Under what circumstances could Hitler have won the war?

Under what circumstances could Hitler have won the war?

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germans develop atomic bomb first

Alt History. Woodrow Wilson is obsessed with Germanics instead of Anglos. WW1 is a German victory and Hitler rises to power as a war hero.


If Hitler managed to stay neutral/ not attack Russia until Britain was conquered

Britain was getting cucked by German airforce and cities got destroyed without ever stepping foot into Britain , if it was all dealt with and the opportunity for a flank was not realistic it would have been an easy win for mein fuhrer

Dont invade Russian

They were never meant to win the war. The result of world war 2 was exactly as planned.

Send agents to prevent jewish subversion in England, ally with US and anglos, smash Russia.


if hitler didnt invade russia first he would be attacked by stalin and the war would finish way faster

Under no circumstances.


Russia was going to invade Germany in literally just 3 weeks. Hitler had no choice.

>he would be attacked by stalin
stalin didn't wanna attack hitler

dont waste resources on the holocaust
>inb4 the holocaust didn't happen

Finish off britain before attacking russia. Literally all he had to do, but he got impatient.

His one shot at securing the Western front.
>Should have met in secret with Mosley's BUF & anti-Treaty Irish
>Should have agreed upon a plan where BUF's coup take all of Britain (*Scotland, England, Wales, and all of it's outlying islands.*) and Ireland gets all of it's counties.
>Funds both insurrections before the Brits move across the channel
>The bombardment of Britain could be justified as suppourt for the BUF
>BUF can justify it's anti-Chruchill insurrection by saying that Churchill is making Britain suffer.
Meanwhile in Irelend
>Anti-Treaty Rebels are outfitted with wehrmact looking uniforms that have Irish symbolism on them instead
>Both nation's insurrections outfitted with both locally made and German weapons
The Soviets wouldn't want to fuck with a Reich with all of Europe except for Russia behind him. Let's not forget he had suppourt all over Europe, especially from nations on the Eastern Front. Securing the Western Front was something that should have been done early on.

not attacking the soviet union would have been a nice start

the 6 million gassed didnt stupid

In a defensive war with good infrastructure, short supply lines and milder winter Germany would have cucked Russia

He had very little chances. Maybe trying to lure the slavics, but the Anglos knew that in any case Russia would balance German influence.

As the Japanese attack, the core strategy was well planned in advance by the Anglos.


In addition, not even the Americans would have wanted to fuck with the Reich after this, especially since those two successes in Britain and Ireland would have just proved Charles Lindbergh's point later on when Japan attacks them. They should have just stuck to fighting Japs. Plus with the kike bankers losing power in Britain, they'd probably get quite nervous in America too, especially since people had been naming the jew long before the war even started. It's why they needed to run a serious PR campaign and media attacks on the Reich.

>When do ringers win their matches?
Uh, OP?

If for some reason the USA didn't get involved. However, I'm not sure how that wopuld work. Even if the nips didn't attack Pearl Harbor, the kikes would have probably just cooked up some other reason to get us involved directly. Even then, you would probably have to keep the USA from giving gorillions of supplies to the commies and brits, too.

>Implying he didn't win

Hitler was a retarded idiot, he took the war super personal

America siding with them against the Anglos and the Bolschewist.

What a glorious time we would life right now. A world in order.

>1. Find out who the resistance movement is sooner and execute them.
The book "Hitlers Revolution" by Tedor goes a bit into details here. High ranking resistance members fucked up shit everywhere, attack plans known by Brits and Soviets, Supply trains rerouted, stopped or useless shit send to the frontline/stalingrad (magazines and condoms wtf). Spain would have joined the axis side (confirmed by the then Spanish foreign minister), Normandy invasion was known beforehand but info suppressed and troops send away from France. Information never reached Hitler and Hitlers orders sometimes never reached the frontline. Falsified maps so that the Wehrmacht had to take a detour or gets ambushed from terrain thought to be unpassable.

>2. Go "Total war" from the beginning
They went total war in 1943, way too late. Before that, they half assed their industry and kept the people happy back home. They should have said "here we go full retard" after France was done and manufacturing plans changed. With the additional resources available, invasion of Russia would have been made possible 3 months earlier with ease.

>3. Trash "V2" programm
The used resources should be put into submarines and planes. Then, enough submarines would have been available to take Britain out of the war because the Island would have been bled dry of resources. Germany nearly succeded with that in WW1 and also made big problems for Britain in WW2. The additional planes greatly help against the USSR.

>4. Joint operation with Italy and Japan against the USSR
All 3 attack the USSR at the same time, Japan from the east and Japanese ships keep Lend Lease from Alaska away. USSR is done in the first 5-6 months if points 1-3 are also done.

