pride seem bad, unreasonable, dangerous, by mixing in skinheads, nazis stuff, to try to blend the baby into the bathwater, to show all who are not white, and some who are white "look, white people should not be able to have white pride, because they call it white supremacy, say they are better than everyone else, and talk about killing jews and blacks all the time for fun, look at these examples, so no white pride for them"

Start a white pride movement, dont let people infiltrate it who can be pointed to by everyone in the world and said 'that movement is bad and shouldnt exist because look at the members who support it', dont start it with 'whites are better than all these races, my ancestors did this and this and this so I should be able to enslave you and yada'

But who exactly IS white?

I am

American paraplegics are according to my extensive research of Sup Forums memes

quadroon cuck is a dumb faggot
more news at eleven!

Sargon is a liberal, just a classical liberal, you're a fucking idiot if you follow him.


honestly why do people like him so much? His opinions turned to batshit stupid and this whole 'greek statue' identity is just laughable by now.
God i'm just annoyed by this dude, i shouldn't care, i just want to understand.

Remember that guest-video about men and women in STEM fields and how we should fucking ban women from participating? And that he agrees with that?

I'm so white, your tears would taste like sauerkraut and schnitzel 3 seconds after you saw me irl.

europeans, you can usually tell

but its also about culture right

>greek statue
retard detected

egalitarianism is as much of a pipe dream as communism because it assumes an unreasonably idealistic nature of man.

in reality, when you tell your white children to not see race, you're shooting them in the leg before the race even began, since every single non-white parent tells his child to stick together with and help promote his own.

I don't care about those things

>I don't care

Apathetic scum. What's next, hedonism?

individuals. companies. communities.

what is wanted? white people to stick together, and give more white people jobs, and have white only charities?

There shouldn't be a "white pride" there should be "Anglo pride" "Germanic pride" "Iberic pride" "Nord pride" "Mediterranean pride" and so on so forth. Classifying all white people as a single group is erasing part of each identity and reducing it to the color of the skin.

sweeden and those places should have never let anyone in

for a start. but it goes much deeper than that. career wise, every race but the white race is always looking out for their own.

The whole white identity bs is an american thingso of course sargon doesnt care aboutfoolish things

Brown people don't get to decide what whites should or shouldn't do.

thats true, but these things are being said in relation to, by, often americans, who feel singular and alone, compared to other groups who have puerto rican pride, gay pride, italian pride, black pride, jewish pride, muslim pride, ecuadorian pride, latin pride, etc.

And yes they can have anglo pride, germanic pride, but there are some aspects that overlap, and these are singular individuals scared and alone in the world, feeling as if these seperate anglo, gemanic, iberic, are all being encroached on, and the best way to prevent that would be to unite in some way, in short, why not both

Whats the most important thing in your life?

>no women in STEM fields
But hes right

Civic "nationalists" demand that they sell your people's birthright to the highest bidder. They're collaborators, little different from the invaders themselves, or the globalists and communists holding the door open and welcoming them in. Any aggression towards them is morally justifiable self-defense. Just not practically justifiable. Yet.

Sorry I don't take advice from jews.
That grouping is the tactic used to demonize all white ethnicities by classifying it as a single EVUL group and then putting the blame on people from some countries for things the ancestors of people from other completely different countries and go on about muh reparations because all white people are alike and they are all devils!

all those refugee migrant problems in europe have to do with the power of communities to decide who enters into them, a nation is a community of communities

communities send representatives to make the best choices for the community of communities, there is real, good reasoned, disagreement on the choices being made

Probably my homegym

>inb4 wrong answer

people are not things

That grouping made the USA. It's natural they revert to it. Doesn't make any sense outside of it, but there it sure does.

little you said made sense, can you clarify at least what that first sentence means?

!!!!! post pics of your homegym pls user i'm going to build one too

mh 2x88 in one thread, that must be the Reich within me.

Use google if you wanna see homegyms.

The main issue is immigration, illegal, refugee, migrant. There is a lot of confusion, and uncertainty. What is wrong with individuals in a community not wanting certain individuals from living among them?

