Is the media deliberately desensitizing us and subverting public opinion?

Okay, so The attempted assassination of a bunch of conservative US senators happened less than 2 weeks ago, however literally no one is talking about it anymore. This is a big fucking deal that the left is literally trying to assassinate senators that don't agree with them, however meaningless shit like Trump telling a reporter she has a nice smile has gotten way more support.

Hell, Project Veritas has a CNN producer on tape admitting that their constant attacks on Trump is unfounded and 100% fabricated bullshit. Yet all of this literal groundbreaking news is completely thrown to the wayside so the left can continue it's witch hunt.

Im beginning to wonder what the end game is, because it clearly does not have the public's best interests at heart. What is the point of desensitizing us to blatantly terrifying acts? Quite frankly, its terrifying that people can so easily forget/outright ignore an attempted assassination of a politician or the media openly admitting that most of it's stories are fake.

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I respect everything you've written there, and I'd love to type more of a response, but the value of being blunt carries weight in its own right.
Look at the top headlines on Drudge right now:

>ATLANTIC Editor In Chief: Trump Going To Be Responsible For Violence Against Journalists...

Best to abandon role of media as a category error now. The Media are now the actual opposition Party and the Democrats are the media's cheerleaders, supporters, pets, stooges, thugs, etc.

Anything that is a blow to the current establishment gets memory holed really quickly. Does anyone remember who this guy is?

Ive been frequenting pol for over a year and I have yet to figure out the larger agenda for all this bullshit. 50 years ago, had some nutjob muslim blown up a bunch of kids at a concert, then There would be actual backlash and aggression. Now they just light candles and bury their heads in the sand and forget about it a day later when Drulmbf gets 2 scoops or tells a reporter she has a nice smile.

Was he that college kid that "raped" a girl at a party?
But what is the point? What is the endgame for derailing our country for 4 years out of spite?

Here, the end game in its entirety. You probably won't like it or agree with it, but that doesn't matter.

Your just at the tip of the (((iceBERG))) my friend i'm just cleaning my guns and stocking up my ammo for when they call us up to the front at this point.

Critical Theory.
The Communist party in America.
Talmudic prophecy.

None of this is new, its only been accelerating since the 1960s. The same group responsible has tried to do the same things before, but other countries all expelled them. What we see playing out here is the direct result of Germany losing WWII, and America being in the hands of the real enemy.

the shooting story was a much bigger deal.

They want us to die.


But why? What is the point?
I know about all the color revolutions and all that, but I still dont understand the point. Why do any of this? What is the bigger agenda?

WTF why are you flailing? Power. That's all. The persons pursuing that power are not in front of everything but will make bank when it all goes down. You're all just farm animals to them.

there are tons agenda 21, for starters. 5 billion+ people on this planet make less that 2$ an hour and are growing. The nwo, lucifarians illuminatti whatever u want to call them want to reduce the population to about 500,000 to appease the pagan gods they worship. Makes them more pure, illuminated whatever. They will then go full satanist and alter their bodies to make themselves immortal with technology.

>no one is talking about it anymore
was he russian?
>'nuf said

Nope. His name was Harrison Brown and he was stabbed and killed by a black supremacist

Complete destruction of society so they can reform it in their image

There are always dissenting parties in any camp, but boiling all down there are two big players here, the Zionists, and the Bolshevists.

The Bolshevists are atheistic(at least they claim to be) Jews who are bred from a culture which call themselves the master race, and seeks to install Jewish leadership into the highest office of every developed nation. The role of Critical Theory is to undermine and demoralize the institutions and culture of a country until its weak enough to be taken over. They genuinely believe they are the ultimate form of life, and everything should submit to their order.

Zionists actually disagree with Bolsheviks, they've come to a head and killed each other over it, but from an external observer the differences are minuscule nuances. Zionists are mostly all religious Jews who are waiting for the coming of the Messiah. They believe that it is their duty to make the world "more perfect" (read: more Jewish) and that as the chosen elect of God they have a duty to carry out this will. They see the destruction of other people, bringing them into subjugation under the hands of Jews as being one stop closer to the coming of their prophesied Messiah.

Each group wants power, they want to be at the top of the global hierarchy, and each of them has cultural and traditional beliefs which informs their views. Throughout history there have been coat tail riding gentiles who see their cohesive tribal strength, and decide to go along with them to reap the financial rewards of having that power and success. Our government is full of these people.

Because feelings are first now. Feelings drive ratings in media "journalism," because people feel first and start to "think" perhaps fourth down the fucking list of priorities. Marxist/Leftist ideology is "feelings" these days, because we were asleep for too long. Now some of us are awake, and facts hurt feelings. Many adults are children demanding a nanny to punish the bad kid saying the bad words. Demanding a nanny to shut out truth. Because feelings first. Feelings we were groomed to feel. Yes media, tell us who to hate. Punch a Nazi.

And what image is that? A grayscale globalist dystopian society where everyone is a stupid shitskin incapable of functioning without the government teat?

