Daily reminder

Daily reminder.
Trickle Down Economics like the US Republicans are doing has NEVER worked every single time it's been attempted.
Most politicians are corrupt, morally bankrupt monsters who prey on the poor and downtrodden while giving into sycophantic tendencies towards anyone with a fat wallet. This includes most politicians from both parties.
Fuck Trump.
Fuck Hilary.

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Welcome to national socialism.

And whenever I bitch about what an incompetent child Trump is, special snowflake conservatives immediately attack "I bet you supported Hilary.". Nope. Fuck her too. Actually scratch that. She'd probably like it too much considering she isn't getting any from Bill.

What we NEED to do is get corporate money and monied interests out of politics.

tell me about boheman grove

oh it's fantastic. You really should visit sometime


>incompetent child

I'm sorry but only idiots think this. Is Trump boisterous and loud? Yes. Does he make questionable policy decisions? Depends on your point of view.

An incompetent child? Anything but. He is a masterwork of a man who's unstoppable onslaught will destroy even his mightiest opposition with ease. He is unstumpable. He is ruthless efficient. And he hides it all under clown makeup. His agenda will get through no matter what foes stand in his way or seek him harm.

You should be happy he's as nice and caring as he is.

The man has no idea what's in the healthcare bill that bares his name, only that "It'll be great. It'll be the best healthcare bill ever. It's tremendous. Believe me!"
And then when it fails and public opinion of him drops again, he'll lash out like an insulted child on Twitter attacking people with baseless accusations

He's great for memes though.


So why do you shiteating leftist faggots, give two fucks about slurping up your tax money shit and piss in your mouths, by taxing anyone else but the top 1% you assholes always bark and squeal about?
You fuckers bitch and moan about the super-rich all damn day long, but when it comes down to it, you just want to attack your bourgeois peers.
You aren't worth being allied to, animal. You aren't human. You're an envious beast, that will destroy the very nation, race, class and society you came from. Fuck you.

Actually, I say lower taxes on the 99% and tax the ever-living fuck out of the 1%.
>defending the rich by putting words in my mouth that I never said.
Under Bush, the 1% were had a 27% income tax. Under Obama, it was 37%.
Why not increase it to 50%? They'll never notice it anyways

That video had literally nothing to do with "trickle down economics". There is no such school of thought.

The idea behind it that republicans constantly push is tax cuts for the rich will cause the economy to grow since the rich will invest more.
But this has failed every single time in practice since that money just sits in their bank accounts not doing anything.
And I posted the wrong video. Thanks for pointing that out.

I challenge you OP to quote one Republican or Democrat who proposed "trickle down economics" as a good thing. It's a Democrat meme. I'll be a skeleton by the time you answer, because it never happened.

>The man has no idea what's in the healthcare bill that bares his name,

Do you seriously believe this? Trump just summarizes things to their basics because it is in his nature. He knows what that bill will do (cut coverage for leeches and give richer people the coverage they used to have) and he thinks it is a good thing.

Who is: Ronald Reagan.


And if you're going to say that cutting taxes on the rich doesn't "work", what do you consider to be the point of taxes? Tax revenue.

So does tax revenue = tax rate on the rich, meaning they're directly correlated as I'm sure you believe, or are they inversely correlated as republicans say. Looking at tax revenue is how you will end the argument.

>I challenge you OP to quote one Republican or Democrat who proposed "trickle down economics" as a good thing
Ronald Reagan

>Trump just summarizes things to their basics because it is in his nature
No. He's an incompetent buffoon. When asked about the actual policies in his bill, he babbled about the process of getting it passed instead of what was in the bill.

He knows. He also isn't politically naive. If he can get something through to mitigate the ongoing damage of Obama Care, he will. But it's not a Hillary he's going to spend his political capital dying on. Obama did, and while he remained president eight years, he lost control of the legislature in two. Trump has said that if it comes to it, he'll let Obama Care implode. Which it is in the process of doing. It isn't sustainable. The truth is, for all their talk about "repeal and replace" the Republican Bill is really a fiddling around the edges of the plan. The huge saving grace being able to buy insurance across state lines. If the ACA remains in place, it'll be a massive weight Trump can hang around the Democrats neck in 2018.

>Trump has said that if it comes to it, he'll let Obama Care implode.

He's a retard. Accept it. You were swindled by a conman.

Please OP argue with me about the tax revenue. Adjusted for inflation, does higher or lower taxes on the 1% bring about greater or lesser tax revenue?