Advice on what? Brown opinions on what whites are and aren't allowed to do are irrelevant.

yeah i noticed that lucky boy

White identity is retarded. If you keep reinforcing it, other races will keep reinforcing their own identities

Fuck off faggot MPN shills.

Maddox lost.

>muh reparations from white people
Whites will pay once Turkey has paid reparations to Southern Europe and Mongolia to Eastern Europe. Until then, suck a nigger dick.

I never got how he could bitch so much about Muslim immigration then turn around and complain about white identity politics

>"use jewgle"

nah nevermind

Yes, but USA's culture also has a lot of prominent elements from the integration of other ethnicities. It is based on the original settlers' european culture but it was developed alongside the culture of slaves and late immigrants.
Hard to take it seriously when hiding behind the greedy flag, Goldstein

Why would I care what a shitskin thinks?

>How will you reconcile it, when you see how naturally tribalistic and nepotistic other ethnic groups are, and how to even suggest they give up their identities would be completely out of the pale and could even land you in a physical altercation?

This imo. If everyone gets an identity except whites, why not become a nazi extremist?

You don't need to be a Nazi or an extremist to be pro-white. Stop repeating kike propaganda

then there is some people that dont like to see white women with not white men, and claim falling white birthrates.

So there is economics, there is culture, there is competition, individual, collective, community, nation, gdp, taxes, crime, infrastructure, opinions, law, the power to change law, the 'measurements of better or worse' according to who for who

Here, you get to see the weights at least next to my battlestation, steering the Reich 24/7. Bottem left corner, new plates will be in jew gold

Nah its past that point. Long past.

maddox is unironically a cuckold and is reaching out to everyone in these quasi controversial circles as an attempt to reclaim some kind of relevance.

don't believe his lies

What about Meds?
If youre going to throw in Meds, why not throw in Turks too?

What about Georgians, Armenians and other white skinned Caucasian people?

Why draw the line exactly where you did?

>splitting up Anglos and Germanics

It's like saying Italians and Meds or Poles and Slavs.

Maddox is a typical LA liberal twat that's trying to drum up hype for his shitty book by sucking the cock of popular youtubers.

Of course, nations should keep for themselves and compete. That's why not even between the western world countries there should be limitless immigration.
Saying all white people are the same and should all be together is a step closer to "all people are the same why hate PEOPLE OF COLOR?"

>Yes, but USA's culture also has a lot of prominent elements from the integration of other ethnicities. It is based on the original settlers' european culture but it was developed alongside the culture of slaves and late immigrants.

this is a good and fine and valid point, america a melting pot, all races and cultures, thats good and fine. But some races and cultures have different desires, preferences, beliefs,

and thats what the political stuff is about, and traditionally the cultural stuff

and whites in america, and more predominately white nations, dont necessarily want every nation in the world to turn into melting pots

okay fines let's not call it white pride, let's just call it IQ pride. Everyone with a certain IQ gets to reproduce and everyone who is too low lives out their natural lives but no reproduction...

oh what's that, all the brown people are gone now? hmmm

ok before going to extreme nazi, try white identity pride. What does that consist of, lets pretend its not past that point


And it shouldn't happen, lest they would have the same problems as the US but without the good

those distinctions come after, and it likely has to do with culture

I've watched every single video in Sargon's channel, and he's a massive cuck and a nigger. Of course he's not going to agree with any of this when he's part black and lives in that shithole London surrounded by liberals, and never had a serious job in his life before youtube.

He actually advocates for taking money from the wealthy and force people to provide services to others even if it has to be at gunpoint. He also has no identity as the grandson of a black man in London, which has become a liberal bubble of people that renounce their British identity.

His circle of friends and people he frequently gets in conversations or debates with is full of faggots and he won't ever take a side and keep agreeing with most of what they say even if it's wrong.

He cannot be trusted for anything but pointing out the obvious retardation in the SJW community.

