C'mon be a nice goy

>c'mon be a nice goy
>nothing is more important than 11 homophobes running after leather ball
>let it control your life

Is being a football fan the ultimate bluepill?

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divegrass is the gayest shit

Now this is proper shitposting.

name one famous elite football player that has been openly gay

protip: you can't


I have more respect for people that dedicate their lives to an useless sport than people who only live for their sexuality.

Michael Sam

It's not even fun to bet on. Takes too long to resolve.

soccer players and its fans are complete beta males entirely


What ever happened to Michael Sam?

All people ever who are sports fans are faggots.
>woohoo yeah let's go city strangers, beat those other city strangers i hate their city stangers woohoo
>city strangers win i win go city woohoo

Football is the gayest sport I've ever witness. They constantly touch each other butt, sometimes they kiss. They shower with 11 naked guys and laugh about the sole male ballet dancer who showers with 11 girls. And the hair. What the fuck?

fuck off faggots

football is the closest thing to nationalism we are still allowed to have

There is a big percentage of faggot futbol fans, that being said faggot here is considered prison dwellers who are unrestrained sodomites





This never ceases to amuse me.


Well its not like Brazilians have anything else in life to enjoy...besides shemales and AIDS

This guy died a year after that.



septicaemia from holding on to that trophy for too long?

Thank God for this.
Brazillian that likes this shit BTFO.
It was glorious. I own you this, Germany.




>7 - 1


Jesus Christ, Brazil. Get your shit together.

Yes. Allow Sam Hyde to explain; youtu.be/9WIbwxGPA30

In Europe and South America football is like handegg in US.

If you dont play it you're essentially a faggot and no one respects you unless you're decent in another relevant sport.

Oi Brazil, a question, did your goalkeeper after the whole 7-1 fiasco get lynched?


Football or as you called it Soccer is the ultimate red pill. No risk of concussion, minor injuries, healthy, teamwork, technique, great culture, best atmosphere.
The universal sport for a globalized world.
If you fatass neets ever bothered to shoot a ball let alone go outside you would love it too.



>minor injuries

Well that's simply not true. Haven't you seen the horrific carnage in the gifs I've been posting?

>people who only live for their sexuality.

They literally make LGBT memes and propaganda. In next 100 years, there won't be possible anywhere in europe to do that. do you think they care about the future and the Islam and the penalty fro being gay? What (((Didn't))) happened in Chechnya is just the future

and Gays can't reproduce (except Lesbians with artificial insemmination) or don't have Money for rent wombs.

Lowers birthrates rate in European majority countries and Europe has to import non-Europeans and Islam to mantain population and economic growth. Yes TFR = or > 2,1 includes all couples, you nihilist idiot gays.

MSM - men that have sex with men - is the biggest growing subpopulation with newer HIV diagnosis - overextending the budget of NHS in European countries - giving only profit to the big pharma that produces HAART drugs. Yes, single tax payer has to pay for your dangerous sex ways - just to give more boner.

You can escape from the harsh true - reality - nature, demographics, economy by making LGBT but it ain't enough.

Islam will come for you and improve your country's legacy.because you're weak.
Prepare to marry with more gay corpses and see your country be part of the Ummah. Ahahahahahahh

You reap the fruits of what's coming for you


The fuck is wrong with that guy's neck?



bro get that paragraph out of here faggot

No. Actually I can explain all Brazilian defeats in World Cups (but 1990, that team was atrociously bad) with the presence of Zico and Suzana Werner (then Ronaldo's fiancée in 1998 and Julio César's wife in 2006, 2010 and 2014). We have a hope now.


our 11 imported black players are better than your imported black players

Yes sports is basically magical girl pantsu anime for normies anyone who tries to deny it is fooling themselves and noone else
