How many of you have pure, perfectly drinkable tap water?

How many of you have pure, perfectly drinkable tap water?

Are people who don't have access to drinkable tap water subhuman expendable trash?

One would argue that they are.

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I have

You go to you'll be a Monster

My tap water is perfectly safe to drink, too bad they added fluoride to it so that it makes you tarded and sick. I love going to the store every week to BUY fucking WATER from the "bottled jew" when disease free water comes out of my faucet. America, fuck yea!

I have 4 wells. One supplies all the water to my house. Fuck municipal water.

Depending on where you're located in the US you probably already have flouride in your water naturally. They started adding flouride to other's water once they noticed the drastic differences in tooth health.

Shit son, haven't heard that kind of option in years. My grandparents had that at their old house years ago.

Best, clean cold water I ever had.

I have
Thanks for the Nile

and more detailed.

Goddamn, the UK is like the 3rd world, all water is poisened with chlorine

perferct water, no trace of chlorine /fluorine
high ammounts of lime ->bad for cleaning

Feels good man

Fluoridefag here
I only drink distilled water or Evian spring water

Good water is here, but i am too well off to drink it. I drink sodas to kill my teeth.

i have a fanta mango right here.

Well the house is over 100 years old. I guess the trade-off is I don't have AC.

>They started adding flouride to other's water once they noticed the drastic differences in tooth health.

I'm with Alex Jones on this one. Fluoride is here to fucking poison you and your kids kids.

Been using toothpaste without fluoride for some time now.
You should try it.

Yup mine is tasty. I'm a bit anxious about it ever going as I've been informed any new well permits will be denied and I'll have to pay an assload to connect to city water.

It's fucking ridiculous considering I have one of the largest fresh water sources in the world in my backyard.

My tap water doesn't give me diarrhea but it's probably making me gay
I guess it's all about finding a healthy middle between those two extremes

Top kek. The bottled water jew is the second best scam ever made. Only diamonds are rare and for engagements is a better one.


Have a friend that stopped brushing altogether a decade ago. Thought he was a total freak. Now, he still has zero cavities and (normal looking, not bleach) white teeth and fine breath.

I don't fucking get it.

my tap water tastes ok after a double sized carbon filter. Out of the tap it is similar to bottled water if you were to put chlorine on it, so not great but better than most

shut up bong, they've done tests on Evian and it's the purest spring water out there. And I only drink it if I'm away from home and can't get my distilled.

You Germans are massively paranoid about tap water anyway. No one drinks it and gives the jew a 5000% mark up for bottles of water.

Bottled water is only bad in that the plastic increases estrogen levels. But if you're eating processed foods in general or only using bottled water infrequently, it's unlikely to make a noticeable difference.

I know how to make tap, straight fresh.


Yeah who funded them?

I get hard water, its full of fucking limescale so kettles, taps etc get clogged up with scale

Hard water is healthy. Minerals are good for you bro.

God damn, the USA is like the 3rd world, all water is poisoned with Lead.

I would drink from any tap anywhere in finlandistan at any given time. If there's evidence that hygiene is compromised somewhere, it airs on television emergency message system nationally.

The issue with US water is that the "acceptable levels" are too fucking high which means most people aren't even aware that their water contains heavy metals.

>How many of you have pure, perfectly drinkable tap water?

fluoride does nothing for your teeth but make them more brittle.

Is this a thinly veiled Serbia vs Croatia shit flinging contest?

Waiting to steal some shekels from the corpse of the loser?

>balkanic cesspit
pic related

everyone is talking about fluoride in the water, yet no one wants to talk about lithium in the water

>Waiting to steal some shekels from the corpse of the loser?
I will gladly manage the shekels of both sides

I do.
I have a huge well on my property, last test was 3 months ago and it's pristine.
Very luck.

My state/county is in the top 5 of the US.

water is good & tasty

Only well water for this Merican. 120 ft. deep water well about 50 ft. from my back door.