You have that backwards you utter mong

>That's why not even between the western world countries there should be limitless immigration.
can you decode this sentence

>a nigger
Hes technically a quadroon

Civic nationalists are not nationalists, they don't even recognize the existence of a nation. They demand economy. They demand law, and in some cases even culture. But they care nothing for people. They're strictly in opposition to anyone advocating the continuation of their people, that's the entire point of adding "civic" to it. Not only do they not care if their people go extinct, they will actively work against any attempt at ensuring that does not happen.

They do not oppose the economic and political dispossession of their own people in their homeland. They do care about their country being sold out, but only such that they demand it happen, and insist it be to the highest bidder. That it be sold out to the most productive and competent, to the wealthiest. Only a few of the most extreme ones dare touch on culture, telling themselves that as long as these new "natives", as they see them, make a mockery out of local tradition everything is fine.

There is nothing nationalistic about an ideology that refuses to recognize nations. It's no different from globalism, and for any nationalist the only possible relation to these civic "nationalists" is the same as what nationalists share with communists; direct opposition in every circumstance due to irreconcilable ideological differences. These civic "nationalists" undermining, no, outright denial of the right to self-determination puts them in the same camp as communists, as far as morally justifiable measures towards them go. So far I have seen only two types of civic "nationalists". Dregs indiscernible from communists, and American defeatists.

wow maddox still exists

>Some British faggot
>Giving a fuck what washed up e-celebs think


Dumbest question of the whole thread

>okay fines let's not call it white pride, let's just call it IQ pride. Everyone with a certain IQ gets to reproduce and everyone who is too low lives out their natural lives but no reproduction...
>oh what's that, all the brown people are gone now? hmmm
if this is what white pride looks like, you can count the majority of people out, congrats, you lost, try again (one would think that high intelligence would come up with a better technique)

ok so what are we arguing about, what are we in disagreement about?


Whoa dude completely btfo.

Sargon would lose too many shekels if he ever admitted any of that. Im sure hes done quite a number on himself, to convince himself none of its true so that he can happily keep raking in the jewtube monies.

What things?
Acurracy and factualness?

nevermind, got it

This is one of the best posts on Sup Forums ive seen in a long time. Civic Nationalism is unironically globalist at its core. CivNats need to understand that.

This is what lost us the worldwide domination we had achieved by the 19th century

>German flag

Back to sucking small arab dicks.

What a shitty show from a middle aged balding armenian whos trying yo stay relevant and shill his shittt new book.

>Civic nationalists are not nationalists, they don't even recognize the existence of a nation. They demand economy. They demand law, and in some cases even culture. But they care nothing for people. They're strictly in opposition to anyone advocating the continuation of their people, that's the entire point of adding "civic" to it. Not only do they not care if their people go extinct, they will actively work against any attempt at ensuring that does not happen.

Ok, that means "melting pot". This is all about how some of those european countries were 'semi racially isolated'...relatively, for some time.
refugee and migrant is changing that. This is about "Should every nation be a melting pot, or should nations/areas be ethnically pure"

And what to do if 49% of a nation think A and 51% think B, and if 49% think 51% is provably insane/wrong/unqualified

Or even more, if .0001% is making these decisions

You're still replying so you clearly do give a shit.

why does Sup Forums love these crypto progressives that dance the dance of right wing conservatism
youtube ecelebrities are all and all useless garbage
there is a lot of leadership positions in this new alt right being filled with crypto progressives that hold to diversity and multiculturalism just as their liberal/dem counterparts
wake up fagets

Ugh fuck maddox. His ex co host on his old podcast fucked a girl he liked so the utter omega cut together clips of him saying things about rape out of context and sent them to a bunch of sjw groups on twitter so the guys mother ended up getting a bunch of death threats

he's attempting to readopt counter culture with his alt-light friends, but he has no substance or inability to create any meaningful commentary. he'll be irrelevant once again the moment his book comes out.

This. Civic "nationalists" are completely fine if Arabs and niggers replace all Europeans, just so long as they speak the local language, have a job, don't break the law, and at best, do one or two "cultural" things like drinking beer or enjoying football matches or some petty shit.
For them, it's no problem if all of Europe becomes Abduls so long as they drink a pint of lager every so often. They completely ignore that the culture and nation will not survive once you remove all people who have a historical link to it. What does Achmed care about German or any other European culture when his ancestors are Arabian? What does a statue of Charlemagne, a cathedral, or anything else mean to him? Nothing, so it'll be forgotten until a new mongrel culture of Arabic or globalist base with a shallow, hollow, plastic European coating replaces it. Utter retardness.