>5. Better propaganda for the east
Make anti communist propaganda in the eastern countries so that more people join the fight against the USSR.

More in pic related.

That Russia didn't exist.

Not possible, not enough ressources even if he had defeated Russia or GB, the US supplied all of them and still managed to mass produce so many tanks and planes to steamroll NatSoc Germany

>>he would be attacked by stalin
>stalin didn't wanna attack hitler
Bullshit kike stalin was a dirty war-monger

It didn't cuck

Jews not being slimy as shit and having capitalist and communist countries team up to destroy the only threat to the international jew.

Stalin didn't defeat Hitler, Russia did, because it's too damn huge and cold. If Stalin had surrendered that advantage to march into Germany the Red Army would've gotten clobbered.

teaming up with poles

Peace treaty with Britain after the fall of France. The British empire could then sell oil to Japan and there would be no Pearl Harbor as a result. Most of China would have become Japanese territory and the Soviet Union would have been destroyed ending communism much earlier. Israel would have been created instead of the holocaust. The rest of the mid east remains under British control with the former French and west European territories there and in Africa being given to Italy or Germany and their Asian territory to Japan.

if he gave rommel his divisions and gas he needed to take north africa.

or if he would have invaded north africa
instead of russia the nap (molotov ribbetrop agreement) with the soviets would ensure little aggresion between the two and as such free division that would be used for barbossa to atack north africa the two would need to be on friendly terms.

if he could cut of egypt and take algeria and most of north africa he would have crippled the british oil production as egypt was an inportant port and ensure the reich had all the oil it would need this would also mean that malta would be cut of from british support.

if he then planned to invade the middle east he could flank the caucosus oil field by turkey the problem is that the soviets would have taken notice and turkey would not just let them run trough.

he should have also cut all ties with the japanese as the would do pearl harbor and drag the us in the war.

If the alliance between Mexico and Germany had been successful.

>If the alliance between Mexico and Germany had been successful.

that was ww1 not ww2.

Oh whoops lel
Just imagine how that would have affected WW2 though.

>Peace treaty with Britain after the fall of France.

>Hitler should have just tried what he actually tried

Have you not read anything about that by now? Hitler tried to get peace with Britain several times, even dropping leaflets over London. After some time at the end of 1940 or so, Churchill gave orders to all diplomats to no longer talk with German diplomats or anything German related so that literally nobody will be able to find out about Hitlers desires for peace.

At one point, Hitler even offered to literally go back to the old border, i.e. give France back, give Poland back, give Denmark and Norway back... didn't work.

>In 1940, Churchill at last became Prime Minister, ironically enough when the Chamberlain
government resigned because of the Norwegian asco which Churchill, more than
anyone else, had helped to bring about. As he had fought against a negotiated peace after
the fall of Poland, so he continued to resist any suggestion of negotiations with Hitler.
Many of the relevant documents are still sealed after all these years but it is clear
that a strong peace party existed in the country and the government. It included Lloyd
George in the House of Commons, and Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, in the Cabinet.
Even after the fall of France, Churchill rejected Hitler's renewed peace overtures. This,
more than anything else, is supposed to be the foundation of his greatness. The British
historian John Charmley raised a storm of outraged protest when he suggested that a
negotiated peace in 1940 might have been to the advantage of Britain and Europe. A Yale
historian, writing in the New York Times Book Review, referred to Charmley's thesis as
morally sickening. Yet Charmley's scholarly and detailed work makes the crucial point
that Churchill's adamant refusal even to listen to peace terms in 1940 doomed what
he claimed was dearest to him the Empire and a Britain that was non-socialist and
independent in world aairs.

A lot of dead pesos m8

This is true. Had the reich not invaded the ussr the whole or Europe would have fallen to the Reds.

confirmed for never reading a single fucking book on the topic. Fucking dumbass

>At one point, Hitler even offered to literally go back to the old border, i.e. give France back, give Poland back, give Denmark and Norway back... didn't work.

do you have a citation for that?

Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace oers in 1939, 1940, and 1941.
(Irving supports the thesis that Rudolf Hess's ight to Scotland was ordered by the
Führer). Irving pinpointed one critical moment, and supplied the background:
The crucial moment when he managed to kill this peace oensive in England was
July 1940. If we look at the one date, July the 20th, this I think was something of a
watershed between the old era of peace, the greatness of the British Empire and the new
era, the new era of nuclear deterrent and the holocaust, the nuclear holocaust. July 20,
1940: Mr. Churchill is lying in bed that Sunday out in Chequers, when he gets a strange
message. It's an intercept of a German ambassador's telegram in Washington to Berlin.
It's only just been revealed, of course, that we were reading all of the German codes
not only the German Army, Air Force and Navy Codes, but also the German embassy
codes. And if you're silly enough to believe everything that's written in the ocial history
of British Intelligence, you will understand that the only reason that they released half
of the stories is to prevent us from trying to nd out the other half. And what matters
is that we are reading the German diplomatic codes as well. On July 20th, the German
ambassador in Washington sent a message to Berlin saying that the British ambassador
in Washington had asked him very quietly, very condentially, just what the German
peace terms were. This, of course, was the one thing that Churchill could never allow to
happen, that the British nd out what Hitler's peace terms are.

Another one of these threads. He would have won the war on any number of occasions but everything went wrong at every phase after 1941

He sends an immediate
message to the foreign oce, to Lord Halifax, saying, Your ambassador in Washington
is strictly forbidden to have any further contacts with the German ambassador, even indirectly. They were communicating through a Quaker intermediary.
Now, on the same day, Churchill sent a telegram to Washington ordering Lord Lothian,
the British ambassador in Washington, to have nothing to do with the German ambassador.
And the same day, he takes a third move to ensure that the peace moves in Britain
are nally strangled at birth. He orders Sir Charles Portal to visit him at Chequers, the
country residence of British prime ministers. Sir Charles Portal was Commander in Chief
of Bomber Command. Now what is the signicance? Well, the signicance is this. Up
to July 1940, not one single German bomb has fallen on British towns. Hitler had given
orders that no British towns are to be bombed and, above all, bombing of London is
completely forbidden and embargoed. Churchill knows this, because he's reading the
German code. He's reading the German Air Force signals, which I can now read in the
German les. Churchill is reading the signals, and he knows that Hitler is not doing him
the favor.

I know it's from one of David Irvings books or talks. Me being an idiot, I have not noted where exactly it's from. When I find the exact text again, I'll find the source.

ironically had hitler waited 2 more weeks to invade poland the soviets would have invaded poland first and france and britain might have declared war on them and the natsocs would get a slap on the wrist like the soviets did in our time.

but i doubt it stalin played hitler like a fiddle he knew.

Hitler is still hoping that this madman in England will see reason or that he will be
outvoted by his cabinet colleagues. So he's not doing Churchill the favor of bombing any
English towns. Churchill is frantic because he thinks he's being outsmarted by Hitler.
On July the 20th he sends for Sir Charles Portal, the Chief of Bomber Command, and he
says to Sir Charles Portal, as we know from records from Command to the Air Ministry,
When is the earliest that you could launch a vicious air attack on Berlin¾' Sir Charles
Portal replies to Winston, I'm afraid we can't do it now, not until September because
the nights aren't long enough to y from England to Berlin and back in the hours of
darkness. September, perhaps, and in September we will have the rst hundred of the
new Sterling bombers ... But he also says, I warn you, if you do that, the Germans will
retaliate. At present they're not bombing English targets, they're not bombing civilian
targets at all and you know why. And if you bomb Berlin, then Hitler will retaliate against
English civilian targets. And Churchill just twinkles when he gets this reply, because he
knows what he wants.


None , my grandad was hard as fuck !

What was the point of attacking USA? USA cut off their oil from going to Japan I just dont see how attacking them would make anything better.

By crippling the Royal and British/Commonwealth merchant navy

if he took those out, the war was as good as won

had japan not attacked and invaded china the us would not have cut of their oil supply and frozen their bank shares.

Shouldnt have gone to Africa

>By crippling the Royal and British/Commonwealth merchant navy

britian was under a constant supply line by the us i forgot the name but the made an agreement with the us and the soviets that any nation who would defend the us would get gibs.

Because russia was about to invade poland. Wtf.

This was only relevant when the European theater started and Japan being allied with Germany. Japan invaded in 1932 after all and shit all happened until 1940.

By not starting the war to begin with, and taking care of Germany like he promised, rather than become a globalist shill, telling everyone else wtf to be.
Or by pulling in his Panzer divisions, to actually defend Germany, rather than make the same mistakes the Romans did, by overreaching their martial abilities, as well as their over inflated sense of right to tell everyone else wtf they were gonna be.
For that matter, imagine if he he had just expelled the Jews, not started the war, and concentrated on playing an economic/propaganda war.
Victory. Germany would have won the culture war then...that's wtf counts.
Cannot believe more of you don't see it.

Give more submarines to Doentiz and not build stupid shit like the Schwerer Gustav

With a stronger Japan and an elite italian force
I bet that Stalin was thinking about destroy Germany after the war

the natsocs and the soviets had a non agresion pact deal the molotov ribbetrop agreement that the would both invade poland russia invaded just 2 weeks later and got half of poland.

