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Civics are everything. Law, economy and ideology are all that matters. Peoples don't even exist and fuck all those nazis who think nations are real. I hate those stupid goys.

Any other civic nationalists here?

>civic nationalist
either you're baiting or someone who took vargs words the wrong way

almost had me there

Civic "nationalism" is an oxymoron. You can't be a nationalist without recognizing nations. The only difference between a communist and a "civic" nationalist is that the latter insists his country be sold out to the highest bidder.

>jewess interrupts shitty liberal play
>virtue signals hard
>it backfires and she attacks alt-right for being anti-semitic
>starts ideological civil war between various right-wing factions

Proud civic nationalist here. I can't wait for my country to be filled with cream colored mongrels with red afros!

all of these civic nationalist types have gotta go, if you don't understand the importance of race you better get educated or fuck off

We've always been a nation of immigrants. We have no claim to this land. This is rightful glacier clay. We stole its clay and pushed it out of the continent. We need to accept our status as second class citizens as penance for that sin. Icy asteroids would have been traveling the cosmos by now if we hadn't wiped out the native culture. Diversity is our greatest strength and we need more immigrants for the economy. If we didn't, white people might have some kids, and white people won't go to work lol. We need achmeds and abdullah or nothing would ever get done.

This is the best thing ever, we deserve this for all our horrible sins, it's always been this way and we need to make it more so.

I'm a civic nationalist, but I'm strongly opposed to letting everybody into my country... If you commit crime GTFO, if you don't assimilate GTFO, if you don't work GTFO. And even if an immigrant is allowed to stay nobody says he'll become a citizen.

Good goy. Make sure to sell your people's birthright to the highest bidder. This is virtue. There's no such thing as peoples anyway. I'm sure yours won't mind losing political power and becoming strangers in their own homeland as long as you keep the green flowing.

>civic nationalism means unlimited and unrestricted migration

why am I not surprised

Keep it up, goy! Just ignore all these Nazi studies that hurt your case!

Oxytocin Promotes Human Ethnocentrism:

Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism:

What Science Says About Diversity (Part 1):

Race Mixing:

It does, as long as they pay well.

>It does, as long as they pay well.

so how many got a million+ USD laying around? Because thats usually the price to "pay" to get citizenship via money in western nations.

You do realise that what I support is more or less brain drain, right? I don't care for stupid people, I don't want them. Neither I want ghettoing foreigners, they better GTFO too. To live in Poland and be a citizen you better know anthem and Lord's prayer by heart.

>drive down returns to education
>import an upper caste
You're not fucking arabs. You don't need to demean yourself.
I'm sad you agree.


Alt-light is getting super cringy


Obongo had a fire sale and sold citizenship to Chinese nationals for $500k during his reign

Emotional fear mongering pictures aren't gonna save the West.

I'd be okay with civic nationalism if we just closed off our borders for good and kicked out the illegals.



Sing it with me Sup Forums!

I love how these weirdos were pushed off stage part way into that awkward speech.

It already is

Nah the Alt-Right is pretty based desu. I say that as a literal national socialist. I think they're the best thing going for the white race right now.


Fuck of shareblue we are all nationalist you cant divide us

Havent seen thisnimagebin awhile very nice glad some of us aren't just from the election.

Reminder Trump is civic nationalist. You can have protective borders under civic nationalism

Reminder True pol hates stormfaggots, how many of you shareblue posters been here before 2009? Anyone in support of protective borders is ok by my book


Lying. JIDF kys

Niggers are not the problem as they kill each other. Kikes are the problem. Jews create problems and promote Anti-White ideas.

>if u support white nationalism ur literally sharebloo!!1!
what next? gonna call me a "nazi larper"?

I want to gas you all desu

Cuck, the nogs cant help it. fagity whites can. special fate awaits.

Yes you are a nazi larper dude lmao

Its ok to protect your nation and people, but this whole im a cyber nazi bullshitnis cringy. The infighting is cringy. You are prlly the same 10 people who make sock accounts on facebook and cries about jews all day

>Awoo my fellow pede amirite. Those evil notzees!

Yeah except RACIAL diversity is the issue not general diversity of ideas etc.
You're clearly too young to post here.

You genocided the amerindians. You will get the same treatment. You will get replaced. You are going to get genocided.

America for the amerindians!

Lmao dude i dont give a fuck about alt lite or alt right obviously you let shareblue posting get to you. Its all bullshit. Alt right was just a internet boogeyman its not a real movement none of this is real its all internet bullshit. Get a fucking grip on reality.

Now we got fuckers saying alt lite and alt right seriously online. Its all a big fucking joke lmao. I want protective borders and a majority white nation. I believe in tactics and strategy while you idiots autisticly screech about people not being pure nazis

So you want what we want? Whats the problem?


The only problem lies with you. I got none I happily chatted away with nazis and alt right purist until you all got butthurt we werent becoming full ethno nationalist. Crying about "muh alt lite" is just pure cringe.

This but unironically

I call myself a Civic Nationalist, but support any and all policies to keep my country as white as possible via immigration limitation.

Within borders I am against explicit racial bias, but support policies that happen to work in favor of my own race and to the detrement of others in no small part because of my racial preference. I don't want the state being explicitly racist, but certainly am explicitly racist

Obviously you dont understand civic nationalism. You must not understand how in thr 1700s and 1800s we were a mixture of different European races and they all understood the difference in each others race. If you think a Brit and a German are the same you are a idiot. We can be majority white and civic nationalist


Well, you are a larping nazi

Whats wrong with ethno nationalism? I'm not mad because you won't go full ethno nationalist, look closer at the picture I posted ancaps and others arent ethno nationalists most of the time. I'm "butthurt" that you epic pedes got to come in and yell at us for expressing our opinions.

Keyword is European

i would be all for civic if it was only Europeans.

I can never tell if you Swedes are serious in your posts or not.

However if you're serious, you're fucking brainwashed hard. You really think that you're responsible for anything that you haven't done? You really believe that you need to take on the burden, add burden, and take on as much pain as possible to repent for something that you never did to people who never experienced it?

You guys are fucking retarded, enjoy having your entire culture, ethnicity, and history wiped out.

You aren't protecting it so what the fuck are you talking about cuck? You aren't even selling it to try and make it better, you're pulling your pants down and bending over and begging for more brown cock to be shoved up your ass. Repent white boy. You're fucking pathetic and probably get off on this shit.

"Everyone i dont like wants open borders" you cant help yourself but screech at people you don't like because of slightly different versions of your ideal. You are shareblue or a stormfaggot and in Sup Forums we tell stormfaggots to get out because based on what ive been seeing every single person who cries on this board is shareblue or stormfaggots crying about muh sargon and muh lauren southern arent nazis and people like them