Real socialism never worke-

>real socialism never worke-

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it only worked til Tito died

Cлaвa гepoю

>Yugoslavs larping as confederates


hey croat bros, wanna genocide some stupid bosnians and share the land? :^)

It's pretty basic history, the guy after Tito took a whole bunch of loans from us and their country racked up western debt for like 40 years lmao

Yes such prosperity

We have a much better ruler now that's always watching us.

It stopped working as soon as it ran out of WW2 gibs and loans, you ignorant fucking autist.

looks comfy

If it worked, Yugoslavia would still exist.

>it just requires a 99.99% white population

As much as it sounds fun, I don't want even more herceg govna roaming freely

who dat?

Croat nationalist

why share when the border is Drina ;)

We have this fucking thread every god damn day.

If it was such a good place, why did it collapse? Maybe, just maybe, like all other communist run countries, it just can't survive. Like people without food. They may get thin and look nice for a short while, but eventually they will be walking corpses.

The Balkans just got lucky because they have Macedonia which invented everything including perpetual motion machines to get unlimited energy and food.

Can confirm. Had some family that ran a mill and when they didn't meet the plan for producing flour, the party just put large stones in the sacks to fulfill the quota. There was enough flour on paper, but in reality not so much.


>tfw when Serbia will be part of China in 100 years
It was fun whille it lasted

No, they were only lucky to have Tito, and papa soviet did not care much about Balkan.

do you have chinese in serbia?

DESU it's for the best.

I thought that was just a meme.

we have about 15k of them by estimates, 99% of them being illegal migrants

that was in peking at vucic's arrival, though
sounds familiar?


Guy who re-united the country after WW2 and ran it until his death. He split with Stalin and made Yugoslavia neutral between my country and the USSR,.

USA didn’t like it, that’s why it doesn’t exist anymore.

kek, why do they move in there, in my town we had a chinese in a chinese shop but he moved back.

btw why dont you just deport them if they are illegal.

because China owns us.

Go back to where you came from.
Proly some servian backwoods in '45 ?

>National Socialism can't wor-

someone imports them as cheap labor like always
but the ironic thing is that even our people are treated like them in chinese/korean factories here
this should show you enough, it's fucking embarrassing

>t. hercegovac

Whites only socialism is the ultimate redpill. Nationalist/Socialist not natsoc.

I know genocides are your specialty, are you aching for's been a awhile.
You will lose everything, because you are greedy and you don't know when to stop.

They treat them like slaves it seems.
Kod nas na moru su tako radnike izrabljivali da su radili cijele dane sa drugom satnicom nego na ugovoru itd, ali otkad smo u EU ljudi su otišli van radit pa je sad teže izrabljivat i žale se da nema radnika pa bi uvozili ukrajince ali koliko znam im vlada neda.

True. If it weren't for the ethno religious shit they'd be much better off.

pa ko onda radi sada tamo kod njih?

Try again, faggot. I can trace my lineage to the 13th century on my fathers side, and to the 18th on my mothers.

Tito should of purged the remaining nationalists

Mislio sam općenito na ugostitelje i hotele, pa ako žele da im netko radi daju više plaće ili moraju naći nekoga kojem je sila radit za te pare.
Inače znam lika koji je dobio po 2500 eura placu al je radio cijele dane i spavao u skladistu.

>t. hercegovno

Born in Novi Sad (srpska atina - ahahahahah), never been in Hercegovina.
I guess your 'prečanin' pal didn't get the memo in '95.

It only works in tribes of less than 150 people. Marx was an (((idiot))) with a nigger-tier understanding of economics.

U Novom Sadu zivim vec 9 godina i ovo prvi put cujem da je Novi Sad ''Srpska Atina'' msm znao sam za Crnu Goru oni su ponosni sto imaju titulu Srpska Sparta.

>t. half-serb half-croat self-hating nigger

Penile discharge of lice-ridden communist squatter. Go back where you came from.

