Is monarchy a legitimate form of leadership in the modern world?

Is monarchy a legitimate form of leadership in the modern world?

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Bumping myself

Possibly, but you need to uprise to make it happen bong

Right now we have international banking dynasties' rule as form of leadership. What's the difference from monarchy except that you ruled by kikes instead of monarch of your own race?

No, better to have people who actually want the job to get elected than people who are randomly born into the position

>Is monarchy a legitimate form of leadership in the modern world?
>posts pic of mentally ill king

Democracy is a joke, at least democracy on the entire state scale.
Let me explain why: Man who has real grasp on power will not release it. Not voluntarily at least, he should be defeated by force. And then it goes to one who defeated him. You will always have such man (or group), this is how human social dynamics work. And there is only one things such man or group will do with his power - he'll give it to his offspring to ensure his bloodline remains dominant. Such dynasties are also inevitable.
Now what you prefer more - such dynasty exposed to the entire people they rule and bound by code of honor as with monarchy, or deceiving plebs and doing a lot of shady shit while hidden as banking families we have now?

Yes, of course.

Under Jesus, yes.

This. We need dumb poors to head these goy nations so their break up is accelerated.

Obviously. Of the current political systems, Liechtenstein's is probably the closest to ideal.

best form

fuck off back to north africa mudblood

More legitimate than democracy or republicanism.

yes. we need a divinely established monarchy, where priesthood and kingship become one, and a leader who is willing to die for his people, the system where people are willing to die for a state is and always will end in failure, America is no different.

Monarchy get evolved so many times..
regular monarchy
enlightened absolutism
(polish) nobles democracy
that german kaiser shit

we just need an idea to get the best parts of democracy and implement them in some new form of monarchy

its called a constitutional monarchy

i was thinking about something better than sweden

Like this?

It's the only legitimate form of leadership.

That's a pretty big difference.

how is it random I'm pretty sure if a modern monarchy existed with considerable influence the king would sit at his desk assigning his children to marriage partner on google spreadsheets or something

Randomly born? the children are reared to rule the country. It's not random.

I would assume that there is at least a possibility that the monarch would care for his own race, whereas the kikes will always hate anyone who is not of their own.
I'm not advocating for monarchy, just wondering what other people think of it.

hard to say, Liechtenstein is too small to judge operational model teoretiacally implemented in bigger ones

thats true, but you would need some kind of plan B for retard babies and mental diseases

Here is the deal, we replaced monarchs with monarch who say they are not monarchs. So yes, it is legit because we still have it.

hitler didnt like it in mein kampf he said it was gay


I like british type of monarchy.
"Constitunional Monarchy"
>Very cool symbol of your country
>Can do a lot of stupid shit
>Better than having "literally who" president
>Deep history in royal blood
>If monarch is extremely based he can inspire his subject and become a role model
>Representation of what was good about old europe


Kike-ocracy(rule by bankers) results in the most corrupt holding the power.

A monarch can still rule if he is not corrupt, he may have more trouble than if he were corrupt, but he inherited the title, he is in charge and if he is /fit/ and properly groomed for the job he will have the military on his side(traditionally speaking).

Banks in charge = the country gets bled dry, guaranteed

Monarch in charge = the country might get bled dry, or it might not, it's at least a coin flip

The British Monarchs failed to save their country, they gave too much power to parliament.

One of them wanted to rule as a despot so parliament impeached him and had his head cut off, so now they have been scared into submission and let parliament give their country to the jews