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Anyone that takes a college economics class and some common sense can see how it seems like a good idea but will ultimately inflate the prices of shit.

So basically like every other liberal policy; it sounds good on paper because they're devised by people who study everything based on models predicting how everything would ideally work, not realizing that life is a giant imperfect mess, nothing ever goes according to plan, and you can't truly prepare for anything.

What an unpredictable outcome! Don't let the liberals forget this, because they will completely ignore it.

What a massive surprise.

They recently raised minimum wage to $10 here in Arizona and I've talked to multiple minwage plebs that think its a good thing for them.

The real scary thought is realizing that these measures only pass because such a fuckload of people are working for minimum wage or are stupid enough to think raising it helps anyone at all.

my favorite part was the wapo faggots using quotes for 'very credible'. Like they don't stomach the evidence right in front of them

No its good since they will work you less hours and you get the same pay as you originally did at 8 an hour 40 hours a week.


Lets play spot the berg.

>Cut my hours into pieces
>GG an hero now.

Yeah pretty much but I'm still glad that someone tried since we can't really argue one way or the other without some solid concrete evidence

Min wage jobs dont have benefits or healthcare maybe dental. As long as you are employed a higher min wage is a good thing.

Is it too late to not get replaced by robots and continue getting the same pay?

except the part where they tried that, and it actually made things worse

Not quite.

The study has quite a few flaws. I think it has more merit than this EPI review gives it, but the jury is still out - it is wildly inconsistent with a lot of past research on minimum wage increases.

Eh, in the field of economic thought there has been a lot of back and forth over what minimum wages do.

The ''general'' consensus though is that minimum wage is best done on a per industry basis rather than on a geographical basis because different industries have to deal with different realities of production. Low margin businesses tend to need a lot of cheap labor and end up getting badly hurt by minimum wage, leading to market consolidation which ultimately raises prices more than the increased cost of labor does.

While the minimum wage is a good idea, I think Seattle pushed it way too far. It's also not possible to effectively raise the minimum wage and produce the intended results in only one locality. Minimum wage increases CAN only work when it's applied nationally.

High minimum wage only benefits large companies with some ability to out-attrition competitors
Supporters include losers at life and Goldberg

What flaws?

>"very credible"
I can't tell if they're trying to be sarcastic leftist cunts or not

>everybody competitive enough to keep their jobs suddenly has the same increase in bidding power for rental property and homes
>over time all property across the city maxes out this new income floor
>anyone working for under-the-table cash is pushed out of the city

I can't really figure out if I like it or not. On one hand it pushes the non-competitive out of big cities, on the other hand, if I were participating, I don't really want a property tax or rent hike in order to give the middle finger to people by force and transfer a bunch of monetary power to the city government in the process.

you know they are

They should pay doctors $15 an hour so they can have affordable healthcare too!


Sharia Blue is going to start shilling this thread in 3... 2...

They were supposed to due to the ACA. But as with all liberal things, it made things worse instead of making things better.

Hours were cut to deny healthcare to minimum wage workers, and they are being cut even more or people are being fired to balance the books on hikes.

What we need is for the government to actually fight for the people instead of cucking down to corps that only care about their bottom line.

Raising min wage and trying to force healthcare down their throats has done the exact opposite of its intended purpose to help the poor.

What the fuck do we all even pay taxes for anyway?

why is it bad news for liberals? that just seems like an arbitrary link.

where's that leaf commie faggot from the last thread?


It literally only takes common sense. I'm not a college cuck and I understood the issue since they started pushing for this 15$ an hour shit.

Checked. This. Also ban direct to consumer pharmaceutical drugs.

Like what other policies?


Guess they got hacked.

>direct to consumer pharma
I never met the type of person to fall for the latest meme commercial for indigestion or depression meds but I seriously doubt their cognitive capability


This hasn't really happened anywhere with a minimum wage increase tho.

Holy shit it's almost like established economics is correct and a minimum wage just increases inflation and shrinks the job market like people who know what they're talking about have been saying since the beginning of time.