>since every single non-white parent tells his child to stick together with and help promote his own.

Pretty much this, racial conscioussness is something that only is suppressed among whites.
But hey, I'm not really worried about that, it's nature, these things never really vanish, when situation requires it then it kickbacks for those who want to survive.

America is an has been multicultural, there is no feasible way to change that, your entire life many people (and shills pretending to be people for clicks and fervor) will cry and yell and scream and spend and waste all their time and lives being angry at this fact, and nothing will or can be done, about america as a whole and its population percentages: besides maybe controlling who immigrates from now on,

the only thing white people who dont like non whites can do is find high white communities. All the anger about the situation is laarping, back patting, 'dream video game playing', it will go on and on, because they have nothing better to do, and getting to be angry at something makes them feel powerful and forget about their crap powerless lives

sargon is a twat. no idea why his opinions are worthy of a thread

I think European identity and pride should exist, just not under the name of "White". "White" is so broad that it invites people from within the group to become paranoid and obsessive over the right interpretation. Furthermore, it invites infiltrators to try destroying any organized pro-White group by promoting the paranoia and confusion.

European-inspired law and society require majority Europeans to uphold it. Yes, you get minorities of the minorities can to lw that line pretty well. However, one must realize and accept that they are a minority in their own ethnic/racial groups. Hell, some of them are VERY small minorities.

The greater bodies of these minority never seem to come around to fully adopting European life. Whether it be because of deep-seated arrogance, genetics, or indoctrinated hate they can't seem to accept ideas or law that are deemed "European". For me, a good idea is a good idea, but the majority of the foreign bodies living in European countries can't seem to remove the European label on them. All ideas are judged by who came up with it first for these people.

In conclusion, minorities can't hold up European society and law all by themselves. I say this as a spic. If you allow every single minority a chance to participate in European society, the Europeans sharing that space with them will be done in. On other hand, the minority minorities who can play along will be too small to stand up for themselves without European people. On the modern world stage, they will either die out from being able to sustain themselves and grow or get squashed by foreign bodies.

so it comes down to a new culture, in 10, 20, 30, 50 years world culture will be so different, most cultures will be in a museum anyway, or only needed to be accessed in photographs, books, VR,

maybe they perceived this,

Defeatist scum. America is and always has been an explicitly white nation. Its in our founding documents. End of story.

He's all for free gibs, violence to get people to do what he wants in the name of tolerance, yet for the government to be lenient enough for degenerate behavior such as smoking weed, prostitution and faggotry. Being a nigger is more than skin color, is a state of mind and he fits that definition.

Don't let him fool you when he calls himself a classical liberal and center left, he's just another leftist that wants a bigger government for gibsmedat and to lower society standards so that every form of degeneracy is fair game.


Yes, it's all about imposing a melting-pot ideology under the banner of nationalism.
>And what to do if 49% of a nation think A and 51% think B
Existence isn't a matter of opinion. They're opposed to the continuation of your people. The question isn't what to do about it, you could kill them all and you'd be right in doing so. It's when.

t. spic

Eliminating stupidity via genius sperm banks should be the goal of humanity now and for the foreseeable future.

Maddox is a faggot and a cuck

>hahahahaha watch me rek those mentally retarded sjws that anybody with half a brain can rek now send me shekels on my patreon plz
Stop following this clown.

Replacing diversity of culture with the same bland, hollow, consumerist, globalist culture has always been their plan.
They don't want you wasting your time with stupid traditions. They don't want you getting attached to your culture, people, history, or homeland. That'll get in the way of reducing us into an interchangeable class of workers who will do the one thing they need us to do: consume and keep them rich.

>If youre going to throw in Meds, why not throw in Turks too?

Because Turks are Muslims and Muslims can't be White. White is an ethno-cultural distinction.