>rather than become a globalist shill

Literally who??

>Under what circumstances could Hitler have won the war?

If he did what (((they))) said he did then I would say it was a win.

The real question is what can we do to help finish the job?

I know that and was just painting the best scenario and the only victory scenario I can see. The Brits weren't about to make peace knowing they had their navy to protect their island and American leadership backing them with material resources and wanting to do more. Pride comes before the fall. That fall might have been postponed but it looks increasing likely for everyone involved.

If he had
>Told Memesolini to not invade the Balkans prematurely
>Attempted to reach moscow before december 1941
>Convinced Japan to apply pressure in Vladivostok so that Stalin could not divert the Siberian Armies to the West

>Schwerer Gustav

even if the natsocs did not waste money on stupid shit like the v2 program and jet planes the still would have lost oil was running low and supply's where shrinking as soon as the got to stalingrad.

the should have focused all their power on sucuring north africa instead of barbosa and getting the middle east and their oil witch would give an opportunity to attack the caucasus oil fields and cripple russia on a later date.

Russia was still a backwater basket case
The German invasion united the Russians under Stalin

>Cannot believe more of you don't see it.

We don't see it because you are a fucking retard. Not starting the war was not an option. Poland was egged on by Britain and Britain was egged on by the US. And once the USSR military was big enough, a state in central europe with barely any natural resources doesn't stand a change.

Germany never was able to play "the long game" due to the lack of resources. At a certain point the other countries would have just started a trade blockade and bled Germany dry until a civil war removes the Nazi regime. Your scenario is completely unrealistic, how do you want to keep peace then the only country around that that doesn't want your shit is Switzerland and Belgium/Denmark.

Poland had deals with France and Britain and wanted war, Czecheslovakia made deals with France, got planes from the USSR and the USSR already build airfields on Czech clay. Austria was basically an anti-German dictatorship somewhat forced by France. France and Britain always butthurt about Germanys economic strenghts etc

Kill all the anglos at dunkirk.

It largley depends on the Italian invasion of Greece, because it set back Operation Barbarossa back by 3 weeks(not100%sureplsnobully) because that way, Moscow would fall before the freeze wave that hit, hitting a huge morale drop for the red army.

The Red Army was completely incapable of launching on offensive war against Germany around the time of Barbarossa, they lacked proper communications equipment, the troops had little to no experience, and their technology and weaponry were outdated. Modernization of the Red Army would have taken a couple years at the quickest, which would have led to a Russian invasion probably around 1943. Hitler made the right move to invade Russia, but it probably would have been better if he invaded a month or so earlier. 15 May 1941 was the intended day, I believe, but this had to be pushed forward due to a British-coup in Yugoslavia, forcing Germany to invade.

Also came to mind Japan had to be imperialistic because they're a small island with few resources if any. At least what I heard so I could be wrong.

If he kept England out of it thus keeping the US out of it and convinced Japan not to bomb Pearl Harbor.

Without US support (endless arms vehicles and other goods) the USSR would have got its ass handed to them.

Peace with Britain, War with the USSR?
How important was the Western Front for the war eort? Some considerations:
Well over half the Luftwae was engaged in the west from 1942-5, and 75% of German
aircraft casualties were against the western Allies. Each U-boat cost 5,000,000 Marks
to build. The Germans built over 1,000. A Panther tank cost 117,000 Marks, That
means about 40,000 tanks were not built so that the Germans could wage the War of
the Atlantic. Think 40,000 panthers might have made a dierence against an unallied Russia in the East?
Each V2 rocket cost, in labor and material, the same as 3.5 ghter planes. The Germans launched over 3,000 V2's, the equivalent of 10500 ghter planes which could have been used in the east. The British and Americans deployed over 20,000 heavy bombers against the Germans, causing great destruction. What would have happened if Rommel's Africa Corps and the 30+ German divisions in France would have been in the don bend in fall 1942 protecting Stalingrad instead of waiting for British and American divisions to land? What would have happened if the 400,000 troops stationed in Norway could have helped Army Group North capture Leningrad? What would have happened if, in 1944, the German armies trying to hold the divisions ghting in Italy and the Balkans could have been freed to ght against the Russians in the south? I think it becomes apparent
just how important keeping the Western Front alive was for the Allies.

Not be an ADHD autist and trick the Soviets into invading Poland first.

us would have sent lend lease goods anyway

>The German invasion united the Russians under Stalin

whe the natsocs originaly invaded the russian annexed country's like ukraine the saw them as saviors the only united under the soviet cuase after hitler started killing alot of them.

hitler shot himself in the foot with his eugenics policies he could have used them as cannon fadder and extermanated them on a later date.