Some bullshit from the article:

>Economists have long argued that increasing the minimum wage will force some employers to let workers go. In 1994, however, economists David Card and Alan Krueger published research on minimum wages in Pennsylvania and New Jersey that contradicted this theory, motivating dozens of studies into the issue over the coming years.
No you twat, economists have long argued that low skilled or inexperienced workers will be priced out.

>intelectual honesty
>from leftists
At least the republicans don't even pretend to lie about it.


Social security
Affirmative action

Republicans don't even have their shit right on this issue when they claim that in minimum wage causes mass layoffs and inflation. Both are false and set up strawmen that are then "debunked" when that was never the issue, as is done several times in the article.

Here are a few examples of how a minimum wage actually does harm.
>Creates a barrier to entry for low skilled and inexperienced workers
>Forces companies to increase job requirements, yet another barrier
>Reduces competition for large companies by making it harder for small businesses to compete
>Promotes long term welfare dependency

God the amount of dumbass liberals I tried to explain this too who just shook their heads and just kept saying "IT WILL BE FINE! IT WON'T HAPPEN! MUH UNIVERSAL INCOME!". These idiots complain about the way capitalism works constantly. Yet are somehow unable to think that, in this situation especially, it would fuck them over.

Uh, hello faggot natsocs time to prove you're not just dimwitted racists and support socialism in the heavily White city of Seattle

It's like people don't even fucking ask what business owners are going to do when it costs them more to employ low-skill workers

>Well they just won't make as much
>"They need that money to survive though"
>Well then they will probably hire less people then
>"Then the few people left will have to work twice as hard and likely are already overworked"
They just refuse to admit that it destroys smaller businesses and allows larger businesses to get away with worker their employees harder.
You think they would be aware of threats to things they care about so much.

No, people ask. They are just told to 'shut up!'

>what we've done is remove the bottom rung of the ladder
In other words exactly what liberals need to win elections. College grads can now eke out a living working in fast food, and the dumber mexicans and whatever can just get more gibmedats


Don't you think the changing of labor to be more automated would be sped up by increasing the cost of cheap labor?

Low wage laborers will be gone one day. Increasing their cost just hastens the process.

I've come to the conclusion liberals are always just virtue signaling. They don't actually want any of this crap they just want praise.

We were wondering where you were.

living in this liberal shithole i agree, raising it was a fucking disaster.

we laid off 20 workers just to stay afloat, the average price for ANYTHING went up by a considerable margin, meanwhile MY wage stayed the same. yeah these fucking cucks in essence CUT my wage to raise the wage of some ignorant wetbacks.

fuck you liberals.

Oh, you know. Just things that are overlooked in the data. Simple things like that if you're smart you'd understand.

Seattle is probably the virtue signaling capital of the US. The people here love to go on about how virtuous and progressive they are, but when it comes down to it, they will protect their own interests.

Case in point: Several years ago, Bill Gates Sr. sponsored a state initiative to impose a statewide income tax (WA does not have an income tax in case anyone did not know) on top earners. The initiative was defeated soundly, and this is impossible to accomplish unless most of Seattle residents vote against it.

Seattle is bourgeois as fuck m8

I'm an accountant with a degree in economics. This is what I study. Tell me what flaws.

Well. You should know then.

No, this kind of shit never gets to the price inflation stage - jobs just get straight up lost, and hours get cut. unemployment of low skill positions skyrockets inside the city, driving people out to find cheaper living arrangements and available, albeit lower-paying jobs, which doesn't matter as much when you're not living in fucking Seattle.

Job availability and labor pool simultaneously drop, leaving only relatively skilled labor, and very little low-skill labor positions to support those positions that survive.

Read the study. This is exactly what it says.

How liberals see a minimum wage spike
>Juan and Tyrone are working at McDonald's for $7.50/h
>wage doubles
>Tyrone and Juan now both make twice as much
What actually happens
>both Tyrone and Juan are fired and Replaced by self service terminals
>mcdonalds hires pajeet for $25/h to maintain these machines at 20 locations

Nigger, if you are going to argue that a study is flawed and you can't articulate why, then don't make the claim.

