What redpills are too hard for Sup Forums to swallow?

What redpills are too hard for Sup Forums to swallow?

>most prominent scientists are atheists
>religion is a meme

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the first point is fucking stupid. but yes, religion is one of the bigger memes, and everyone knows it. it serves some good purpose in giving people a sense of community, but i'm confident that nobody actually believes half that shit. on balance, it's been a disaster and will never save face so long as muslims blow kids up. every religious person is actually a party to that if you really want to tip the fedora and think about it

>most prominent scientists
>but not most scientists
>media-PR prominence depends on [[[atheism]]] as a qualifier

the hardest pill for fedoras to swallow:

>whether or not an idea is "true" is only tangentially important, what matters is if it has any practical value as a meme

>naive rationalism and metaphysical nihilism are dead ends philosophically, socially, and politically

>humans aren't purely rational beings, and obsession with finding the most "logical" worldview is indicative of immaturity or stunted social growth

>this is why your mom got mad when you made a point to loudly declare your atheism to the entire family, not because you blew her mind

Sam Harris made a career out of this. Listen to his debate with Haidt, it sounds like a retarded fedora arguing with his smarter, wiser, dad.

Religion, or rather christianity, is a very useful meme, idiot. Promotes prosocial behaviour, deferral of gratification, good values like honesty, humility, etc. You don't have to believe in father sky yourself but the average pleb believing is a very good thing

also (spoiler alert): watch the last episode of True Detective, your hero overcomes his fedora retardation

>but not most scientists
Where did you hear that? because i've heard quite the opposite.

Atheism is maladaptive, even though it is true...

>humans aren't purely rational beings, and obsession with finding the most "logical" worldview is indicative of immaturity or stunted social growth

No. It is indicative of your inability to look outside of the box.

The truth is more important than feelings. That's just reality.

You're a sissy boy if you disagree.

>hard to swallow
>realizing that religion is man made
>not realizing its the greatest force of good if done right, like christianity
>hard pill to swallow

You too will grow up

This. The masses dont have the brain capacity to operate functionally without atheism. Even 90% of atheists need a government to be moral which is why 90% are liberal. I would wager that of the ~2% of atheists, only

I would make the argument that Christianity in particular was a goad towards science to begin with, and atheism will kill it off.

>God can be found in His Creation
>Studying His Creation is a means towards understanding God Himself
>Understanding leads us closer to Him, and is a kind of Worship
>all beliefs of the early scientists in the West

other forms of religion do not have this same pattern

>Allah can make or unmake the universe at will, so there is no need to study it, since nothing is permanent except the Koran

>Pagan LARPers are good at understanding the natural world as it is but have no further overarching religious goad towards understanding it in a deeper sense

>Atheists close off significant portions of inquiry because if a proposed line of inquiry cannot match the present state of their inherited logic then they will not entertain it
>the sign of an educated mind is to hold an idea without necessarily accepting it as fact
>therefore dumbasses

You could talk to some. I've met a lot.

>greatest force of good if done right, like christianity
haha, good one.

i wouldnt say its that low, plenty of smart people get indoctrinated and never recieve a decent education, pretty much no amount of brain power can avoid that, i mean some countries dont even have internet.

well duh i know there are religious scientists, but what makes you say most of them are religious?

And please, dont give me that confirmation bias BS, only because you go to places where you can meat religious scientists doesnt mean most of them are religious.

Religion is for the fuckwits that dont knoq what gender they are to hopefully contain their stupidity

Any athiest that watched bill nyes butt stuff and doesnt want the christcucks back is a retard

Maybe brainpower would not be the right word. There is no denying though that this mind ability is only capable by a very small minority. It doesn't have to be a good or a bad thing. It's just that some people don't have a gaping hole in their heart that needs to be filled by the government or religion.

