Yellen: I 'don't believe' we'll see another financial crisis in our lifetime

Doomsdayers & Libertarians btfo, printing money is a-okay goy!

That's a pretty unhinged thing to say.

she's old though.

Maybe not in HER lifetime...

Looks like it's time to sell.

People openly talking about this kind of shit have always been proven wrong. Besides, if she said otherwise it may cause an artificial "crash".

I thought she cut down on QE?


Exactly this. The boomers are laugh from beyond the grave.

someone should tell her the FED caused the first fucking depression

She's a jew though.

Chamberlain: I don't believe we'll see another Great War in our lifetime.

Julius Caesar: I don't believe we'll see another Triumvirate in our lifetime.

Dinosaur Expert: I don't think we'll see another mass die-off in our species' lifetime.

Translated: We're all going to die soon

Came here to post this.

so she will be dead before the end of summer

My only hope is that the financial sectors believe this shit so white Americans/redpilled Europoors can start hording a shit ton of guns and gold like reasonable human beings.

Insert iasic music

> I 'don't believe' we'll see another financial crisis in our lifetime

Translation: "Please don't shut us down"

The lying kike knows it very well.

>Yellen said

Lmao I bet this bitch idiot also gets his news from CNN

Reposting what I said on the other similar thread:

She's an absolute fucking moron and I'd like to remind everyone that she was president of the San Francisco Fed during the housing bubble and subsequent burst, in which she claimed that the housing market in California was fine.

This statement she just made will be viewed as this cycles' Bernanke "contained" moment - i.e. when he said that problems in the US economy were "contained to sub-prime" in early 2007.

She's a kike. Sell your stocks ASAP, shit is about to crash and people who beleive her jewery are buying.

What's Sup Forums putting their money into these days?
hard mode: no crypto currencies

Welp, that's right when you start worrying

Makes sense considering this bitch probably won't be alive in another ten years.

Your what hurts?

oh lord

The federal reserve is literally communism.

Gold and Silver.

What does her being a jew have to do with it

you anti-semite

That reminds me of....

>in our life time

There's a financial crisis almost every decade. Not all are as bad as the Great Depression but they're usually pretty bad to at least parts of society. A new economic crisis is literally inevitable. China is probably going to cause it.

I'm already about as stocked up on stuff as I want to be, except I've been meaning to buy some more guns and ammo. So most of my excess is going into gold and silver for now.

You see that period of low rates in early 2000? That caused the housing bubble to inflate. Now look at the rates since 2008. We are in the "Everything Bubble" right now and it has just begun the process of bursting. Buckle up lads.

Yeah, they rate-hike us into recession, then ease; rinse, repeat.

silver, gold, alcohol and whores

Must mean it's about to happen

>Yellen: I 'don't believe' (((we'll))) see another financial crisis


Great news, thanks Janet for fixing the economy.

She is a kike, which means that the crash is imminent and it will be blamed on Drumpfy.

>In our lifetime
>In my lifetime

So what bitch, like 10 years? No shit.

Lmao she says this as they will reverse qe and raise rates when even a small rise can cause incredible damage.

As soon as the rate goes above interest earned on reserves (which is as 1%) shit will start hitting the fan.

Great read, thanks user


>our lifetime

The bitch is going to croak the next day