I didn't check the ID's :^)

>People making minimum wage want to raise it
>Don't understand that this just makes me poorer in comparison as mine wouldn't raise automatically
>Don't understand I will again have to negotiate proper wages
>Don't understand why I shit on them every time they bring it up

Just look at how they voted.....

They deserve this.


But didn't most of their electoral votes go to meme candidates afterwards?

The city council ignored a negative study down by the uw in favor of a study by 2 socialist Berkeley professors, I live in Seattle

Leftist's can't intuit second order effects.

No one with an ideology can.

The thing that gets me about raising the minimum wage is that it eats away at the middle class.

Talking to my liberal mother, who's been working a job for 30 years, where she earns $20 an hour, she can't seem to wrap her head around that after three decades of service, she would be making dollars more compared to any part timer who walks in off the street.

>unemployment of low skill positions skyrockets inside the city

Seattle unemployment is less than 3% you fucking moron. WITH a $15 minimum wage.

The higher wages probably spurred more spending which spurred economic growth, lowering unemployment.


IMO Minimum Wage should be tied to inflation. Mitt Romney back in 2007 proposed said thing during his campaign but nobody really talked about it.

>Seattle unemployment is less than 3% you fucking moron
Because everyone without a job moves out if they don't want to starve, you dolt.

not necessarily, user. this hasnt really happened in other places it has been implemented. its only something like $13/hour they're talking about, It wont really cause the disruptions you think. sometimes it's funny the policies that people around here object to:

abortion: disproportionately affects blacks, is ONLY thing that has kept the black population in check.

minimum wage: will BTFO illegal workers badly and make it pointless for employers to hire them, thereby making it pointless for them to come here.

just confused.


>they need that money to survive

To be fair, no leftist would expect this argument. When they think about privately owned businesses they think of mega corporations, so that statement would be shut down with, "well I guess the president of the company will have to stop paying himself one bazillion dollars a year"

close, they're ideologues who can't see how their ideology could be flawed and try their best to ignore anything that would prove them wrong.

>this study is flawed because it's inconsistent with past studies that supported my orthodoxy
liberal brainlet detected

I disagree with this. liberal policies are leftist policies, and they fail not because life is a mess but because their models are wrong, marxist-wrong.

Illegals are largely payed under the table my man.

It's a lot cheaper to buy off poor people, or import immigrants to vote democratic.

Open borders

Traps aren't gay, rural or suburban retard.

Leftists live in a science fiction fantasy world, to be honest. Their solutions to problems posed by their ideology are things that do not current exist, and likely never will.

Good. I fucking hated tipping when I was in murica, these faggots will no longer be able to guilt trip the enlightened non tippers.

I was ambivalent about tipping until I traveled through Europe and almost got into fights with waiters at like every other restaurant I visited.

There is no back and forth, throughout all of history there has never been a single successful example of price controls. Price controls just do not work. The most back and forth you get is how to find the safest way to shoot yourself in the foot.

For what?

Usually rolling their eyes if my gf asked any innocent question, and just generally being dicks to her.

I've never gone "white knight" mode, but yeah, it made me pretty livid.

What innocent questions? Or you just couldn't handle the banter.

>study everything
>based on models
>predicting how
None of these apply to leftists.

Forgot pic

A study that uses data which excludes 40% of the Seattle workforce. Seems legit. Not flawed at all.

Quick! Somebody summon Obamaleaf so we can all laugh at him!

This isn't a policy but the same idea applies. Communism.

Yes it has. Australia has the same problem. High wages but everything is expensive.

unemployment is less than 3% because shitloads of people moved. read the study.

>Just used common sense
Oh so you don't know about economics.

You are Jew af.

Hourly pay only is worth it if you work overtime.

The "banter" was them just rolling their eyes typically.

Questions were along the lines of:
"What's this item?"
"Is the kitchen open?"
"Can we sit there?"
"Can we get our bill?" after waiting for like 20 min since the first time we asked. This happened over and over and over.

Seriously. What the fuck is with European waitresses and waiters being incapable of bringing the bill promptly. So fucking slow.

Would a 10$ minimum wage be better?