What is this meme? Socialism doesnt work under any circumstances. Saying it would be a good thing for an all white society is a commie shill tactic.

ja sam cuo samo par puta do sad i to od onih koji nisu novosadjani

They don't really care tho. Haven't you seen the car accidents videos. They have the empathy of insects. You could probably shoot them in public and China wouldn't give a fuck

To bi objasnilo fetiš na hercegovna, jer mu Srbin u njemu želi loše Hrvatskoj, a Hrvat u njemu mrzi Srbina u sebi.

wtf I love the big brother now

South Slavs gone too far with socialism...

no u

Socialism ONLY works when you have lost of FREE MONEY.

And where are you gonna get free money in these days?
Yugoslavia's socialism bloomed because Tito made sure to stay on the good side of Russia while also being buddy-buddy with US.
That's how money came from both sides.
When the cold war ended, guess what happend?

Pictured: Countries where socialism failed abysmally as always.

OP pathetically BTFO lmao.

There is no drop of blood of your mongrel race in me.

>we good boys
>we never dindu genocide
>muh evil serbs

Plus tito died and that really made tensions rise since there is no one to prevent them from occuring

po pravilu se trude da se dokazu kao najvece hrvatine... mnogo takvih slucajva!

>born in serbian majority city
>croats are there barely a few percent
>claims he doesn't have a drop of serb blood
i strongly advise you to check your ancestors, again :^)

Priznaj da si toliko mongreliziran da pod nacionalnost možeš pisati jedino JUGOSLOVEN (O je namjerno)

>worked up until the gibs from the USA stopped coming

Really thinks my thonker

Aren't Serbs just Orthodox Croats though?

Ponovi sa mnom
>Druze Tito mi ti se kunemo

No. And neither are Croats catholic Serbs. We are distinct people. Macedonians are totally Bulgarian, though.

depends on how you look at it. either them are catholic serbs, or we are orthodox croats kek

Macedonians are Serbs with a speech defect. Support our damn narrative, Hrvoje, it's the least you can do.

I too like my civil wars and crimes against humanity.

>t. hercegovno subhuman

I was memeing. There are no Macedonians, anyway. Serbs, zergs, and gypos.

Croats are not Catholic Serbs.
But Hercegovna are Catholic Serbs.

You can tell by the mentality.

Thanks ;^)

shut up Dragane ,don't hate your self it's really pathetic and annoying.

Closer to Bulgarians and Romanians, not just genetically...

>we are so different and special,aryan master race hehe xDD

maybe south and eastern serbs, but that obviosly doesn't apply to the ones from north who're closer to croats. that whole genetic research about balkan is a meme anyways, there's not a single homogeneous group here, everyone is mixed more or less with its neighbors, which vary on a region of course

Have some Yugoslav era commercials

It's worse than I imagined... you are...
zagorEc, i guess we are stuck with you... and your fetal 'kiseliš' syndrome...

Compared to you..everyone looks decent

>LARPing like you control your entire country
Sad desu

You can cut us out from that picture.Don't wanna deal with cry babbies.All of you guys tried to fuck us in the ass during the war and you don't see us still crying about it. Get your shit together and do something for the better of your country rather than keep pointing fingers at each other and screaming "HE DID IT".


>Compared to you..everyone looks decent
stop with self-hating, have some respect to you and your ancestors you mong


it never worked you piece of shit, i escaped to the US during the yugoslav wars.

I wish some of you dumbshits would actually tell me something like 'communism is great' to my face, so i can beat you to a pulp (hint: the government won't be able to save you in time).

Also your socialist wonderland included: shitty standard of living, people often skipped meals, shitty gray depressing buildings, shitty cars and being thrown in jail for criticizing the government.

he was a piece of shit dictator, who lived like a king, while his people were going hungry.

thats a good,strong,smart point you made there,like a true aryan

Why would you give a fuck, all of slovenes have one country for them selves. We dont

haha woah


>it's the serbs fault we are a divided and can't get our shit together

Literally the dumbest most nightmarish border ever except maybe Armenia and Azerbaijan

>tfw successful thread

It only worked because both sides gave Yugoslavia money.