This thread is a safe space for lefty pol discussions

This thread is a safe space for lefty pol discussions
Pls, no bully

So. How do we fix America?

Other urls found in this thread:

Move to sweden

First step would be to nationalize healthcare

You faggots are the ones who broke it in 1965


First Step: Kill yourselves

Mission Complete

>*mumbles incoherently*
What did he mean by that?

wow so edgy! bet your parents are proud that you are so brave on the internet! you truly don't give a fuck!

Isn't America a lefty heaven right now?

100% Authentic Macho!


uuuuhhhhhhh usa is uhhhhhhhh a failed state uhhhhhhh

Pretty simple fix reeally



>blaming people for something their ancestors did is a legitimate strategy
>blaming people for something they themselves did in the past is just silly
I hate you.

Das it mane
Now, how?
>anti bully ranger activate.gif
No bully
Not nice

by using brain


I understand him just fine, what's wrong?




Spotted the autist

What is with the slide threats, something interesting happening?

>nothing wrong and everything right about Chomksys conception of libertarian socialism

To fix it, just keep on dividing conservative safe spaces like Sup Forums.

>Everyone who supports Trump is from Reddit
>Everyone who's not liberal is a neocon
>Pretend to be a stormfag dissatisfied with Trump not going full 1488
>post kekistan cringe threads

Seems to be working.


1. arrest Rupert Murdoch for treason and sedition and waterboard him 85 times

2. break up the two-party duopoly with ranked choice voting to allow third parties to have real influence even if they dont win



You faggots aren't doing shit.


>ancom flag
>nationalize healthcare

Agreed. Get your shit together America



>treason and sedition
He's not American, he's Australian
He is carrying out the largest banter baiting in history
>ranked choice
Do you mean preferential voting, like Australia?

>muh middle class
Why do Americans deny they have or are part of a working class?



We must first recognize that government's sole claim to legitimacy is the protection of private property.

that violates the NAP

communists aren't people. They don't get a NAP

Kill all anarchist fags who call themselves ((antifa)) and also kill all right wing spooks who think they can have everything and make a proper socialist communist system

Anarchism is the end goal
How do get there?
Go out into the streets with guns and rocks?
Top kek.
>Organise, organise, organise.
~ Eugene V. Debs
It is unfortunately going to have to be a process of pushing the existing institutions to be more democratic, forcing government to compel to the will of the population rather than serving elite interests, organising in one community and union, educating people so that when the institutions won't go any further they want to replace them and know how to and what to do
That's the only way, people doing it themselves once they've come to understand and want democratic control

And what all this means is yes advancing social democratic/democratic socialism policies in the meantime because they do create a more just more democratic society and alleviate people's suffering

because the bourgeois vs. working class model is complete nonsense full of arbitrary exceptions and income is a more accurate way for grouping social interests

You guys are pretty gay.

So do free helicopter rides

>communists aren't people

So you're admitting you have no intellectual honesty and are unreasonable and dumb.

>more democratic
>more just
pick one and only one

Kill all commie scum

Can't even control your kids anymore. You've grown weak, old man.

>How do we fix America?

What if we implement Socialism. I heard it's working extremely well in Venezuela.

The antifa kids mean well and have real concerns, but are very antagonistic
Which seems to come from talking to them from short attention spans and expecting instant gratification
TV/video game generation I think

>and income is a more accurate way
Well that just reinforces what I said

Bomb syria

Why not both :3

fcking antifa ruining the anarchist picture even more, of course i understand the idea of anarchism as said by marx or bagunin but we need to achieve that with socialist systems and you have to be P A T I E N T i dont want to live in anarchy because all the cucks and shit but as a tankie i am truly in support of revolution, i wont live fortunately long enough to see anarchy work (lets hope it wont)


Gas the kikes

ni dieu, ni maƮtre


why do so many Nazis look like Ed Harris,


i support them in a way only because they are left and in favor of the revolution
and truly they are expecting that the government will suddenly flip and yuhee anarchy is the new order, but it doesnt work like that.


You know if you every manage to get a country to go anarchist sooner or later someone would just make a strong force to take over again


His accent in Enemy at the Gates was awful.

this thread

>how do we get to the end goal of no government ?
>more government

they think the "people" will stop them from taking over
Thats why we need socialism, it doesnt work like that.

I'd be afraid of being in an anarchist society with them, if all they know for resolving conflict is screaming and throwing fists what are they going to do the moment someone disagrees or doesn't want them participating? Or, dare I say it, triggers them? It would be Lenin taking over all over again

Why are they so juvenile, aside from being kids of course?
Are there agent provocateurs stirring this up?
The campus lectures that started this were funded by a group funded by the Kochtapus and Robert Mercer. Was the intention to create a backlash?

Dear mods
Every thread on Sup Forums is rightwing
Can't we have one safe for left discussion without sliding troll and insult posts?

yeah that worked really well for the USSR even China decided to transition to capitalism

By getting the fuck out of America.

There's no fucking safe space for leftists in here.

Leftist scum just didn't/don't have the aesthetics that the Nazi's did.

No. Fuck this shit.

Enforced community constitutions and an entire reworking of American democracy to the point of near direct democracy. If delegates to congresses fail to uphold the ideals of the people there must be absolute, unequivocal impeachment of that individual and immediate re-election.


you can't

He's actually a pretty lefty guy

What did the communist subhuman mean by this?

Ever heard of the Swiss defence?


Literally no understanding of the Federal Anarchist model. The ideal of Anarchism is not necessarily the lack of a state but of a state that has bottom-up hierarchies rooted in voluntarily granted power.

Only reasonable way to achieve communism now is to go full acceleracionism and let capitalism crash and burn on its own

Anarchism doesn't simply mean no government in a Mad Max Somalia free for all, it means people having democratic control over their community and workplace

Yeah, a bit more and with luck you'll end up like Venezuela, with guys throwing granades from helicopters while the residents hunt rats to eat.

Impossible. (((they))) need (((socialist))) safety nets to keep the people in their place. A vanguard and forced revolution is the only solution


Government is what you make it
Like making it responsive to the needs of the population rather than a wealthy few


How about all you commies move to California and stop imposing your commie garbage on us.


We kill all the lefties in america

Where the government owns the means of production? That's not socialism. That's private ownership of the means of production, not the means of production owned by the workers that actually work them.


pretty sure they aren't anarchists


2020 Elections:

The Rock
Eric Holder

Two Scoops! Woot!