If america didn't get involved

He shouldn't have invaded France, UK and all of Poland.

they shouldnt have declared war on germany then

I don't think so, a big reason why Hitler shot to mass popularity was because of the horrendous state of Germany following the treaty of Versailles.

even if the nazis had developed the atomic bomb in 1939, they still would've lacked the means of delivery

they would also lack resources to produce them as uranium was even harder to acquire back then. I don't even think there are any major sources of uranium in europe. Enriching uranium is also a very costly process that would've required resources to be diverted from somewhere. Producing any actual nukes would've been a slow process. Keep in mind that even the untouched american industry could only produce two nukes to the pacific theater.

we also need to consider the effectiveness against russian targets. Russian cities are traditionally decentralised. Russians build on the width, not the height. Means of delivery is a issue here as well, as the russians would just relocate their factories out of german bomber range. We also need to consider the fact that bombing an enemy isn't enough to conquer. Germany would still need to send troops deep into Russia. The long supply lines would be vulnerable to attacks.

Note that not even the allied forces with nuclear weapons expected to win against the russians at the end of ww2 in europe. See "Operation Unthinkable".

>britian was under a constant supply line by the us

That is true though most of the shipping was done by British/Commonwealth Merchant ships, USA didn't have the capacity Britain had in the early war years, British/Commonwealth merchant shipping alone accounted for over 2/3rds of the entire worlds shipping globally to and from North America, Russia, Europe, Africa, India, Asia, Australia etc.

If Germany would have crippled the British/Commonwealth merchant shipping then the supply lines would have broken down and the war would have been lost for the allies, and that's why the battle of the Atlantic and Enigma were so crucial to victory.

I understand that normal fags are always going to be here, but can you just stick to lurking for a while longer.
If he hadn't gone into Russia during a winter he might have had a chance to win against russia, and thus the war
If he had not been a total dumass and did what his advisers told him and put panzers on the beach then Dday would have not been a success, because several top generals and advisers wanted to secure the beach, however Hitler didn't think it was necessary. Don't get me wrong he was a great man and the only thing he did that was wrong was ignoring his advisers.

the thing is the needed to knock britain out of the war as soon as possible invading and knocking out the british ports in north africa would have done alot to cripple them.

hitler and stalen should have kept on friendly terms.

>The Red Army was completely incapable of launching on offensive war against Germany
By the standards of the western countries yes.

>they lacked proper communications equipment
This does not mean that they can't start an invasion. How were they supposed to know the "communcation technology standard" of the enemy?

>the troops had little to no experience
True, yet the Wehrmacht also wasn't really experienced in the beginning.

>and their technology and weaponry were outdated
Literally Soviet Post war propaganda to justify their fuck ups in the first months of Barbarossa. Soviet technology was not far behind the others, they had good planes, ok tanks and were #1 in amphibious vehicles (which were useless once Germany attacked but would have been needed to invade Britain, just like having more paratroopers than all the other countries combined). This "USSR tech was outdated" is literally a meme.

>Modernization of the Red Army would have taken a couple years at the quickest, which would have led to a Russian invasion probably around 1943.
I don't think it would have taken longer than mid 1942, they had 25000 tanks and 5 million soldiers west of Moscow already stationed basically...

if he had informed England of his plans moving west, and England believed him, then Hitler would not have had to fight the western allies and could have won

By the way, what do you think of the argument that the Allies could've taken down Germany in 1940, simply by bombing their factories and power plants.

>the battle of the Atlantic and Enigma were so crucial to victory.

exactly but invading the british mainland would be inpossibleen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea_Lion aslong as the royal navy was still a thing theres a reason why starving britians resources was seen as the only real solution.

Even with Britain still in the game, would the Normandy invasion have failed then there would have been not much they could have done. Their bombers did some damage yes, but certainly not enough to make them win the war. It doesn't matter how much shit is sitting on their Island if they can't get into European mainland.

Nigga, Germans declared war on Poland


Even if he did the USSR was in no position to.

Also did the USSR even know how to fight a WW2 war at the time?

They would have all run forward in a line many on fucking horses then when hitting resistance dug trenches like in WW1.

The USSR had no blitzkrieg until Germany taught them in battle.

>If he hadn't gone into Russia during a winter he might have had a chance to win against russia, and thus the war

hitler did not attack in the winter where does this meme come from?

Sunday, 22 June 1941,

If he attacked Russia in Spring and not in fall

Germany was sinking American and British ships in the early 1940's. There is only so long this can be ignored.