How do we save a society that doesn't want to be saved?

How do we save a society that doesn't want to be saved?

you bring in its natural predator

a person usually can't be helped untill they hit rock bottom. I'd say society can't be helped untill it hits rock bottom.

You let it collapse and built it back up from the ruins. it's all part of the cycle.

It's not about saving but creating something new.

If the cyclical view of history is true, these weak, de-evolved shitstains will tear everything down. The strong will then rebuild. Such is human history. Just be sure you're fit, prepared and ready to go for when it does all come crumbling down.


“There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.”

Pierre Drieu La Rochelle

By stopping providing them with things they take for granted.

Gotta have the Weimar before you can convince people it's time for flag related. We're almost there imo.

I'm actually a detriment to society as well - no job, live with parents, failed school.

I blame the internet and video games.

Hey what's wrong with wearing a girl's dress every once in a while? I heard that it is very liberating. I've seen this many times at parties.

I love how cross dressing triggers people.

Pill me on Weimar, lad. I don't trust (((Wikipedia)))

Why have we not learned to defeat these cycles?

By realizing they have been plotted against. Give them the right dose of test and antiestrogen, a bit of (re)education and they'll be on our side.

Unfortunately I think it'll be like people where you generally have to hit rock bottom before you see the error of your ways. We can try but at the end of the day there is no guaranteed outcome.

Take power. Most people are only loyal to power. Liberals are in charge right now, so normies pay lip service to Liberalism. If we take power in just a few years we'll hear the same normies defending racialism.

Stop propaganda and that's a good start.

You don't.

There's who you are and who you could be user. Why don't you volunteer for an organization of your choice, try and improve your relationship with your folks and go back to school?
Boom, you're more valuable than many people with jobs, don't buy that meme.

At gunpoint.

I want to be saved
The society is me
The society is those that want to be saved
Those that want to live get to live
Those that dont get instrumentality
Third impact is coming

It basically boils down to rampant degeneracy and a garbage economy. Sexual deviancy, especially in Berlin, was a huge part of a culture that included child prostitution which was employed to help families pay for basic needs. The economy was in the trash due to the (((treaty of Versailles))) destroying their currency and thus people were hopeless. Uncle Adolf then rallied the "rural and suburban retards" of his day and the rest is history.

I think it is as central to humanity as greed and violence. It's basic laws of nature when you think about it. The strong make the greatest institutions, that institution (if the strong men that build it are strong enough) absorb other peoples and cultures and ideas. This creates one megastructure controlled by one group (Ancient Egypt, Rome, Dynastic China and now The United States). These great structures are so big they create an image of power and prosperity. The greater the institution: the more parasites and the weak come to feed off it. Without the strong institution the weak and parasitic sections of humanity die due to natural selection. But since they are maintained, they breed and overtake the strong in terms of numbers. Eventually they corrupt the values and thus the foundation upon which the great societies are built with their political power and eventually the institution crumbles, unable to take the weight of the parasites any longer. Then the parasites that tore this down also perish.

Such is the way of the world. As long as there are people capable of breeding, I don't believe the societies they are apart of are capable of escaping this madness.

Basically it exemplifies everything that is wrong with modern democratic society. Self-serving politicians, the law being incapable of protecting people, culture being destroyed by scum that want to make a quick buck, the economic conditions of the time being worse than that of their fathers, basic goods non existent, people enslaved to debt just to put food on the table, foreigners coming in to get work and stealing jobs from hardworking Germans because they were willing to work for less. More or less everything that has happened or is happening now, just worse. We're not there yet, but given that we're on that road now anyway, it proves that the destructive elements of society didn't learn the lessons last time leading to one inevitable conclusion.


Good post!

Alien (Gays / Libs) vs Predator (Muzzies) Scenario FTW

Nothing wrong with gay culture
Plenty wrong with Islamic anti-western bullshit

I'll take cocksucking faggots over brown sharia monkeys