The Jews out Meritocracy'd us and their spot (right wing ones at least) is well earned and I begrudgingly salute them. We should have outcompeted them and we did not. Also Ayn Rand is the true redpill. Butthurt NatSoc kiddies need not apply. Objectivism is further to the right than everything else.
The Jews have leftists elements that I suspect they despise. We need to shill that our based Jewish bros need to stsrt using the word "kike" to described be their non-Judaism practicing secular Marx fellating cousins. (((Zuckerberg))) ect

Being atheist doesn't make smart and being religious doesn't make you dumb even the most staunch atheist have and will seek to a god once their time is due cus fear is a trait we all share and once your chips are over in this game we call life you'll cry to get in to heaven, even if it doesn't exist

> It doesn't have to be a good or a bad thing. It's just that some people don't have a gaping hole in their heart that needs to be filled by the government or religion.
i would agree, im just saying its not as rare as you think, i value my critical thinking, but i wouldnt consider myself being in the ".2%"
I would say a vast majority of people would be atheists if they were not indoctrinated as a kid.

Hitler was an atheist that wanted to kill christcucks(rightfully)
You can't believe in a fairy and be a nazi at the same time

Hitler was catholic.

>The truth is more important than feelings.
that's wishful thinking. ironically, it's your own feelings that compel you to make that claim. 99% of people disagree with you in practice, even if they think they agree with the statement.

read this book

A lot of Sup Forums can't swallow the truth about the capitalism meme

Politicians practice satanic rituals
> doesn't believe in God
All those weird atheist sacrifices and rituals to no one
> 360 walkout

Yeah sure,and the holocaust happened too
The Hitler was a catholic meme is pushed by the jews


Don't know what else kind of thing you'd accept, so

> most scientists believe in multi verse
> infinite universes
> not allowing the ability for Energy to form a Supernatual Being out of energy to transcend normal reality
> but you evolved from a single cell bacteria
The science meme is so basic to me

I think most top scientists are more agnostic than anything. Most don't give a shit what you believe in. Science isn't about what you believe in, it's about what you observe.

I think it's a big mistake to look at religion through the lens of science instead of the lens of philosophy

that article only talks about countries with high amount of religious scientists and even there its at most 55%.

You see you said most scientists are religious, when infact that is not the case.
The article says that not all scientists are atheist, most of them are and the more succesfull the scientist the more likely they are atheist (novadays).

I have absolutely nothing against the guy. He was great.

>my ideology is redpilled
>the rest of y'all are pussies

Take the blackpill faggot.


All right, what the fuck ever then

McConaughy doesn't wear deodorant

People saying religion is a meme are bluepilled.

Religion is the only resistance there is to blind consumerism and worshiping celebrities and fake idols from commercials.

It actually creates a culture where you literally worship the virtues and personalities you hold highest.

I see the anti-religion shills are going all out tonight....so let me drop a few fucking black pills on you OP.


This world is founded on religion. The greatest structures and works of romantic art were conceived in the names of Lord God and Savior Christ. You think all these things were made in the name of a population control PsyOp? You think that just because the Satanists brainwashed the entire United States population into being Faithless Marxists that you can denounce what the words LORD GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST MEAN?!?!


God is a word that simply means EVERY THING! Are you fucking KIDDING me? Sky daddy? Man in a cloud? Separation, much like the likes of separation of science and faith, is a TAUGHT ILLUSION!

REEEEEE I'm so fucking done....like atheists text "omg" but don't even realize they are praising God! Holy shit! GET IT? WE SAY [[[HOLY]]] SHIT because FAITH IN GOD IS INNATE IN EVERY VESSEL AND YOU CANNOT SNAKE TONGUE US OUT OF THAT!

The forbidden fruit had nothing to do with gnosis only snakepenis

White sharia.

Go read Ayn Rand's "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" and try to remain NatSoc.

I'm just going to point out that life is what you make it
I could ignore what you call truth tomorrow and my life woudn't change

>Needing a backwards set of rules to be a better person
Why not just be a good person

yeah social scientists

Religion is only a meme if you believe in christcuckery

You have to go back

>What redpills are too hard for Sup Forums to swallow?
That there literally is nothing wrong with being jewish.

The people in power believe in slavery and plan to implement chips into the minds of the common folk to have complete control over their beings