>A grayscale globalist dystopian society where everyone is a stupid shitskin incapable of functioning without the government teat?

Unironically yes. By encouraging the mixing of races the identity of people is destroyed. Their cultural heritage is lost, and can be readily replaced by wanton consumerism, and mass media "culture" like the drivel Hollywood creates.
In this system there is only one group of people who uniquely are allowed to maintain their identity. The Jews.

>But why? What is the point?
>I still dont understand the point. Why do any of this?
Are you slow?

They want to rule the country completely, totally, and with no opposition. Why is that so hard to understand? They want their opponents killed, or driven into exile. They'll make any excuse for any of their supporters behavior, but spend years being critical of their opponents over behavior THAT THEY THEMSELVES MADE UP.

They are rich, powerful, and angry. They're going to throw everything they have at Trump and his supporters until they give up and die. The "why" is that they want any and all opposition silenced or outright destroyed. The deeper "why" comes in many shapes but is also pretty meaningless.

there will be a culling, of some sort, a virus a world war some catalyst that will kill off many, leaving a few elites to run things

>Because feelings first.
since the living-in-his-van part came out, i've been waiting to hear about some reason we should all feel sorry for the crazy loser. his story must have no sympathetic parts at all, if they've come up with nothing.
>plus with all the hateful rhetoric, he just couldn't help it

just remember that there are two sides to that coin, it just seems the left is more obviously evil than the right. (Why no one else sees this i don't know, but we are gaining followers) but you cannot fully trust the right either.

I think the left is too embarrassed to even try that angle. "Religion of peace."

The enemy plays both sides. Where as the left began to align itself with superficial social issues, advocating the "rights" of minorities and immigrants, the right began to advocate for nation destroying policies for reasons claiming increased economic prosperity.
Both camps are equally compromised, they simply have different attack strategies.

endgame? strategy? were just fucked no matter what? people like op are starting to take notice of some truly shady shit, but it may be too late.

The tribe wants to have the whole world under their thumb. If the American people, all the people of Europe, become a multicultural interbred mix of various nationalities then there is no cohesive identity. There is no ingroup preference beyond country as the concept of nation has been destroyed, and if one government is no different from another, there is nothing stopping people from accepting a defacto one world government.
Everyone will be a 2nd class citizen under the rule of the social elite who are almost entirely Jews.

>there are two sides to that coin, it just seems the left is more obviously evil than the right.
There's nothing redeeming about the left today, their utter contempt for western civilization is more than palpable, it's smothering.

I'm sure if the right had a stranglehold on the centers of influence that the left currently has (hollywood, academia, the MSM news, silicon valley, etc.) they might employ similar tactics. But the "sides of the coin" argument falls flat when you actually look at reality.

>Right Wing sore losers decide they must protest and make a change
>Dress up as nation's founders and hold rallies and concerts
>notably, they clean up after themselves and pay for the venues they protest at
>The "tea party" protests aren't associated with violence or mischief in any way whatsoever

>Left Wing sore losers decide they must protest and make a change
>Their protests emerge as angry marches that devolve into violence and destruction of property
>So violent are their protests that right wing speakers are refused venues for fear of resulting left wing protests
>And now they've started shooting

That's one lopsided coin

I agree but the elite on the right for so long went along with the (((globalist))) agenda.

You mean the commie establishment wants to push a certain narrative?that is crazytalk

>Is the media deliberately desensitizing us and subverting public opinion?


>its terrifying that people can so easily forget/outright ignore an attempted assassination of a politician or the media openly admitting that most of it's stories are fake
Most American media is fake, how do you think Donald Trump happened?

The Tea Party was something that naturally rose from conservative sentiment, but ultimately ended up as just another front for pro Israel standard GOP rhetoric. People like Glenn Beck pushed themselves to the head of it and it was already doomed to go nowhere. They turned it into controlled opposition.

More importantly, how the fuck does 5 feet come a foot after 5 feet?

>Is the media deliberately desensitizing us and subverting public opinion?

>Is Water Wet?

the thread.

>so the left can continue it's witch hunt.

No, the left merely does what it's told.

it's those in piz- power, who want this witch hunt to continue.

Leftists are just a bunch of easily led automatons.

>the elite on the right for so long went along with the (((globalist))) agenda.
Oh, they still are. Gotta keep em honest, gotta keep bringing in outsiders that aren't tied to their bullshit. It's interesting to see who squeals the loudest at the outsiders free from the corrupting influence of globalist string pullers. Squealers like Romney, McMullin, Chaffetz, etc.

>They turned it into controlled opposition.
>Right wing manufactured opposition
>Bunch of feckless boomers wearing tricorn hats talking about >muh taxes
>Left wing manufactured opposition
>Literal murderers

On a different note:
>People like Glenn Beck
>Glenn Beck
Too bad there's no pattern here that anyone could ever detect. If there was only some way to spot these clearly corrupt members of the right wing and know instantly they are tied to corruption and (((globalist schemes))). Oh well, I guess there isn't.

Many of us are well aware of the Mormon Question.

bumping for interest in this point specifically